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The Christian must be very careful how they live. This includes making intentional choices about what they watch, what they hear, and what they think. The Christian, over a period of walking with the Lord, should see these areas of their lives transform, becoming less as it was in their Before Christ (BC) days.

The Christian is also called to be careful of what words they let pass through their lips. The Bible teaches that words have great weight and the power to determine not only one's destiny but the future of others. As such, there is a responsibility to speak those words with godly wisdom.

A chief way to achieve this is to recognize that the tongue, which is one of the chief occupants of the mouth, may be small in size but mighty in effect. James 6:3 - The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.

It is easy to naively ignore the capacity of a small tongue to set a person's entire life astray. The scripture, nevertheless, highlights a progression. Hell sets a tongue on fire, producing flames that spring forth to burn its targets. And that sets a person's life on fire. The whole body follows into this evil flame, becoming corrupt.

This is what satan wants. It wants a Christian's tongue to be a weapon it uses to spread gossip or slander another's character, blaspheme God, and insult leaders - all things the Bible has stringently warned God's children to avoid.

Beyond this, there is a more sinister objective that satan has in getting people to lose control of the rudder of life that is their tongue. James 6:9-10 - With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers and sisters, this should not be.

The devil is powerless, having lost authority over humanity, hell, and death when Christ died and resurrected. As a result, it desires to use people to achieve its goal of stealing, killing, and destroying (John 10:10). And one way this is achieved is when Christians allow hell to set their tongues afire, discharging flames that not only engulf the target of such indiscipline but also the person who submits their tongue to satan's devices. The person who speaks this way speaks against a person whom God, in His wisdom, decided to create in His image. A person whose flaws God knows. A person God is likely reaching out to and patiently molding for His purpose. And instead of cooperating with God's plan for that person, a Christian will allow their tongue to become a weapon of attack that only serves the devil's plans.

We often say, "I didn't know" or "I didn't mean it that way" after using our tongue unwisely. However, if you are reading these words, you do know better from this day. You also now understand the following: we are all going to give account for every word we've spoken on the day of judgment. Matthew 12:36 - But I tell you that men will give an account on the day of judgment for every careless word they have spoken (BSB).

Jesus taught this to His disciples thousands of years ago. We Christians are His disciples today and we must put His teachings into effect in our lives, no matter how tough it is. Don't worry about what others are doing or not doing, focus on yourself and your need to obey Christ by guarding your tongue. The Lord will help you as you do.

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A desperate man with a deaf and mute son once told Jesus, "...if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us” (Mark 9:22b). He provided additional details of the son's condition indicating that the boy would sometimes have convulsions, go rigid, and foam at the mouth.

In reply, Christ parroted part of the request back to the man, saying, “‘If you can’?” One can only imagine that He was stunned by the suggestion that the power of God would not bring forth a breakthrough. He could have left the boy to his fate, after all, we are told He couldn't perform many miracles in His own hometown due to the level of disbelief there (Matthew 13:58).

Instead, He continued to engage the man, saying, “Everything is possible for one who believes” (Mark 9:23). What happened next suggests the man understood the key to his son's healing. Mark 9:24 - Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

We learned on Tuesday that God is compassionate and examined this great blessing that He pours out on mankind. We saw that Jesus exemplified the compassionate nature of God while He walked the earth.

His interaction with this man and his sick son was no different. He was not going to watch the boy suffer from diseases brought on by evil spirits without doing something. However, he required a condition and it was that the boy's father needed to have faith that healing was possible.

We are no different from that man. We also want God's compassion but have been conditioned by tough experiences to see this as a rare commodity. Sadly, we have witnessed compassion withheld from those who truly need it and expect to be treated the same way.

Yet, we serve a God who deeply desires to be compassionate toward us (Isaiah 30:18). Indeed, we are told in Matthew 5:45 that He allows both the evil and the good to experience the blessing of His sun and rain. Thus, if He can manage to show such kindness to the wicked, what more to those who are righteous?

Still, He wants His children - those who believe in Him and are led by His Spirit - to have faith that He will show them compassion. He wants them to believe that their miracle is on the way. This is because when a person's faith combines with God's loving compassion, the only result is a miraculous one.

The man with the sick son wisely declared his belief and even acknowledged he'd been wrong to disbelieve in the first place. He asked Christ to heal him of his lack of faith. Thanks be to God for such submission and insight because the boy was freed from the evil spirits that had kept him bound by disease.

God continues to work out such things to this day. His miraculous power and compassion haven't waned. Will you appeal to His compassion in faith, though? He wants you to and the reward will be well worth it when you do.​

To learn more, please the read:

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The term compassion refers to having concern, pity, or sympathy for someone or something. Sadly, it is in short supply in many communities around the world. For the children of God, though, compassion is waiting to envelop them.

This is because God is compassionate. We see His compassion at work in the story of Jonah and Nineveh. That kingdom was an enemy of the Jewish people. And so when the Lord sent Jonah - a Jew - there, he initially refused. God, in His patience and wisdom, pointed out to His servant in Jonah 4:11 - And should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many animals?

Just as God was unwilling to abandon Nineveh's population to their sin, His Son refused to allow satan to have the final say over the destiny of humanity. It was compassion that caused Him to agree to die for all people. Even before He died on the cross, Christ consistently displayed God's compassion.

In Matthew 14:14, He "saw a large crowd...had compassion on them and healed their sick." He didn't stop there, of course. In compassion for the heartbreak felt by Martha and Mary, we are told He wept over the loss of their brother, Lazarus (John 16:35). Then, He went on to display the glory and power of the Lord by bringing the dead man back to life (John 16:43-44).

We serve the God of compassion. He is the God who longs to pour out His compassion and will bless all who wait on Him per Isaiah 30:18 - Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

Notice that those who wait upon Him are blessed. Thus, patience is key to receiving the blessed compassion of the Lord. Since He saves those who call on Him we know that when we petition Him for His compassion He will grant it (Joel 2:28). Despite this promise, do not forget the word of God where He has also promised not to answer the prayers of the wicked (Proverbs 15:29). Thus, to receive the blessing of His compassion, you cannot afford to be a wicked person. The only way to achieve this is to live in accordance with scripture (1 John 1:7). If you measure yourself by worldly understanding instead of God's word, you will not be righteous and your petitions will not be answered.

Start moving in the direction of righteousness today and call on God to help you live a life that pleases Him (Ephesians 4:1). Know that God wants everyone to enjoy His compassion. He will do whatever it takes for you to experience it.

Tell Him you want this and be sure to obey His instructions in the Bible. Appeal to the God of compassion to help you with whatever challenge stands in your way. He is ready and willing to show Himself as compassionate to you.

Come back to fellowship with us at Noon EST. During that hour, we will worship, intercede for others with prayers, and cry out to God for His compassion to envelop us.

To learn more, please read the following past messages:

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