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We continue to learn about our godly inheritance as believers. We have learned that righteous living preserves our inheritance. We have also learned that we need God's direction to avoid losing part or all of our inheritance through satan's lies.

Today, we look at another character in the Bible who dealt with an inheritance. Unfortunately, he squandered what he received through ungodly living. The Prodigal Son was the youngest son of a wealthy man. Although his father was still living, he demanded to receive his inheritance. The father obliged him and gave what was requested.

Not long after, the youngest son packed up his belongings and his part of his father's estate. He "set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living" (Luke 15:13). We can only imagine what exactly he did with his inheritance as the Bible does not provide much description. Our modern sensibilities would suggest that the young man spent his newly acquired wealth on alcohol, women, drugs, and fast cars.

Alas, a famine came upon the land he was in and he worked at a pig farm. He was so hungry that he had to eat pig slop to survive. Imagine having so much money whereby you could live 'large' only to end up so broke you have to eat food that's meant for pigs?

The Bible teaches in Proverbs 20:21 - An inheritance claimed too soon will not be blessed at the end. This is exactly why God will sometimes hold back certain aspects of our inheritance from us. He does it so we don't end up like the Prodigal Son who lost it all with wild living.

The Lord wants each of his children to be mature enough to use the blessings He gives in a responsible way. He wants His people to take each gift that is a part of their godly inheritance and leverage it so that it grows into something they can continue to reap. The Prodigal Son didn't do that. Instead, he squandered what he had with the sort of lifestyle that implies his father's wealth was used on things that please satan but not God.

And that is another reason why God will sometimes keep His blessings from His children - so that they don't put them into the hands of satan. God wants the blessings He gives to His children to glorify Him and not the devil. God does not and will not allow His gifts to be used for satan's purpose. So, if you have a desire that doesn't align with His word and plan - a detestable prayer - do not expect God to move for you on that issue. And if you see people using their 'blessings' for unrighteous things, be rest assured that this is not God's will, and don't desire to do the same.

May we not squander our godly inheritance on wild living or in any other way. May we not demand our blessings ahead of God's appointed time. May we wait on the Lord to unveil the many parts of our godly inheritance as He deems us mature enough to use them for His glory alone, IJMN, Amen. Let us praise the Lord that the story of the Prodigal Son ended well. Recognizing he'd erred, he went home and pleaded to serve his father because he knew that the servants in his father's house didn't have to eat pig food to survive. His father graciously welcomed him back and restored him to his rightful position as a son of the house and not a mere servant.

If you are a prodigal then today is the day to return to your heavenly father, repentant and willing to accept whatever He has for you. The Lord is good and gracious. By His grace and loving-kindness, you will be received with open arms as the Prodigal Son was, IJMN, Amen.

See you at Noon EST for fellowship.

To read the Godly Inheritance Series, please see:

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We recently learned about our godly inheritance and the fact that a life of righteousness helps to protect our inheritance from being stolen by satan. Today, we return to the story of the Gibeonite Deception to learn another key lesson in not squandering one's godly inheritance.

When the Israelites crossed the Jordan to Canaan, the Lord told them He'd given them a wide swathe of land stretching from the Wadi of Egypt all the way to the Euphrates (Genesis 15:18-21). This land already had several inhabitants in it. Yet, He took them through the process of claiming this territory one city and kingdom at a time.

At some point, an entourage of people came from the land of Gibeon (Joshua 9). They came seeking a treaty to keep Joshua from destroying them and claiming the land they lived on. They created a sophisticated lie, manufacturing evidence to suggest they'd come from a place too far to be part of the land the Lord had given unto His people.

Sadly, the Israelites believed this falsehood and agreed to become allies of the Gibeonites. Specifically, we are told in Joshua 9:15 that they failed to ask God for His direction before entering this covenant. Once the Lord revealed they'd been deceived, Joshua was upset and placed a curse on them. A curse that had interesting consequences for the Israelites centuries later.

One lesson to learn from this story is that because they fell for the Gibeonite Deception, the Israelites entered into a covenant that essentially prevented them from claiming part of the inheritance that was originally theirs.

