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Have you ever heard of the term fiduciary duty? It simply means that a person has a responsibility to do everything within their power to best serve the interests of another. Sometimes an individual has a fiduciary responsibility to an organization such as their employer. Likewise, the reverse can be true whereby an institution has a fiduciary duty to individuals such as a law firm's duty to do things in the best interests of their clients. This issue is very serious and a person or business can be sued for failing in their responsibility. The consequence can be a legal judgment costing millions.

Fiduciary duties are equally important to God. The Bible is littered with the numerous duties He has to you. Covenants He made to protect you, advance you, and heal you, etc. He also expects a fiduciary duty from those who say He is their God. Especially since you gave your life to Christ and thus committed to be more like Him and less like ... you. And if you pay attention to the way Jesus lived His life, you will see He understood He took His duty to serve God seriously. You are to do the same.

And you can faithfully and fiercely serve His interests in the territory He has placed you. That territory may be your workplace, your school, your neighborhood, or elsewhere. Your role is to serve as His representative and further His interests there.

This requires that you distinguish yourself as His child so others come looking for what you know (the answer being God Almighty). He may call on you to regularly fast and pray to protect God's purpose in your territory. Or, God may need you to act as His witness, testifying to others about what He's done for you. He may have put you in a location for the benefit of everyone there or because of a specific individual.

Do you know why God has put you in your family? Do you know why He placed you in the job He gave you? How about in the neighborhood you live in? None of these things happened randomly. Everything about your life is ordained to serve God's purpose but if you don't stop to seek His wisdom, you will fail to faithfully honor your fiduciary duty to Him and the people He planned for you to bless.

Many of us are experiencing difficulties in life because we've failed to realize that our success is not for our benefit but for God's glory. That problem you faced until God sorted it out, for instance. He didn't do it solely to make you more comfortable. He also did it so you would regularly tell others and encourage them to taste and see that your Lord is good. You'd prayed for months for a job and then you got it, for example. He didn't work that miracle just so you earn a check and have the lifestyle you have always desired. He placed you there so that you can be His instrument of light, dispersing the darkness through complete submission to Him.

Too many want God's gifts more than the Giver and His expectations. And if you consistently and unrepentantly fail in your fiduciary duties to Him, you run the risk of stepping outside of the fullness of life He promised to His faithful. Never forget the caveat contained in Romans 8:28 - And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Yes, God is working things out for the good but only for those who love Him and are living in their Kingdom Identity - in their calling - for His purposes and not theirs!

If you think you are not yet serving God's purpose within the territory He placed you in, it is time for a course correction. Ask God to reveal how you are to satisfy your fiduciary duty to Him. Read your Bible and fast for revelation. If you know what He wants from you but have been stubborn, do not risk losing the promise contained in Romans 8:26 and other scriptures. Things may be comfortable right now but if God determines that, like the one-talent servant, you are not producing a profit for Him, then don't be surprised if the comforts you currently enjoy disappear. Please take God's interests seriously. Put them above your own so your blessings increase Matthew 6:33).

God has placed His word higher and more significant than His name according to Psalm 138:2. This means you can call on His name as much as you like but it is His word that really moves Him. Honor His word, bring Him profit from the talent(s) He has given to you by protecting and serving His interests in the locations He has placed you. Honor your fiduciary duty to Him and He will Honor you even the more.

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Trigger Warning: sexual assault.

We spent a week learning about godly friends, the need to pray for them and how to be one. Today, we look at the opposite of such relationships - ungodly friendships.

The Bible teaches us to pay attention to the quality of friends we keep. Proverbs 18:24 - One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Nowhere is this issue of ruinous friends better displayed than in the relationship between Amnon and Jonadab (2 Samuel 13).

Amnon was David's first son and thus the royal prince of the kingdom. As his father had married a number of women, he had a large family with many brothers and sisters. One such sibling was Tamar and sadly, he had an ungodly desire for her. 2 Samuel 13:1-2 - In the course of time, Amnon son of David fell in love with Tamar, the beautiful sister of Absalom son of David. 2 Amnon became so obsessed with his sister Tamar that he made himself ill. She was a virgin, and it seemed impossible for him to do anything to her.

For the average person, falling in love with a sibling, albeit one with a different mother, would never come to mind. However, Amnon dwelled on this evil idea till it became an obsession. He confided in Jonadab who was not only his friend and adviser, but was also a cousin. Instead of discouraging such thoughts, Jonadab concocted a plan to get Tamar to the prince's room. Amnon followed the plan and when alone with his sister, he raped her. Tamar's life was shattered and her brother, Absalom, murdered Amnon in revenge. The consequences didn't end there, however. Absalom resented his father for not punishing Amnon, leading Him to depose David, violently assault his father's concubines in public and ultimately dying in battle against his father's troops.

