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Sinful desires. They are the bane of the Christian's existence. Apostle Paul explained it perfectly in Romans 7:15 - I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Like him, many of us aspire to live for the Lord yet somehow end up doing the opposite sometimes. It's a conundrum.

But what exactly are sinful desires? Some of us think we know the answer. However, in a world filled with chaos and confusion, where "alternative facts" are not considered lies but clever communication, we must sit with this issue and remind ourselves what God says.

The Lord has called us to obey His commandments. We are to study His word to learn what His expectations and instructions are so we can comply with them. He has made it clear that those who obey will be well rewarded here on earth and after death when they will live with Him for eternity.

When we look at the Old Testament, we see there are a lot of instructions given to the Israelites. It might seem difficult to keep track of them all so God sent Jesus who taught believers two main things. First, "love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength" (Mark 12:30). Second, he also taught believers the Royal Law, which is to ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ (Mark 12:31).

Our sinful desires are those emotions that send us into actions and thoughts that contradict Christ's instructions. They spring up from our flesh and not the Spirit of God that has been given to everyone who submitted themselves to Christ the Son and God the Father.​

Consider what God told Cain in Genesis 4:7 - If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must rule over it.”

This is the war we wage - if we do what is right then we will conquer sinful desires. If not, sin will overcome us and create distance in our relationship with God and His Son. This is why Apostle Peter taught in 1 Peter 2:11 - Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul. He warned us to keep our eyes on heaven so we don't think Earth is our home and succumb to the things of this world. God has provided what we need to overcome sinful desires and satan itself (2 Peter 1:3).

Fortunately for those who have given their lives to Christ, He has promised to protect them so sin (i.e. satan) will never overcome them (1 John 5:18b). This is also why the Bible teaches that those who are led by the Spirit of the Lord are the children of God in Daniel 11:32. These individuals can rely upon God's Spirit to steer them through life so that their sinful desires don't control them. This requires the genuine cooperation of the individual because God will not force His people to live right. He will, nevertheless, help them when they submit to that assistance.

So the question becomes are we going to be the ones who rely on God to overcome our sinful desires so we are not overcome by them? Or are we going to the people who in hubris think we've got it all figured out and can rely on our own strength? With God's grace and mercy, we will rule over sinful desires, living free from continuous sin through Christ who died to liberate us. IJMN, Amen.​

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The Bible tells us in 1 Peter 4:16 that although Christians will suffer for the sake of their faith, we are to "praise God that you bear that name."

Has it ever occurred to you to thank God that you are called by His name? Yes, when you became a Christian, you joined the family of believers and became one of His children. As is typically the case for most children when they are born, you got the name of your Father written on your birth certificate. That certificate is a page in the Book of Life that calls you the child of God and thus a bearer of this name.

It is easy for some to look at all their struggles and genuinely wonder what benefits they've experienced as a child of God. This is because God's children go through tough times. In many cases, the enemy attacks them to make them regret choosing God's family. And, at other times, the Lord allows these challenges to strengthen and build up His children. Neither situation is fun and when one is in the midst of it, the pain and stress can seem daunting.

Nevertheless, can you truly say you've never experienced God's blessing? Can you say He's done nothing for you? Are there no Jericho Moments you've experienced where God worked a miracle for you or a loved one? Has God not shown Himself to you in a way you can hold on to?

Even if that is somehow your testimony, there is breath in your lungs. You've been chosen to see a new day while others weren't so fortunate. No matter how tough things are, there is a future and a hope for you and as you walk with God you will surely see it (Jeremiah 29:11). Plus, despite the trials you have been through, a time will come when you will look back and smile that you made it through with God's help. All of this is because the Lord's best is for His children and He promises that the days to come will be better than those of the past (Job 8:7).

Also, because you are God's child and bear the mark of Christ per Galatians 6:17, the worst of what satan wanted for you never came to pass and never will. When the Bible said that the devil came to steal, kill, and destroy that was no exaggeration (John 10:10). The devil wants God's people feeling hopeless and if possible, dead. That way they cannot resist hell's operations on earth. It is the grace and love of the Lord that spares each of us from the fullness of satan's wicked desires and causes our enemies to not have success.

Today, let us express gratitude that we are part of the family of believers. Let us thank the Lord that we are His children, chosen and loved by Him. Take a moment to think of the kindness you've experienced in this world. Remember the mercy God has shown you. Give Him thanks, confident that you have encountered and will encounter more of His blessings because you bear His name.

And if you are unsure that you are His child, this is the moment to change that. Ask Jesus to come into your life and reconcile you with God. Tell Him that you want to bear the name of God and submit to being His child. Just invite Him to make himself real to you right where you are. And because Romans 8:14 teaches, "For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God," ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit. That way, you will always be led by the Lord and remain His child even when life seeks to pull you away from Him. I pray in the name of Jesus that everyone who cries out for the Lord this way will have a tangible encounter. May you come to know God deeply way whereby He's as real as any human being you know. I pray you will have a wonderful relationship from this day, in the mighty and wondrous name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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