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Have you been praying for God to be with you? Have you asked Him to not leave your side? Well, Jesus has given us a sure-fire way to get that petition answered. It is to always do what pleases the Lord. Specifically, He said in John 8:29 - The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.”

It makes sense to wonder how one can manage to always do what pleases God. Your mind has likely gone to the list of your recent sins and there's a voice telling you that you are incapable of accomplishing that feat. That only Jesus could have done so.

That line of thinking is a lie engineered to discourage you from trying to please the Almighty King. Keep in mind, that David was a mere mortal who God said was pleasing to Him because he did what God wanted. As such, the devil attacks this way because it knows that by pleasing God, you will enjoy His constant presence and receive His peace, healing, wisdom, understanding, strategy, and much more (Ecclesiastes 2:26). Your enemy has a vested interest in keeping you from such blessings.

That said, we must remember that God hates sin and those who commit it (Psalm 5:5). In fact, sin acts as a barrier to our prayers (Isaiah 59:2). After all, we are warned that having God's grace is not permission to continue living in iniquity (Romans 6:15). Thankfully, Jesus came to cleanse believers from their sin and help them live a life that is pleasing to God. Therefore, through Jesus Christ, it is possible to please the Lord. When we let Him into our hearts, we invite Him to teach us and help us walk on the earth as those who make God smile. It isn't always easy, but He is patient and desires to see us succeed.

The key is to not fall for satan's lie but to remember that Jesus restores and saves. He washes away the sin and the pain, clothing people in glorious garments that show they belong to God. Plus, never forget that the Bible provides different ways that each person can please Him. For instance, we are told in Micah 6:8 - He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]? (AMP). Plus, remember Cornelius who helped the poor and prayed? That was enough to please God whereby He sent an angel, then an Apostle, and finally, the Holy Spirit to transform him, his household, and his guests.

Another way to please the Lord is to have faith according to Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to [walk with God and] please Him, for whoever comes [near] to God must [necessarily] believe that God exists and that He rewards those who [earnestly and diligently] seek Him. (AMP). Taking care of one's parents and grandparents, particularly when they are widowed also pleases God as stated in 1 Timothy 5:4 - The children or grandchildren of a widow must first learn to respect their own family by repaying their parents. This is pleasing in God's sight. (GWT). Apostle Paul also instructed that when we petition, pray, intercede, and give thanksgiving for all people (including our leaders), we please the Lord (1 Timothy 2:1-4).

We must desire to please God and commit to doing so. Jesus will help because God made it so. Hebrews 13:20-21 tells us that through Jesus Christ, God will equip us with everything good for doing His will, and to please Him. Praise God!

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Earlier this week, we looked at the story of the 10 Lepers and learned the need to return and testify about what God has done. We aren't to keep the good news to ourselves but should share it loudly. And when we do so, we can witness an expansion of the miracle we experienced, as was the case for the one leper who returned to worship God and thank Jesus.

Today, we look at the Samaritan woman that Jesus met at the well. We've discussed her previously but will consider a different angle to her story. And that is - the power of testimony.

When Jesus met the Samaritan woman, known as Photine in certain Christian circles, He told her things about herself that no ordinary person would know. By the time their conversation at the well ended, she was convinced that He was the Messiah. So much so, that she ran to get everyone from her village and many became believers!

But why is that? What caused the people of that village to believe in Jesus? It was the power of her testimony as stated in John 4:39 - Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.”​

It is imperative for us to remember that not only is the sharing of testimony a blessing for those who share, but it is also a blessing to those who hear. The people in that village were so intrigued by Jesus' teachings and miracles that they invited him to remain with them for two more days. In that time, their conviction was deepened. Eventually, they said the following to Photine in John 4:42 - They said to the woman, “We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.

We must never forget that there may be somebody out there in the world who needs to be uplifted by testimony of what God has done for us. That testimony can be the first step to that person having their own encounter with Christ and becoming a believer as well. Let us not be selfish but instead, speak about what God has done for us because He instructed us to be His witnesses in this fallen world (Isaiah 43:12). Witnesses who attest that He is the one and only God.

It was the testimony of others that convinced the woman with the issue of blood to 'shoot her shot' and receive healing after twelve years of illness. The Centurion who sought Jesus to heal his servant had likely never seen Jesus perform a miracle. He was a man of Roman authority who didn't spend time in the places Jesus did. Yet, somehow, he'd heard of what Jesus could do and, on that basis alone, believed the Savior could heal a member of his household. Many others heard about this Jesus and so followed Him wherever He went in order to witness miracles and learn from Him the things of God. Even the demons that He cast out of suffering people testified that He was the Son of God.

