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More often than not, we forget how important we are and think we're ordinary, instead. Now, our importance isn't because of our education or finances. Oh no, we're significant because of how God sees us. We were and are so valuable to Him that He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us long before we were born. He knew that a blood price was needed to free us from the sinful inheritance left behind by Adam. God didn't blink. He paid the high price.

And yet, we sometimes doubt our worth to Him. We forget that He promised to pay entire nations as a ransom for us (Isaiah 43:3). And when we're not wondering if He knows we exist, we worry about how we'll meet His many expectations. Love others. Respect everyone. Help the poor. Don't gossip, deceive, or lie. Don't lust after other people. Don't covet what others have. Submit to authority. The list goes on.

These concerns arise because we don't realize that the same God who rescued us from sin through Christ's sacrifice is heavily invested in keeping us from falling back into the devil's clutches. These fears stem from not knowing that once we gave Him our lives and chose to believe in Him alone, everything changed. He took complete responsibility for us.

Romans 5:10 states, If the death of his Son restored our relationship with God while we were still his enemies, we are even more certain that, because of this restored relationship, the life of his Son will save us (GWT).

Therefore the God who paid a blood price for us will certainly help us with all that follows our submission to His will and plan for our lives. We don't need to try to do everything on our strength and be burdened by it all. We simply need to allow Him to carry the weight.

All we must do is cooperate with Him. He won't force us to step aside so He can go ahead of us. We have to make that choice each day. To do this, we can't ignore 1 Corinthians 1:8 - He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. Or the prayer said on our behalf in Hebrews 13:21 - May this God of peace prepare you to do every good thing he wants. May he work in us through Jesus Christ to do what is pleasing to him. Glory belongs to Jesus Christ forever. Amen (GWT).

We should be excited that God has given us everything we need for a righteous life: Him (2 Peter 1:3). We have to let His Holy Spirit remind us of what Jesus taught and apply it. We have to remember and rest on the promise in Philippians 2:13 - For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him (NLT). We must know that the God who rescued us before we knew we needed rescue is still rescuing us today, helping us to live a life pleasing to Him. We need to cooperate with Him, knowing He'll stick around despite our mistakes. His grace is and will be sufficient (2 Corinthians 12:9). We just need to remember.

Be sure to return for fellowship at Noon EST. God bless you.

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The Bible is full of instructions on how we Christians are to live. Consider, for instance, 1 Peter 2:17 - Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor. The verse is simple and uncomplicated, however, how many of us actually put it into practice?

The scripture begins with "how proper respect to everyone." Far too often, we look down on others who don't share our ideas and neglect to apply the Royal Law toward them. We might disregard the poor, believing they are lazy and need to work harder. Or, it could be foreigners who don't sound or look like us that we don't respect. We may be dismissive of those who are younger or less experienced. Yet, the word tells us to respect everyone and that leaves no person out. We therefore cannot create distinctions as to who we will or will not respect. Not even those who sin differently than us.

We are also told to "love the family of believers." Do we? Have we written off Christian groups because they don't have the spiritual awareness that we have in our group? Remember the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector? Jesus taught that lesson to correct those who were confident of their righteousness and looked down on everyone else (Luke 18:9). Do we ever do that? Do we ever look at other believers in Christ, thinking we are better than them? Or do we instead pray for the enlightenment of all God's people so that the Body of Christ will grow in the knowledge of Him? Do we gently and lovingly share the word with our fellow believers so they learn through scripture and not insults?

Do we "fear God"? The Lord told us to not be afraid of people, situations, and things but instructed us to fear and revere Him alone. Isaiah 8:13 - The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread. To fear God is not just about saying we do but living like we do. Thus, we won't do and say certain things so as not to disappoint Him. The fear of the Lord prevented David from retaliating against King Saul who tried to kill him multiple times (1 Samuel 24). Do we allow our reverence for God to stop us from going to certain places or watching certain things? From retaliating in action or words when hurt or offended? Do we fear God more than we fear others?

