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One of the greatest things about the Christian faith is that believers have access to unmerited grace. It is a grace that none deserve but has been made available to all who believe in Christ and proclaim His Father, Lord. This grace provides access to forgiveness even when we sin and fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23).

And the way to receive such forgiveness and grace is to confess and repent for our sins. The Lord has promised to forgive all who do so. 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

However, repentance is not the mere act of telling God, "oops, my bad. I messed up." In fact, saying "sorry" does not necessarily equate to repenting. True repentance is discussed by John the Baptist in Matthew 3:8 - Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God (NLT). This means whenever we truly repent for our sins we must start to live in a way that shows to the Lord that we have rejected the sin we confessed.

There is no question that doing this is not easy. Nevertheless, when we are confronted by our sinful ways and repent for them, we must do all we can to not continue the behavior. We do not want to be like the foolish person spoken of in Proverbs 26:11 - As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.

So how do we not return to our sin? How do we live like those who have truly repented?

It is crucial for us to confront our sins and the reasons why we commit them. Do we tend to gossip when around certain people or places, be they online or in person? Do we lie when under pressure? Do we use foul language when we're hungry and/or haven't slept? Do we fornicate when we haven't been spending time with the word of God? We need to be honest and keep track of the triggers that cause us to sin. We need to look at our lives with a critical eye and eliminate the people, behaviors, and other things that are common factors causing us not to please God.

Most importantly, we must call on God for help in identifying and removing the triggers that cause us to fall cheaply into satan's snare. The devil wants each of us to sin against God and it works hard to accomplish its mandate to steal, kill, and destroy lives (John 10:10). Our objective is to not be punked by satan. God is faithful to help us overcome the evil one. He is also invested in helping us not succumb to sinful thoughts and behaviors. It is therefore key to invite Him into the fight against sin, rely fully upon Him, and watch Him bring victory.

Finally, having acknowledged our sins, we must actually hate them. We can't expect God to help us with sinful behaviors that we don't want to get rid of. If we sugarcoat our iniquity, we won't want it gone and thus, we won't be able to truly repent. We can't ignore what God says is sin because the world says it isn't. Consider Romans 12:9 - Love is to be sincere and active [the real thing—without guile and hypocrisy]. Hate what is evil [detest all ungodliness, do not tolerate wickedness]; hold on tightly to what is good (AMP). Sin is evil and unrighteous and these are the things we are to HATE so we can truly turn away from them.

Be aware that we will make mistakes and sometimes, we will need to repent again. God is gracious and He sees our efforts to be better. Although that start and stop cycle may be discouraging, don't give up! Remember that nothing of value comes cheaply. Even Jesus had to resist satan more than once so expect to resist your sin more than once too. Yet, as long as you've tagged God into the match, be rest assured that He will help you overcome and live a life of true repentance to His glory.

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When things are going well, it is easy to shower God with praise and more devoted time studying the Bible. However, when things aren't working out, many have a hard time loving Him. Our faith dwindles and it becomes difficult to trust Him.

And yet, we are told to thank Him in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We are called to trust Him especially when things go wrong hence His instruction to cast our burdens unto Him (1 Peter 5:7).

But how? How does one, in fact, trust God when things have gone wrong? Especially someone who once had a good rapport with Him?

It all boils down to a choice each of us has to make. A choice to trust and believe in Him through the good times and the bad. Joshua was frustrated when his army went into the City of Ai and was defeated, leaving 2000 of them dead. Keep in mind the Lord had told him in Joshua 1:5 - Joshua, no one will be able to defeat you as long as you live. I will be with you as I was with Moses. I will always be with you; I will never abandon you (GNT).

So how did Joshua react to God when things went wrong?

He went to the Lord and sought understanding on what happened. He went in humility, having torn his clothes and sprinkled ashes upon himself - a sign of deep sadness among his people. He chose to look to God instead of walking away from Him.

Just as Joshua did not abandon his God when things went wrong, so also did God not abandon him. The Lord revealed what caused the defeat - the disobedience of one man, Achan. He'd taken things from Jericho though the Lord commanded the Israelites to leave Jericho with no plunder for themselves.

