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Friendships are an essential part of life and can either bring joy or sorrow. While satan prefers the latter, God's plan is for His people to enjoy godly friendships that honor Him while enhancing their lives. Fortunately, the relationship between Jesus Christ and His disciples teaches a lot about godly friendships and how we can have them.

Despite being the Son of God and receiving respect and reverence from His disciples, Jesus affectionately referred to them as His friends. John 15:15 - I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.

These men were ordinary individuals and yet somehow, the Son of God deemed them worthy to be called His friends. Peter was, from all indications, a hot-headed man. Andrew, James, and John were mere fishermen. Matthew was a tax collector - a career that brought disdain because such men were seen as traitors who oppressed their people on behalf of the Roman Empire. Yet, once the Savior chose them to follow Him, all those worldly distinctions ceased to hold any significance. And as they walked with Him faithfully, they became more than just students. They became privy to heavenly insight and had a front-row seat to signs and wonders never seen before. He did not deprive them of the knowledge of God or His word. He made sure they understood God's power, showing them what they could do as long as they had faith.

Jesus wasn't just concerned about their spiritual health, He paid attention to the issues they dealt with in the physical. For instance, there was a time when Peter’s mother-in-law fell ill and was running a fever. He wasn't too busy to take care of the issue. Mark 1:30 tells us that once Jesus was told, He left what He was doing to see her, took her hand, and helped her up (Mark 1:31). She was instantly healed and went on to cater to Him and all the other guests. That He could drop everything to attend to His friend's mother-in-law speaks volumes of how valued His friends. Arguably, He treated them better than His own family, who He refused to speak to when they came looking for Him. Instead, He remained where He was to keep teaching people the word of God (Mark 3:31-34).

Further, Jesus also exhibited godly friendship by praying for His friends. John 17 shows that He interceded on behalf of His disciples. He prayed that they would be united and protected from satan. He didn't stop there but went on to say those same prayers for each person who would ever become His disciple.

Do you see the various ways Christ exhibited godly friendship to others? He called His disciples friends, shared His knowledge with them, addressed the issues that bothered them, and prayed for them. He was loyal to His friends and they believed in Him. He remains loyal to all who are His friends today - those who believe in Him and God the Father. We must emulate these characteristics as we deal with the godly friends placed in our lives by the Lord.

It won't always be easy, people being people they will sometimes do things that disappoint you. Nevertheless, just as Christ was able to pray for and overlook Peter's disloyalty when he denied knowing Him before the crucifixion, we must also forgive and overlook the shortcomings of our godly friends. We must remember that God is gracious with us and extend that same grace to our friends. And, we need to copy Jesus's behavior in how we relate to both Him and the Father. Doing so will strengthen our relationship and take us from servants to being friends with God the way Abraham was (Isaiah 41:8).

See you at Noon EST for Praise & Pray (for others)

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I have learned over the years that not everyone who smiles in my face can be trusted. I've also discovered that not everyone who treats me nicely is actually a nice person. In some cases, the Lord has graciously allowed me to learn these lessons from a distance. By this I mean I got to see things play out in another person's situation. Nonetheless, I've had experiences where I discovered the significance of letting God determine who my friends are and create the rules for these relationships.

In understanding friendship, the Lord has consistently pointed me to His word in Proverbs 18:24 - One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Notice that a friend can either be unreliable, and thus lead a person to destruction, or so loyal that they become more than just a friend. The latter will not lead a person to ruin but will instead bless the other person in the short and long term.

This sort of relationship is exemplified through David and Jonathan's friendship. The Bible introduces us to their relationship in 1 Samuel 18:1-4 - After David had finished talking with Saul, Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself. From that day Saul kept David with him and did not let him return home to his family. And Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt.

Jonathan was the king's son, while David was a young man whose family rejected him. He'd been relegated to caring for his father's sheep, a job his father's servants could have handled. If you recall, when Prophet Samuel came to David's house and asked for the sons of the house to be presented, his father, Jesse, didn't think to have David called back from the pasture until God informed the prophet that a son was not present (1 Samuel 16). His older brother even called him conceited and wicked when he inquired as to what the reward would be for killing Goliath (1 Samuel 17). This is to show how others saw David.

