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God has called us to freely give to others from what we have no matter how tiny it seems. Jesus Himself taught His disciples that it is better to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). And we are also expected to give generously per 2 Corinthians 9:6 - Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. How exactly do we do this during these times of economic uncertainty and inflation? And how do we give cheerfully as we are told in 2 Corinthians 9:7, which states that "God loves a cheerful giver"?

Generosity is the capacity to give more than what is expected even when this puts the giver at a disadvantage. Jesus is a perfect example. When He fed 5000 men with the miracle of the five loaves of bread and two fish, He ensured all were satisfied (Luke 9:17). He could have simply given people a little to eat. Instead, He ensured their bellies were full and that there was plenty extra for anyone who needed more.

Similarly, there's a wonderful example of generosity in the Old Testament. When the Israelites were contributing items for the building and beautification of the Tabernacle, they brought so much that Moses told them to stop. Exodus 36:5 - “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done.”

There are many benefits to being generous. One is listed in Proverbs 11:25 which states, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." To prosper is to be successful at all one puts their hands to. Prosperity goes beyond wealth and reflects God's favor and glory in every aspect of a person's life. All God's children should desire such blessings.

Therefore, when praying for others, do so tirelessly. Our prayers may need to continue for weeks or even years. Generously intercede for people, praying with zeal for as many as possible and as regularly as possible. When you give from your finances, give what you can and do so cheerfully. Pray that no matter how small the amount, that same multiplication power that allowed 5 loaves and 2 fish to feed thousands will turn the little into plenty. And when the Lord calls you to give of your time to someone, something, or even to Him, ignore the itch to quit so you can get back to your regular schedule. Happily give your time to the things God has placed in your heart to do.

The devil will discourage your giving. It will lie, saying that praying for a particular person won't help because their issue is too far gone. It will note all the bills you are yet to pay when you want to give of your finances. And when you want to sacrifice your time to others in need, it will remind you of your never-ending 'to-do' list. Silence the devil with God's word. Remember that your giving honors the Lord per Proverbs 3:9 - Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops. It is therefore best to honor God by giving Him what He wants and never honor satan by doing what it wants, which is to not be a giver. Talk less of a cheerful and generous one.

The Lord will help us all to emulate what is godly and righteous in our giving, IJMN Amen.

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Did you read my water baptism testimony? Are you convicted by the Lord to go be water baptized as well?

If so, please permit me to share a couple of tips as you prepare.

Firstly, there's nothing wrong with knowing why you're doing it. Even if it is simply to obey Christ's word in John 3:5;7 - Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit...You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born again.’

Second, consider reading or watching a sermon/teaching on why water baptism is a good thing. I watched this video from the late minister Derek Prince -

And the sermon notes are available here -

Now on to some practical things to keep in mind.

Clothing: Please wear dark clothes because once you rise you'll be soaking wet and if you have light-colored clothing, it could become see-through. I wore black leggings with a long, loose sweater that would keep my hiney covered once I emerged from the water. I still wanted to look Christ-like and cute.

Body Products: if you will be baptized in a pool or large baptismal tub that others will also enter, consider wearing no or little makeup. The same goes for creams, perfumes, and hair products. The water can become quite filthy because of product buildup. Please keep this in mind for the brothers and sisters coming after you.

Hair: For the ladies who enjoy changing their hairstyle with a wig or two, consider wearing a cute scarf or turban when you go for baptism. After getting dunked, dry your hair with your towel and put a fresh wig on if you like. I recommend this because I can't imagine walking around with wet hair be it a wig or that which grows from the scalp. For context, it was below freezing outside when I got water baptized. Therefore this might not matter in warmer weather.

Here are a few things I packed in a bag when I went:

  1. Towel

  2. Change of clothes

  3. Flip flops

  4. Underwear

  5. Socks

  6. Plastic bags for wet clothes

That was it! After my baptism, I was not only overjoyed but I looked cute and was able to go out to celebrate with others afterward. It was such a blessed day.

I pray that if you choose to be water-baptized, you will be filled with even more of the Lord’s presence and grace. And that you will walk faithfully till He calls you home, IJMN Amen.

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Have you ever heard a voice trying to convince you that God won't come through for you? Maybe you read other people's testimonies and that annoying voice told you that God can do those things for others but not you. Or you see something in the Bible that sparks a prayer point and as you fire your petition a voice interrupts with all the reasons why you don't qualify for the blessing you're seeking.

Next time you hear that voice, say two simple words - PROVE IT!

Yes, demand that the voice prove the doom and gloom it predicts. Then immediately start proving why you're going to trust the Lord by declaring His word. Remember God has proven Himself more than capable since the beginning of time. Think about the times that He got you out of trouble in an inexplicable way. How about that loved one who was going through a tough time but you saw the impact prayers had on their situation? Throw that as evidence of God's power and might.

That voice trying so hard to dissuade you is none other than the serpent who lied to Eve and got the rest of us in trouble. It is the devil speaking, trying to shut down any well of hope that could flow in your heart.

The devil wants you to focus on the things you see and feel in the physical instead of keeping your eyes on Jesus the way Jairus did. If he'd taken his gaze off the Savior, he would have buckled under the false bad report that his daughter was dead.

Like Jairus, tap into the testimonies you've heard about and declare that the God who did it for those people will do it for you too. Open your mouth and declare your Jericho Moments - what God has done for you before. And, fling wordstones - God's word - into the situation.

The devil will tell you that you're not worthy. However, the devil's native language is lies. You can't believe a word it says no matter how true it sounds. At the foundation of everything it says are deception and falsehood.

So, challenge satan to prove its lies and immediately establish your reasons for trusting God. Resist satan with the word of the Lord and send it packing. God can and will prove Himself over and over again. This is because He cannot lie and never will.

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