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We live in uncertain times. Often, a person goes to bed only to wake to a completely different world. In the span of a few hours, wars have sprung up, natural disasters have leveled cities, and artificial intelligence has cost tens of thousands their jobs.

That is more than enough reason to make people anxious. After all, they have no idea what they will wake up to in the morning. And as anxiety mounts, the spirit of fear creeps in and settles into the minds and hearts of people. They are left unsettled with no sense of security or stability. All of this is the devil's design.

God, on the other hand, has instructed His own to have no fear. This is a command and not a suggestion. In fact, it can be found all over the Bible. When God said to have no fear, He meant it and as such, a child of God is in rebellion when they allow fear to overwhelm them. Granted, the Lord never said there wouldn't be cause to be afraid. He has, however, assured His people that there is no need for them to succumb to that fear.

Specifically, He said in Genesis 26:24 - ...Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bless you. Sadly, it is easy to forget this promise, especially when all one sees are fires that need to be put out. And yet, God expects His own to remember that He has promised to never leave their side (Deuteronomy 31:8). He also expects His own to remember that "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze." (Isaiah 43:2).

It takes time to learn some of God's promises given that there are so many. It also takes time to learn how to fling these verses as wordstones at every challenging situation. Nevertheless, these things must be done and the more we practice, the more proficient we become. Jesus said to His detractors in Mark 12:24 - Are you not in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God? This is a condition we don't want for ourselves. Thus, studying the Word is not optional, particularly in these dark times when troubles wait at every corner to steal our confidence in the Lord.

God expects those who believe in Him to remember His miraculous works and know that what He's done before, He will do again, plus more. His children must look past the raging storms of life, and invite Him into their boat so that the seas will calm around them. He has told us to set our fears aside and pray because then, things happen. He has said that His glory rises upon us and that makes a difference. He has promised the fullness of life to those who want it.

Many in the world seek out 'mantras' (which stem from Hinduism) and watch subliminal videos (which are popular in the occult and New Age practice) to gain peace. However, there is no lasting peace for anyone who fails to lean on God and strive for a righteous life that pleases Him. Ignoring Him for other solutions allows fear to be entrenched in a person's life because the spirit of fear only bows to the name of Jesus which brings the power and presence of the Lord.

Therefore, remember what He has promised and proclaim it over the situation threatening to fill you with fear - Do not be afraid, for I am with you; I will bless you. Keep saying it until you know it to be true and see it come to pass. God cannot ignore His word and He will surely show up to fulfill it.

Do you have any Bible verses you rely on when confronted by fear? Kindly share, so others can add more wordstones (scriptures) to their arsenal when resisting satan. Then, we'll gather at Noon EST to praise our God and pray for other people. God bless you.

To learn more, kindly read these related messages:

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The devil approached Jesus once in the wilderness and was summarily dismissed. Yet, the devil didn't stop 'coming for' Jesus. After that, it used people to regularly attack Him.

We are no different. The devil is constantly trying to stop us from doing the things God wants us to do. The day you commit to never lie again is the day some problem arises and someone suggests an explanation that isn't quite truthful. Will you go along with it or be honest? The day you commit to not doing drugs such as marijuana is the day a friend comes over with more than enough to share. Are you going to stick to your commitment or choose to participate one last time? The day you determine you're never going to engage in gossip is the day a scandal breaks out about a celebrity and you really want to know what's going on. Are you going to be satisfied with simply knowing the basics from the headlines, or will you go to your favorite gossip platform to get all the 'tea' as others share their unfounded theories?

These are the same sorts of issues Jesus faced. However, he had His priorities right - He was always focused on His Father's business (Luke 2:49). Rather than be dragged into gossip and being judgmental, for instance, He silenced an adulterous woman's accusers (John 8:3-11). Instead of watching a woman suffer with a bad back, He healed her on the Sabbath and faced the criticism of the religious leaders (Luke 13:10-17). Rather than watch others starve from lack of grounded spiritual knowledge, he taught all who would listen how to understand scripture and believe in God (Mark 6:34).

And as He did these things, He was called demon-possessed though He cast demons out of people (John 8:48). He was accused of sin, despite being sinless (Matthew 9:3). His enemies plotted His death, though He raised people from the dead (John 11:53).

