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When I was much younger, debates were civilized affairs. One person would express their ideas while the person on the opposing side would wait patiently to share their thoughts. Nowadays, civilized debate is all but non-existent. People argue for sport, screaming at each other on television, social media, and in person. The latter situation tends to involve course language and in some cases, physical violence. Also, nowadays, no topic is out of bounds.

The Body of Christ has sadly not escaped the changing times. Christians readily argue over all manner of topics and the resulting 'discussions' aren't always Christ-like. They run the gamut from the debate on who is an Israelite to whether churches should play secular music during service. Then some argue women should not wear pants or makeup. Others staunchly disagree on whether Jesus was white or black, ignoring that He was born in the Middle East and likely had the physical characteristics common to that region. The list of potential divisions and debatable issues is endless.

However, Christians are to focus on advancing God's kingdom here on earth. We are His ambassadors, after all. The Bible instructs us to advance God's work through faith, not arguments about myths, genealogies, and other controversial speculations (1 Timothy 1:4). We cannot forget that believers have been cautioned against "meaningless talk" (1 Timothy 1:6). Plus, we are told in 2 Timothy 2:23, "Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels".

The Lord wants us to trust Him to guide us in our interactions with both believers and unbelievers. He wants us to submit to Him so His Holy Spirit can work through us to achieve His purposes. This could, at some point, involve a robust discussion where a Christian faces questions that challenge their worldview. If that believer is led by the Spirit, they will do so with a dose of love and peace, avoiding sharp disagreements. Faith, not the ability to argue and win, is what God desires from His ambassadors as they walk in their Kingdom Identity.

Think about it, when God called Moses to serve Him, the man worried that others wouldn't believe him (Exodus 4:1). The Lord responded by teaching him to have faith, showing him that the very shepherd's staff in his hand could be transformed through His power. Moses went forth and did God's work in the land of Egypt and elsewhere. Similarly, when Jeremiah was called to serve, he worried he was too young and nobody would listen to Him. God told Him that He'd placed His words in his mouth (Jeremiah 1:9). Therefore, all that was required from Jeremiah was faith that God would see him through. And that was exactly what happened as the prophet spoke God's word, advancing the kingdom, in the midst of stubborn people who eventually witnessed his prophecies come to pass.

God's approach was no different in the time of Jesus Christ. God's Son spoke about the kingdom to everyone who would listen. Though firm in His stance, he showed love to people and led them back to the Lord. He had faith that God would use Him as a vessel. He healed many, raised the dead, and miraculously fed thousands. These acts transformed lives for the Lord's glory and increased people's faith. They continue to have that impact today.

As we interact with others. we must remember to put our faith to work believing that the Lord will help us advance His good works on the earth. There is no need to rely upon our intelligence because God will show us how to behave and speak in a way that reflects well on His kingdom. The Royal Law also serves as a guide to treat others as we want to be treated and the more we study the word, the more we will learn how to carry ourselves. The good Lord will help us to advance His works and His kingdom through the faith we have, as we grow in Him, IJMN, Amen.

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The Lord wants us to live peaceful and quiet lives. This message is all over the Bible, including in the promise He made in Isaiah 32:18 - My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest. 1 Timothy 2:2-3, also notes that God wants Christians to "live peaceful and quiet lives in all goodness and holiness".

If that is the goal, why is it that for many of us Christians, our lives are far from that reality?

One reason for this is the fact that satan is on a warpath with Christians. The Bible states that it is like a lion, seeking whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8). The devil constantly looks for ways to lead God's children into sin and do things that do not please Him. As such, we should not make it easy for our enemy to accomplish its goal. It is therefore imperative that we become serious about the instruction contained in 1 Thessalonians 4:11 - "...make it your ambition to lead a quiet life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands..."

God expects His people to stay out of drama. This means we have to avoid creating problems, contributing to problems, or stepping into the problems created by others. This does not mean that we cannot help others solve their problems, after all, the Bible provides examples of God-fearing people who provided solutions in their day. Joseph in Egypt, Daniel in Babylon, and Jesus in Jerusalem each received insight from the Lord to solve the challenges of both individuals and nations. Just as God gave them wisdom then, He continues to give His people wisdom today.