Following Joshua's example, we can't go before the Creator prideful or even angry but instead with deference recognizing He is the God above all gods. We must also keep in mind that the reason Joshua could continue to walk with the Lord was because God had a track record with him. Joshua had seen God do the incredible and he respected that. He knew that God was still to be trusted despite the disappointing defeat.

Each of us can make a similar choice to trust God in the heat of our disappointment by not abandoning Him. Instead we must go right back to Him who has promised to never abandon us, a commitment that He's made to all His children. After all He promised to never leave nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

It isn't easy but we must all remember our Jericho Moments - those times where God showed up and showed out on our behalf. We must also focus our gaze on God even when things have not happened the way we expected or prayed for. That is the time to not walk away from Him. It is the time to approach Him with praise, acknowledging that He is perfect and we are not. We can then pray for divine understanding and guidance.

May Joshua's experience remind us that we can still trust God when things go wrong. Joshua did just that and after obeying God, him and his army completely destroyed the City of Ai. They went on from there to witness many more of God's miracles. All because they placed themselves at God's mercy, despite a big defeat and trusted Him to be the way to bring redemption and victory.

To learn more, please read

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"Peace that surpasses all understanding." This is a term many Christians have heard of and, on some level, comprehend what it means. That peace arises in the moments where a person somehow is not bothered or worried, despite the chaos brewing around them. That peace is evident when, for some inexplicable reason, a person can sing and dance even as things fall apart. Someone looking in from the outside would see such a person and think they were crazy. They'd wonder how and why the person with peace isn't freaking out.

The peace of mind that surpasses all understanding is a great gift to have and it is one each of us can receive from the Father, no matter what's going on. He's actually told us how in Philippians 4:6-7 - Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. That unexplainable peace that sits in a person's heart makes them rest the way Jesus was able to sleep on a boat in a storm. And to get it, we have to meet the stated condition - we have to put our fears and anxieties to the side then place our requests before God with thanksgiving. Then, we shall receive the peace of God and it will guard our hearts and minds, helping us resist the devil and all the weapons it has formed against us.

This is one of the reasons why satan attacks people with the arrows of doubt and fear. It wants God's children to think that their Father can't show up in the tough moments. It wants those who believe in Jesus to think some problems are too big for the Almighty. And yet, here's what God said to Jeremiah in Jeremiah 32:27 - Jeremiah, I am the Lord God. I rule the world, and I can do anything (CEV). When satan attacks and it feels like all the walls are closing in, it hopes that we'll turn our attention away from the Lord and only see how large the challenges are. The devil does not want us to apply Philippians 4:6 because then, we'll have the peace of God and will no longer submit to its schemes to terrorize us and keep us anxious about...well, everything.

And we must remember that God is building us up - molding us - for His purpose. Part of the reason He allows us to face issues is to toughen us up and give us the necessary spiritual skills and muscle to not fall for the devil's wicked schemes. This means, God will take us through experiences where we learn how to put our anxiety and fears to the side, shifting them out of the way so we can present our petitions with a clear head and ample praises to Him. We've got to let the Lord take us through those valleys of life and trust that He will ultimately bring us up to the mountain peak. It's not easy and most people don't want to sign up for such an experience. However, when we remember that God did this with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph (in Egypt), Moses, Joshua, David, Naomi and Ruth, Daniel, Esther, Mary (mother of Jesus), Martha and her sister, Mary (the sisters of Lazarus) as well as so many other men and women of God, we've got to submit to God's plan and purpose. Even if it will hurt.

1 Peter 5:10 - But God shows undeserved kindness to everyone. That's why he appointed Christ Jesus to choose you to share in his eternal glory. You will suffer for a while, but God will make you complete, steady, strong, and firm (CEV).

We must let God have His way with us so that we emerge as the well-trained children who when faced with anxieties can push them aside, get on our knees, and pray with thanksgiving to the Lord. Then, we will receive the peace that surpasses all understanding. This shall be our portion, IJMN, Amen.

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