Yet, none of that mattered when he met the king's son. By this time, David was known as the giant slayer and Jonathan instantly knew that David would be more than a friend but a brother to him. So much so that the Bible states on two occasions that Jonathan loved David as he loved himself (1 Samuel 18:1 & 3). And to illustrate this, Jonathan took the very hallmarks of his princely rank - his robe, sword, bow, and belt - and gave them to David. He gave his friend the things that identified him as a prince of the kingdom. Whatever status David once had in his family was changed. Plus, when David's life was in danger because the king was jealous and wanted him dead, Jonathan went against his father. When he discovered the conspiracy, he informed his friend of his father's wicked plans and protected him from falling into the trap.

This is the sort of loving care that is absent from romantic relationships. Yet, it was on full display in the Bible between two friends. And it didn't end when Jonathan died. Instead, when David was king, he remembered his covenant with his friend. It became the basis upon which Jonathan's only surviving child, Mephibosheth, rose from poverty to become a member of the king's household years later. And when the remaining descendants of Saul were to be killed because of a curse their forefather had brought upon the land, Mephibosheth was spared.

Godly friendships carry a lot more weight than you realize. When the Lord brings a friend who sticks closer than a brother or sister in your life, that person must be treated well. They must be treated the way you would like to be treated. You must realize that such a friend is not defined by whether they can bring you more social clout and influence. They are not to be defined by whether they will confirm your biases and say whatever you want to hear. A true friend from God will consider your best interest at all times. And because they are subject to the Lord, they will speak God's wisdom to you even when it hurts. They will make sacrifices for you out of the fear of the Lord. They will even go against their family to support you if need be. Such a person loves you and will step into the physical and spiritual battles of life with you. For this reason, they leave the realm of friendship to enter the realm of family. Both parties will surely benefit and it won't be a one-sided relationship.

However, you have to let God pick and send these people into your life. You can't decide who they are on your own and then go seeking them out. Instead, you should fast and pray for God to send God-fearing people whom He has chosen to walk on the journey of life with you. Not just as friends but as brothers and sisters in Christ. That He may be glorified and that your friends and yourself may be blessed. And, you must pray to be this very type of person to the ones He has called you to befriend as well.

See you at Noon EST for fellowship.

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It's hard to be content nowadays. Constant marketing encourages us to crave what's next and stay on trend. Upgrade your clothes. Upgrade your home. Upgrade your car. Upgrade your friends and even your spouse. Materialism is so out of control, that it has humanity barreling downhill like a rolling stone.

None of this was God's design. He wanted people to live in contentment. He wanted human beings to appreciate what He gave and lean on Him for whatever else they wanted, knowing He would not leave them without. This is why Psalm 23:1 announces "the Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want." Sheep are well cared for. They are led to verdant pastures where they have their fill and are guided to still waters to drink and rest. Their Shepherd wrestles the bears and lions that seek to snatch them away, keeping His flock safe from attack.

Sadly, most do not understand the relationship between a Shepherd and His sheep. The idea of such contentment and security is foreign because eyes are blind, ears are deaf and minds are closed to the reality that it is God's job to satisfy us. This applies to non-believers and believers, who must also be weaned from that erroneous mindset. Thankfully, God is more than able.

He wants His own to step into godly contentment. Such contentment is wrapped in the assurance and knowledge that God is steering His children to what He has for them at His appointed time. It means that those who belong to the Lord know that the fat of the land shall be theirs as they continue walking with Him. They therefore do not despise their current state, knowing that it is merely a rung on the ladder to the more He has apportioned for them. Zechariah 4:10 - Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” (The seven lamps represent the eyes of the LORD that search all around the world.)

First Timothy 6:6 is real to those with godly contentment - But godliness with contentment is great gain. It turns them away from the path of complaining and grumbling, ushering them into praise and worship even in dire circumstances.

Further, it prevents God's children from bowing to the spirit of Mammon, which pushes others to seek wealth nonstop though and they never arrive at satisfaction. This endless quest for riches brings destruction into their lives and the lives of those around them. Hence, the Bible warns, "Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction" (1 Timothy 6:9). Since God doesn't want this for His own, He builds them so He can usher them into the more when they are well-trained to withstand the temptations that will surely come.

We can never arrive at a point of godly contentment that blesses us and others till we are in a committed relationship with God. This requires a desire to know Him intimately and to grow in His word. Until God becomes enough, nothing will ever satisfy. For those in this category, personal and spiritual fulfillment will always evade them. Their lives will lack that one thing they desire. They don't realize that the one thing they need is the Lord Almighty. He alone is the source of true and lasting contentment. He wants everyone to experience godly contentment and the comfort and security that stem from it. He is willing to give and when you pray for it, you will not be denied if you are willing to receive.

Please join us at Noon EST when we shall give God glory and pray for other people before we ask to be filled with godly contentment. God bless you.

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