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Have you ever heard of the term "enemies of the cross"? What do you think it means? One might imagine the term refers to those who tried to crucify Christ centuries ago. Or maybe those who opposed Christianity in the past as well as in the modern era.

Fortunately, the Bible provides context in Philippians 3:18-19 - For, as I have often told you before and now tell you again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is set on earthly things.

This scripture refers to self-professed Christians who, over time, go from faithfully living by God's word and grace to living a life that negates the sacrifice of Christ. These are brothers and sisters who have become carnal. Carnality starts in the mind and happens when, over time, a person's focus and drive are for the things of this world instead of heaven-minded. Jesus warned believers of certain ways this could happen. He said in Mark 4:18-19 that the worries of this life, the deceitfulness of wealth, and desires for other things can cause a person to turn away from the Lord. When that happens, a person who once was a fervent follower can become an enemy of the cross.

If one is to be honest, it is hard to not allow the trappings of life to distract from the word of God. After all, narrow is the way that leads to a godly life and eternity (Matthew 7:14). Plus, there are bills to be paid, children to be fed, and other realities of the world that demand attention. We also live in a world where the big house, the fancy car, and exotic trips are held in high regard. Those who do not display their wealth are looked down upon and that creates pressure to go out and get the money that will purchase a lifestyle envied by the people of the world.

However, the followers of the Way - believers - cannot afford to take their eyes off God, His word, and expectations. We must remember what Christ taught in Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need (NLT). For us, the primary goal is to focus on what God desires instead of our desires. When Christ prayed that He would not have to go to the cross, He nevertheless knew that God's purpose was more important than His feelings, ending His petition with "yet not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42). When we put God first, He will give us the things the world desires but, in our case, they will come with ease instead of the soul-crushing sacrifices others have to make for success. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 10:22 - The blessing of the LORD brings [true] riches, And He adds no sorrow to it [for it comes as a blessing from God] (AMP).

We need to add patience to our faith in increasing measure (2 Peter 1:6). That is the only way we will stand firm as the Lord works things out for our good while ensuring that we are spiritually mature when we step into the fullness of life that is His promise (John 10:10). This will keep us from becoming enemies of the cross of Christ. The types who are ruled by their stomach and therefore, by their desires, which is contrary to God's expectation that we apply His spirit of self-discipline in all things (2 Timothy 1:7). We must be on alert because such enemies will experience destruction, which means the wrath of God.

The Lord will help us to live in a way whereby Christ will call us His friends, just as He did His disciples in John 15:15. We will not be enemies of the cross, IJN, Amen.

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As long as there have been Christians, there has been a need for them to be shepherded and steered so that they remain connected to the source of their salvation - Christ. The reason for this is simple. The devil has systematically worked to destroy the Body of Christ by injecting dangerous thinking and practices that serve only to create distance between individuals and the God Christ died to reconcile them to.

This issue persists in our day and is arguably worse than it has ever been. Believers can attest to the necessity to keep striving in their faith and godly learning. Several distractions and attitudes contrive to side-track once-fervent Christians to stray from the God they love. They become lukewarm, like those Christ warned of in Revelation 3:16 - So, because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of my mouth. These are those who have not donned their Kingdom Identity but cosplay as Christians and sit on the fence. They are ineffective for God's kingdom and thus serve satan's evil devices.

​So that we do not become like such individuals, we are told in Colossians 2:6 - So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. We are expected to continue living in Christ, meaning simply submitting to His authority is not enough. We have to allow Him to change us and remake us so our daily lives reflect Him and not the ways of the world. This happens as we receive and surrender to the Holy Spirit, creating a progressive relationship that deepens over time. As we do this increasingly, Christ will be our foundation and we will root ourselves in His instructions, reading the word of God so we understand what He expects. The more we do this, the more we will have experiences that build and strengthen our faith, putting it to work for His glory. And to cap it all off, we shall overflow in thankfulness in the good and bad times because we will know that all things are working out for our good.

Remaining rooted in Christ means we cannot disconnect from Him. Colossians 2:19 warns that some "have lost connection with the head, from whom the whole body, supported and held together by its ligaments and sinews, grows as God causes it to grow." We have to remember that Christ is the vine and He taught us in John 15:5 that it is only if we remain connected to Him that we will bear fruit. Fruit that will feed others and set them free. These others could be our children or their descendants. They could be the stranger who needs to see Christ's freeing light in us so that they equally seek the vine to which we are connected. Remember that as believers we have a responsibility not only to our fellow Christians but to unbelievers as well. We are to spread the good news of undeserved grace received through Christ that guarantees access to the best place to spend eternity - heaven.

Let us be resolute in continuing to live our lives in Christ. Let us take the intentional steps to keep the relationship going and growing. That we, being rooted in Christ, may serve God's kingdom here on earth, never becoming the lukewarm who will be spat out by the Savior. IJMN, Amen.

Come back at Noon EST for fellowship so that we may continue living lives rooted in Christ. God bless you.

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