God wants us to lead quiet lives, mind our business and work well.
1 Thessalonians 4:11

We also need to seek that wisdom and apply it so that we do not contribute to anyone else's problems. To achieve this, each of us must learn to mind our business instead of looking to be entertained by other people's issues. If, for some reason, we are drawn into someone's problems, our focus should be to draw God's goodness and solutions into the situation. Not the opposite. This is partly why we are to take the role of prayer intercessor seriously because that way, we can bring God's hand directly into the complex challenges people face. In so doing, God will be glorified and the person will experience His power.

Believers are also called to remain busy with the works of their hands. This means that whatever work a believer is doing, they should do it with zeal as if they are working for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). It is when our hands are busy that we can expect God to bless what they produce (Psalm 90:17). When a believer is occupied with their Kingdom Identity, their profession or business, instead of being a busybody or being lazy, there is less opportunity to become embroiled in 'mess'. This is why the saying goes, "idle hands are the devil's workshop.'

It is not a sin for believers to enjoy themselves or have fun. The Bible records countless moments of His people doing just that. However, we need to be more intentional about how we entertain ourselves and spend our time. Are we striving to live quietly or be involved in drama? Are we aiming to mind our business or be messy? Do we stay busy doing what we are charged with or do we allow ourselves to be lazy? In each of these scenarios, the latter option is contrary to the will of God for our lives. And in that case, we must prayerfully request and receive God's guidance. The more we prioritize His approach to things, the better off we will be. And as we commit to live as 1 Thessalonians 4:11 instructs, the Lord Himself will help us, teaching us how to become better. He will also reveal ways to avoid the pitfalls striving to ensnare us.

Let us each trust in God to transform us for the better.

For more on the Royal Law, please see:

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Many think the answer to fear is faith. The idea is that if someone's faith could be stronger, they wouldn't have any fear. While that may be true, please consider a slightly different hypothesis. What if another answer to fear is love? Specifically, God's love.

Look at 1 John 4:18 - There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

When fear has become a dominating emotion in a person's life it is because they are unaware of the depths of God's love for them. The average person has been conditioned to expect heartbreak in their interactions with others. They've been let down by friends, businesses, political and religious leaders, to name a few. They don't believe that anyone can be consistent or truthful. They see everyone as a liar, a cheat, and a source of potential disappointment.

They view God through this perspective, ignoring that He is not a man that He would lie (Numbers 23:19). Plus, as many don't study their Bibles, they are unaware of the love letters it contains. They, therefore, know little of the Lord's commitment to them. They have no idea that they are the apple of God's eye or that He has promised to keep chasing them.

Most people don't realize the walls they've put up because of the heartbreak they've experienced. Those walls limit their ability to fully experience love, even the love God wants to shower them with. However, if they let God pull those walls down they'd be surprised what He will do.

Personally, it wasn't until I was in a true relationship with God - studying the Bible regularly, worshiping, and more - that I learned what love was. He kept showing up in the tough moments and I became convinced that He was head over heels in love with me.

As I became convicted of that knowledge, the fear satan had used as a weapon against me had less effect. I trusted that the lover of my soul would show up and show out on account of me no matter the situation. Over time, this allowed me to sit back and let Him do the heavy lifting rather than me constantly seeking out solutions to problems. And as time progressed, fear continued to disappear. Sure, I'd jump when a family member crept up behind me to play a prank. I'm still a work in progress, but the irrational concern that nothing would go well or that my prayers wouldn't be answered lost its impact.

Many of us need to open our hearts to receive God's love. We need to understand that He's not interested in hurting us. He desires to love us with an unimaginable intensity. We have to be willing to let go of the walls we've put up because as we experience more and more of God's love, the crippling fear sent by the devil will evaporate. That arrow of fear presents as anxiety, insecurity, self-doubt, and self-hatred. God's love for us is freedom from all of this and more. He wants each of us to be showered in love.

The Bible states repeatedly that His love endures forever, meaning, He doesn't love today only to ignore tomorrow. He plans to love you forever. So tell the Lord you want to experience His perfect love which chases all fear away.

To learn more, please consider:

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