Had Amnon put God's word before the counsel of an evil friend, he would not have abused and assaulted his own sister. After all, the word states in Leviticus 18:9 - Do not have sexual relations with your sister, either your father’s daughter or your mother’s daughter, whether she was born in the same home or elsewhere. Instead, he listened to someone who encouraged his evil desires and that led to family dysfunction and death.

Another person with ungodly friends was Rehoboam. He became king after the death of his father, King Solomon. When he ascended to the throne, the people pleaded with him to reduce the taxes (1 Kings 12:4). He sought the wisdom of his late father's advisers who encouraged him to treat the peoples request favorably. He then opted to also get the opinion of his friends, young men who were inexperienced in statecraft. They encouraged him to mock the people and threaten to increase their taxes.

The Bible tells us in 1 Kings 12:13 - But Rehoboam spoke harshly to the people, for he rejected the advice of the older counselors. This choice to follow his friends' advice was a contributing factor to the kingdom splitting into two. Ten tribes went on their own to establish the Kingdom of Israel leaving Rehoboam to lead his tribe, Judah, and the tribe of Benjamin in the Kingdom of Judah.

God does not want us to have ungodly friends because like Jonadab and Rehoboam's friends they lack godly wisdom. Having such people in one's life is a surefire way to experience defeat, ruin, and possibly death. We must pray for godly friends filled with the fear of the Lord, His wisdom and His word. These are the friends we need to stick by us through the good and bad times. These kinds become like family and value our physical and spiritual interests.

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Caution: Spoilers Ahead.

I began watching Terminator Zero on Netflix recently, I couldn't help but notice how idolatry was a key part of the plotline.

Now, as a Christian who has been privileged to read the Bible, I know God despises idolatry and punished people severely for it. Plus, over the years, we have discussed the issue of idolatry a few times in our Praise & Pray (for others) fellowship.

So, it was weird to see how the show's storyline wove idolatry into the program. I don't even think they realized they did so, but I could be wrong.

Malcolm Lee, a computer genius and rich guy, created an Artificial Intelligence (AI) program named Kokoro. Malcolm's had dreams over the course of the years that told him that there would be a cataclysmic event that decimates the planet.

He created Kokoro in the hopes that it would 'save' humanity. The reasoning being that the program could create a solution to the impending disaster he believed would come.

In Episode Three, Malcolm engaged in a conversation with Kokoro (which took the form of a triumvirate, by the way) and pleaded with the AI to save humanity from the coming storm. Kokoro in turn notes that from its perspective, the destruction of humanity would benefit the planet etc.

I was actually working on my computer as I listened to the dialogue and I turned sharply to face the screen when I realized Malcolm was pleading with his own creation to save the world.

Is that not idolatry on display in all its glory?

Idolatry occurs when humans treat what was created as if it was God the Creator. It also occurs when a person puts anything else above God and His word.

We humans are very good at listening to everyone else's opinion instead of turning to God's wisdom. For instance, we would rather read Sun Tzu or Machiavelli for strategy on how to defeat enemies than study the Bible and pray for God's Spirit to fill us with a divine masterplan that will bring success.

Think about what takes up the majority of your time each day? Work, errands, calls with friends, watching television shows or movies and scrolling on social media. How much time is left for the Lord? If the answer is usually not much, then God does not reside in the primary position over your life and that could mean that other things are taking His place of importance. That is nothing more than idolatry.

Sure, AI can play a role in helping humanity problem solve, but in my personal opinion, AI - a thing created by humans - should never take the place of God. It is He who we are to go to for what we need and allow Him, instead of data and metrics, to have the final say in our lives.

I wish people would realize that the Lord has the answers to every problem they face, including those affecting our planet. God is mighty to save and nothing stumps Him. I pray that more people will come to know Him and His capacity to solve problems so that they don't think it's a forgone conclusion that what was created will have a decisive role in determining whether humanity exists or is destroyed by robots. That's a great storyline and it won't be reality (no matter how badly some people want it to be) because God is in control of everything.

Oh, and PS, the Bible says the world will always be inhabited in Isaiah 45:18. The Bible also says that Jesus and God will return to earth to establish it as God's dwelling place - not some other planet. In my opinion (based on Bible study), humans will be on this earth for a very long time. I pray we will do a better job of taking care of what the Lord made and allowed us to possess.

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