So who are we not to proclaim His greatness, if not more? We can freely talk about our favorite celebrities and the news of the day. Some of us don't hesitate to gossip and speculate about others. Yet, we don't take the time to share with others what the Lord has done for us. We don't even take the time to seek out the testimonies of other people so that we are encouraged by their meeting with God.

Besides, when's the last time you bought something without checking the reviews. If we seek out testimonials of the products we purchase, then imagine those who need to hear our testimony to come closer to the God we love and serve. Brothers and sisters in Christ, I want to admonish us to speak up about God's power and might. I want to also recommend that we all make it a practice to seek out and listen to the testimony of others. Doing these things glorifies the Lord and blesses us as well as God's people.

PS: Have you heard a testimony from somebody that greatly encouraged you and increased your belief in God? Think about it and get ready to share during the last 10 minutes of fellowship today. God bless you!

To learn more on this topic, please read these related messages

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Leprosy is a bacterial infection that affects every part of the body. It attacks the nerves so sufferers lose feeling. Over time, it eats at the skin and bones, leaving a diminished quality of life. Nowadays, there is medication to cure the disease, but in the time of Jesus, leprosy was a death sentence. Additionally, lepers could not visit the synagogue, go to the market, or even be around others.

It is no surprise, then, that in the story of the 10 Lepers, these men stood at a distance and called out to Jesus for healing. They didn't dare come closer for fear of violating the Laws of Moses, which specified that they were unclean and could not come close to others (Leviticus 13:45-46). Nevertheless, Jesus didn't hesitate to help these men, telling them to go show themselves to the priest as was customary when a leper was healed. That way, the priest would perform the required cleansing rites. Jesus also intended this act to be a "public testimony" to the priest and likely others. He had said so when He healed another leper in Matthew 8:4 NLT.

Back to the ten former lepers. They all set off to find the priest as Jesus had instructed, except for one who did something different. Luke 17:15 - One of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, glorifying and praising and honoring God with a loud voice; and he lay face downward at Jesus’ feet, thanking Him [over and over]. He was a Samaritan (AMP). That man lauded the Lord for his healing and did so loud enough for others to hear.

He understood something that his peers didn't - it is crucial to worship God for what He's done. Notice that he is recorded as praising God loudly meaning that others could hear his thanksgiving. That means He publicly worshiped the Lord. And given the times, people likely came out of their homes or stopped as he went by to understand why he was shouting. In this way, the man was testifying to what God had done for him. Letting others know how God had freed him from a crippling life of bondage that would have led to a painful death. This man was not a Jew and would have been considered a Gentile, yet he understood the assignment. Although it was important to have the priest acknowledge he'd been healed, he couldn't do that before adequately acknowledging his God for all to see and hear.

Do you understand the assignment? Do you realize that God must get the glory first and that you need to honor Him publicly? When last did you stand as a witness of His power and presence in your life by giving testimony on what He'd done for you?

So many of us have experienced God's blessings but have failed to publicly glorify Him. We forget why King David danced like a madman in public when the Ark entered Jerusalem (1 Chronicles 15). Part of his joy likely stemmed from the fact that he and the priests brought the presence of God into the City of Zion without anyone dying as had happened on their previous attempt (1 Chronicles 13). Follow His example and make a joyful noise for the Lord. Dance and wave your hands in glee for what He's done for you. If you are reading this message, you are blessed because there are those who no longer can. If you can see, you are blessed and should praise God because sadly, many are blind. If you can turn on your faucet and watch the water flow out, give God the glory because there are countless people who do not enjoy such luxury, even in what we consider developed countries.

What are you going to praise God for today? How loud can you get? What testimony have you been sitting on that needs to be shared? Keep in mind what happened to the one leper who came back with praises. Luke 17:19 - Jesus said to him, “Get up and go [on your way]. Your faith [your personal trust in Me and your confidence in God’s power] has restored you to health.” (AMP). The former leper who rejoiced loudly and testified received complete and permanent healing. He went from being a leper to becoming one of the healthiest people on earth. His miracle was multiplied in his favor.

Acknowledge the Lord for His goodness loudly. Let others know how great He has been to you or to those you care about. Then watch that thing He did for you expand to His glory and your blessing.

PS: Write down a praise report and be prepared to share it in the last 10 minutes of fellowship. In the meantime, visit the Testimony Thread - Let's share our testimonies to His glory... See what God has done for others and thank Him loudly!

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