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Stepping out the door is much riskier than we realize. Sadly, many leave home to never return. Yet, we Christians commit the day to the Lord and trust that we will make it home safely. Praise God that He answers our petitions.

Given how normal it is to go and come daily, we often overlook the reality that the measure of faith it takes to step out the door is the exact amount needed to also face the huge challenge keeping us up at night. Instead, we erroneously believe that complex problems require a larger faith quota, neglecting the fact that God has given us a measure of faith (Romans 12:3). The measure of faith He knew we would need for the season we are in.

Take David, for instance. When he met Goliath on the battlefield, he didn't need some special dose of faith. His faith at that moment wasn't any larger than the level he had when shepherding in the wilderness. He noted that the God who protected him from the lions and the bears would be the same God who would protect him from Goliath (1 Samuel 17:37). Translation: he didn't need to have more faith when facing the giant than he did when facing wild beasts.

Unlike David, many of us have placed our faith in a cage, thinking it is too small for certain issues. When that happens, we set our faith to the side and don't use it. Suddenly, all we see are the giants in our way, forgetting that God can help us just as He has during past Jericho Moments. A thought crosses our mind - if only I had more faith... We believe that a bigger 'opponent' requires a bigger level of faith. That is a lie from the devil and it is one we must quickly resist. No believer can afford to allow satan's deception to convince them that there are different sizes of faith required for different issues.

As His children who live for Him, God is always with us. He's capable enough to do all sorts with the mustard seed of faith we've got. In His loving-kindness, He allows us to ask for a sign of His goodness - for reassurance - when we need it (Psalm 86:17). Even Jesus acknowledged that our faith can struggle when He encouraged all to believe in the evidence of His works, at the very least, (John 14:11). However, these approaches cannot be the norm for Christians. Children of God are to learn to rely on their faith and thus trust in Him to get them through the good and the bad.

The Bible tells us that faith is a gift granted by God's Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:9). It is a precious gift given to all who believe in Christ and submit to His authority. Let us, therefore, uncage our faith and trust God with the portion we have received. And when our faith is challenged, let us not overly focus on how much of it we don't have. When that happens, we allow guilt and sadness to creep in, to the devil's delight. Rather, let each of us learn from the apostles who cried out “Increase our faith!” in Luke 17:5. You can do the same.

Be sure to join us for fellowship at Noon EST today. We shall put our faith to work praising the Lord and praying for the needs of others. Then we shall call on God to help us uncage our faith.

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Psalm 86:17 - Show me a sign of Your goodness...

What a simple and straightforward plea. It was originally written by David centuries ago. He likely uttered this prayer while on the run from King Saul. David's problems started the moment Saul learned that David, and not one of his sons, had been chosen by God to become the next king of Israel. This anointing placed a target on God's chosen replacement. As a result, David spent years living in caves and away from the comforts of home. In all that time, he waited for God's promise - the promise that he would one day be king.

Can you imagine how hard this must have been for David? Can you imagine why a man who'd had enough faith in the Lord to kill Goliath and to lead the Israelite army into multiple victorious battles, could suddenly ask the Lord for a sign of His goodness? There's something about waiting for the fulfilment of the Lord's promise that can drive even those with the staunchest faith to plead for reassurance.​

And yet, in the Good News Translation, Hebrews 11:1 states, To have faith is to be sure of the things we hope for, to be certain of the things we cannot see. Therefore, as those who have faith in the Lord, we understand that a lot of our walk with Him will involve believing for things we can't see. We have to hold onto the belief that our expectations will come to pass. After all, that is the guarantee contained in Proverbs 23:18 - There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Additionally, God has promised us in Jeremiah 29:11 - I will bless you with a future filled with hope--a future of success, not of suffering (CEV).

Alas, despite all these vows from the Lord, we human beings still seek out God's reassurance just as David did. Thanks be to God that He is understanding of this human condition.

Have you ever desired reassurance from the Lord? Have you ever wondered if that was something you could pray for? I want to encourage you to have faith in God and trust that He answers prayers. His word states in Hebrews 11:6 - And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. You must believe that He exists and that He will not ignore you as you prayerfully seek Him. Your prayers aren't falling on deaf ears.

And if you are going through something where you need His reassurance, ask Him to show you a sign of His goodness just like David did. I pray that He will reassure you and that your faith will be strengthened, IJMN, Amen.

Join us at Noon EST today as we will worship and pray for others. Then during the last ten minutes of fellowship, we will call on the Lord to bless us with reassurance on the issues we face. Be sure to think of that challenge you would like to seek God's reassurance on. God bless you.

To learn more on today's topic, be sure to read

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John 2:5 - His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.”

Those were the words of Mary, the mother of Jesus, at a wedding ceremony in Galilee. The wine had run out but she knew her Son could fix that little problem. So she called on Him to take care of it. His initial response, however, was “Woman, why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” (John 2:4). She wasn't bothered by her Son's initial resistance. In fact, like many typical mothers, she ignored Him. Turning to the servants at the event, she told them to do whatever He instructed. And to honor His earthly mother, Jesus obeyed her request and promptly turned water to wine.

“Do whatever he tells you.”

What did the Savior require from the servants? John 2:7 - Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. The Master of Ceremony regaled the wine for being the best he'd had at the event. He praised the bridegroom's wisdom for having saved the best wine till later, instead of bringing out the cheap stuff after everyone was already well-fed and likely, well-drunk.

“Do whatever he tells you.”

Those words weren't just for the servants at that wedding party. They are just as true for you and I today. As believers, we are servants of Jesus Christ, called to do as He has commanded. And just like those obedient servants witnessed a miracle, so too can we experience the miraculous. We only need to obey Jesus and do what He says.

What has Jesus called us to do? Among other things, He has asked us to repent of our sins (Matthew 4:17). He has also asked us to believe in Him (John 14:6). He has told all to be born again in order to enter Heaven (John 3:5). He has called us to love the Lord completely (Mark 12:30). He has called us to love one another (Mark 12:31). And because He said “If you love me, keep my commands" (John 14:15) then, we need to implement what He's instructed in our lives. We need to have faith that He will help us accomplish this because of the promise in Philippians 2:13 - For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him (NLT). As long as we've committed to follow Christ and His commands, He will surely help us grow in obedience day by day.

“Do whatever he tells you.”

This has to be the watchword we live by - committing to obey Christ's instructions and serve Him wholeheartedly. Then, shall we witness an increase in miracles around us as well as in our personal lives. May the Savior help us to grow in our obedience. May we remember that the Lord blesses us so we can obey Him even more. And may we strive to increase in faith and obedience to Him, IJMN, Amen.

See you at Noon EST when we'll worship the Lord then intercede for others. These are both ways to honor the Lord and do as Jesus has instructed. So, come on back and join us for fellowship right here. God bless you!

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