Then there's the directive to "honor the emperor." How many of us despise our leaders and have decided they won't get our respect? Many ignore Exodus 22:28 - Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people. Hence, we have insulted and spoken poorly about our national, state, and local leaders. Maybe it's because we think they are hypocrites or not as smart as they should be. According to God's word, none of that matters. There are no exceptions to the rule. When you disagree with a leader, it is imperative to take that issue up with God on your knees. That way, you won't run afoul of His commands. His servant taught in 1 Peter 2:13-14 - Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. Notice this requirement to submit extends to your boss, the police, your teachers, and your parents.

We all make mistakes and that means that at some point, each of us has failed to abide by 1 Peter 2:17. But, glory be to God, He is a forgiving Father who seeks to redeem us from all sin and set us on the right path. The Bible says so in Psalm 23:3 - He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake (NKJV). Let us allow the Lord to restore our souls unto Him so that we may be in right standing. This can happen when we choose to change our ways and allow Him to guide us on the path of righteousness. If there's any group or individual you don't believe deserves your respect, today is the day to do better. If you do not love other Christians and do not fear God, today is the day to change. And if you do not believe you must submit to those in authority over you or that you should not insult and speak badly about them, it is time to reconsider.

And if you feel that this message doesn't apply to you because you are already doing well in this regard, then congratulations. Now, take a moment to think about how you can do even better. I know that if you take the time to consider this and call on the Lord to help you improve, He will surely do it for you. For He who called you unto Himself is faithful. He will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24).

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It's the season to be merry and gift-giving is common at this time of the year. Often, presents are wrapped up in brightly-colored paper and a bow is placed on top.

Those colorful packages draw us in. There's something so attractive about them, right? Some of us will do almost anything to get our hands on one of them. It's the same mistake so many of us make in life. We look at someone or something and fall hook, line, and sinker for their 'packaging'. We are influenced by their look. However, Christians are commanded to see past the physical appearance of a person. John 7:24 - Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.

We examine a person's clothes, bags, home, and car and we think they've got it going on. Alas, those things are all superficial. They are not a true marker of how a person is actually doing in the physical and definitely not in the spiritual. Many have chosen to 'fake it till they make it', living a life of lies and shadows that will come crumbling down in an instant. We should not envy such people or even want their lifestyle of deception (Proverbs 24:1).

Instead, we are to focus on the fruits produced by their life. "By their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:20). What impact does this person have on yourself and others? Do they display godly fruit such as bringing joy to others? Or is this person the one who gets everyone gossiping or riled up? Does this person's life act as an example that God would use to highlight how you should be living or is it the opposite? As you ponder these questions, please note that the standard at issue isn't the world's. The standard to be met is God's.

As we look at other people's 'packaging', let us also be conscious of our own. Do we present a pretty box to observers while our interior is anything but? Do both our private life and public persona align with God's word? Or are we just pretending for others? Never forget what happened to Ananias and Saphira who pretended to be pious but were revealed for their deception by the Holy Spirit. Jesus taught in Luke 8:17 - For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Praise God that through Jesus we can be the complete package - pretty on the outside and even more beautiful on the inside. Through Christ, we can produce good fruits that serve God and give Him glory. He wants this for us and when we submit our lives to Christ, we get cleansed from the sin that once made us filthy. From that point onward, the Holy Spirit helps us to live a life pleasing to God with nothing naughty hiding out of sight. This is because the blood of Jesus washes us and makes us new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17). And as we rely on the gift of the Holy Spirit, we start to live lives free from the stifling burden of sin (Romans 8:2).

Take a good look at your 'packaging' - the public face you present. Is it godly or do you think the Lord would want to change it? Ask Him to help you represent Him to the fullest in public and honor Him to the fullest privately. He will surely help you because He loves you and wants the best for you.

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