The devil is constantly looking to have us agree with it in order to steal our inheritance from right under our noses. Just as the Gibeonites did to Joshua and the Israelites, satan is creating elaborate schemes to convince us to squander part (if not all) of our godly inheritance. It wants us to agree that we will be forever sick or poor or underemployed or ignored so we never realize that our godly inheritance means we are much more than even we realize. The devil wants to convince us that we can't carry God's glory and so it wants us not to bother trying to live righteously.

The only question is will you agree with satan and give up what God has promised to you? Will you listen to the devil and leave behind what is rightfully yours as a child of the Lord? If you agree with satan and fail to resist the Gibeonite Deceptions it has laid as a trap for you, then your godly inheritance will be lost.

To prevent this, you again must be mindful to live a righteous life. Such righteousness is not measured by worldly understanding. You need to study God's word to gain insight into this way of living. Studying God's word will also teach you how to distinguish how satan speaks as opposed to how God speaks to you. In addition, you also have to give your life to Christ and become born again so that you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who is tasked with reminding believers what God has taught and what they are to do or not do in every situation. If only Joshua had gone to God, He would have known the Gibeonites were liars intent on doing satan's work - depriving them of their rightful inheritance and causing them to disobey the Lord's instruction. That shall not be your portion, in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen.

Your godly inheritance is the key to a life filled with the fullness of God's goodness. It is also crucial to receive His wisdom which He has promised will bring health, power, long life, and wealth to name but a few benefits.

Again, the choice remains the same - will you walk in righteousness or will you agree with satan's plans to steal your godly inheritance?

I pray you will submit to the choice that will lead you into God's promises and blessings for yourself, your generations to come, plus the brothers and sisters in Christ you are to impact now and in the future. See you at Noon EST for fellowship.

For more on the How satan speaks series, please consider the following:

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Typically, an inheritance is a gift bestowed upon a child from a parent who has passed on. A man may give their son a painting. A woman may leave an item of jewelry for a granddaughter. Parents can also leave a house, land, or other assets such as stock and bonds. Such a gift is a reflection of the familial relationship. It is a gift the child did not work for but gets because of the love shared between the deceased and the recipient.

Just as humans leave an inheritance for those who come after them, so does God bestow an inheritance upon His children. However, His children don't have to wait for His death to receive this gift. Christ died so every person who believes in the Lord can receive a godly inheritance right now.

But what exactly is this godly inheritance? And how can a Christian get their hands on it?

To answer these questions, we must first consider what we gained when Christ died on the cross for us. The crucifixion earned us the grace of God, freedom from sin, power and authority over satan, strength, faith, God's love, and loyalty. We also received the right to proclaim that God's glory is upon us. Plus, we received the great gift of the Holy Spirit.

As to how we each can lay hold of these blessings and see them bear fruit in our lives, the key is righteousness. Psalm 37:18-19 - The blameless spend their days under the Lord’s care, and their inheritance will endure forever. 19 In times of disaster they will not wither; in days of famine they will enjoy plenty.

Living a life of righteousness will ensure that our godly inheritance is secure and well-protected. When this is the case, the devil cannot steal the rewards of Christ's sacrifice from us.

Plus, given that God cares for the righteous, it won't matter what is going on in the world around us. Things will always somehow work out well for the righteous. The Bible says as much in Isaiah 32:19-20 - Though hail flattens the forest and the city is leveled completely, how blessed you will be, sowing your seed by every stream, and letting your cattle and donkeys range free. That inheritance works and provides dividends no matter what is going on in the world.

We didn't work to receive our godly inheritance. However, we must live righteously to keep it and enjoy the full benefits of that great gift. The good thing is that God Himself has promised to help His people live righteously. Not only has He provided a variety of avenues to achieve righteous living, but He has also committed to giving believers the capacity to live as He pleases (Philippians 2:13). Each of us simply needs to cooperate with His Holy Spirit who is tasked with telling us which way to go (Isaiah 30:21). And the more we study His Word and obey it, the more familiar righteous living will be.

See you at Noon EST for fellowship.

To read the Godly Inheritance Series, please see:

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