How was it that Jesus could do all these things despite the great opposition satan sent His way? One reason was that He understood that it was beneath Him (Genesis 3:15). He knew the devil didn't have an ounce of the power it pretended to wield (Isaiah 41:24). This is why in John 14:30, Jesus said that satan "has no hold over me" (John 14:30).

Do you know that as a believer in Jesus who has submitted your life to Him, that same satan has no legal hold over you either? Sure, it will try to make you think it does but never forget that the devil is a liar. This is why Jesus said of satan that its native language is lies. Realize that satan is proficient at the language called lies, so you cannot believe a word it utters (John 8:44). And never forget that once you accepted the sacrifice of Christ on your behalf, His blood set you free. John 8:36 - So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

The devil has no hold on you and you'll continue to be slippery to the touch if you let Jesus work on you. And if you obey His instructions. He'll help you let go of the sins that once had control over your life. He'll show you which idols must go for you to truly be free and help you destroy their altars. Step by step, you'll break free from generational bondage into blessings and realize that satan can't keep you in sin habits and ideas.

Through Jesus Christ, freedom is available and possible. Through Him, you too can declare satan has no hold over me. Never forget Psalm 107:2 - Let the redeemed of the LORD say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy (KJV). Choose to be free today. Choose Jesus and declare - I am redeemed!

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For centuries, salt has been an essential part of human existence. At some point, it was used as currency in certain societies. While no longer used to buy and sell, its importance in cuisine and as a preservative has ensured its relevance till today. In fact, salt can be found in almost every home on the planet. While it is a naturally occurring compound, modern manufacturers often include additives in it. Some are to increase nutritional value, such as iodine for better thyroid health. Other chemicals such as anticaking agents are used to keep the product from clumping.

Given its significance to people everywhere, it is no surprise that salt makes its way into the Bible. It was used by Elisha to perform the miracle that cured the waters of Jericho (2 Kings 20). The term "covenant of salt" appears a few times, suggesting that salt represents loyalty and trust in an agreement between parties (Numbers 18:19; 2 Chronicles 13:5). Also, in Colossians 4:6, Apostle Paul advises that a Christian's conversations should be "seasoned with salt" meaning that they should be filled with wisdom and should not be unwholesome (Ephesians 4:29).

Even Jesus spoke of salt. He said in Luke 14:34 - Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? Here, He was speaking to His disciples, teaching them to be careful to not lose what makes them different from others. They had been filled and nurtured by their interactions with Jesus. They'd learned spiritual things that the average person didn't understand. Things that could and did transform not only their lives but the lives of others. These included healings, a deep understanding of the scripture, and other miracles.

How does this warning relate to us Christians today? What could cause us to lose our 'saltiness' and thereby lose our value?

As noted above, additives are included in modern salt. However, the wrong additives could cause salt to lose its flavor and become useless to the consumer. Similarly, believers must be careful to not be contaminated by the wrong 'additives'. There are things in this world intent on erasing everything Jesus has placed in us. These could be the content we watch, the posts we read, and the songs we listen to. A lot of the content out there is designed to make Christians forget the need for the Holy Spirit, the gifts of faith and patience, enticing them to resort to 'quicker' occult practices. Much of the ideas we interact with seek to convince us not to love others or know the word of God as Jesus instructed. Such things are depicted as unimportant and are in fact, despised.

And if we, as self-professing believers, aren't cautious, we'll allow these evil 'additives' into our lives. They will have us thinking attending church is irrelevant or that fellowship with others in the faith doesn't matter. We'll forget that we are called to give to the needy and will only focus on ourselves instead. Contamination will have a believer willfully disobeying God's instructions and living a life of sin, instead of walking each day, on the path of righteousness.

Then, the very things that made us spiritually salty become adulterated and lose their savor. And the many things we could have done for God's kingdom on earth all of a sudden never take place. In that case, satan wins, keeping us from being fully effective for the Lord and a problem for hell.

May the Lord help us to remain spiritually salty for Him. May we live as the salt of the earth - an instrument that brings flavor, preserves, and retains its flavor for the purposes of God Almighty, IJMN, Amen.

See you at Noon EST for fellowship.

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