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Most of us are doing things that hamper our prayers. We're watching things, listening to things, and pondering on things that are detestable to God. Then we wonder why our prayers aren't being answered.

Now if we didn't know better then that would be somewhat of an excuse. However, we do know better and yet we continue to let our flesh rule over us, causing us to ignore doing what we know God likes while doing the opposite.

We have to make a sacrifice and put the desires of our flesh into submission so that the desires of God can flourish in us. We have to choose to not watch pδrn and not listen to highly suggestive songs that trigger the flesh to want certain things such as fornication, drug consumption and more.

We have to choose to not indulge in that content that causes us to criticize, gossip and/or use crass and foul language. We have to not buy that snack that always leads us to overindulge and thus not treat the temple of God, that is our body, well.

The truth is, it is hard to quiet our flesh. Even Paul, one of the great apostles of Christ, admitted to this in Romans 7:15 - I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. Sound familiar? I confess that this describes me more often than I care to admit.

If you feel the same, then thank God for His grace. He sent Jesus to die that we may each be unshackled from the chains of sin, guilt and shame. Through Him we can live free from the activities, ideas, and other things in this world that want to keep us from living for the Lord.

Let us each step into the cocoon of God's grace and undying mercy. Know that He has the power to set us free of ungodly behavioral cycles. Ask God for forgiveness for the things you do but quickly don't feel good about. Those things you do regularly or irregularly that leave you not feeling happy about yourself. The behaviors you regret because you know or suspect God doesn't approve of.

God loves you and will forgive if you genuinely repent. And when you ask Him for help to get free of these behaviors, He will arise to do just that. Of course, the enemy of your soul - satan - will do everything to keep you bound and make freedom seem like it's more trouble than it's worth. But remember that satan is a liar and that God is faithful. If you take it one day at a time, trusting God to get you through, that's exactly what He will do.

So what are the things you do that you know don't please the Lord? What are the things you're not certain about? Let's talk about these things and stand on the rock that is Christ to get free and enjoy the fullness of life that God said is our portion.

God bless you and see you at noon for fellowship.

Please consider reading the following old posts:

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How many of us have the perfect clapback for any situation? We've got the type of zingers that will quickly silence anyone who 'tries' us and we're proud of it. If we care to be honest, nobody can out-petty or out-scheme us. This is because no disrespect is too small for us to deal with in a way whereby the rude person is left with a rude awakening.

But what if I tell you that although the world expects us to react this way, the Word doesn't?

1 Peter 3:9 - Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.

We previously learned that we don't need to defend ourselves because God wants us to let Him avenge us. Today's lesson is that it's okay to look foolish when someone says something offensive and uncalled for to us. Our God doesn't need us to retaliate. We can simply walk away, lift the issue up in prayers, and let God handle it.

Instead of a petty response being leveled like a surgical tool to slice and dice the offender, we should remember the instruction to believers - that our words should be seasoned with spiritual salt as stated in Colossians 4:6. No matter what is going on, we are to remember that as Christians, we should take every opportunity to reflect Christ and what He stands for to others. Would retaliating with petty words of deeds accomplish this?

It is not easy to ignore an insult whether delivered directly or subtly, but God will help us if we ask Him for His assistance. Sure the other person may feel like they got us good, but this is where faith comes in. We have to remember that we serve a God who has said "vengeance is Mine" (Deuteronomy 32:35). Do you really think your petty reply could ever compare to what God will do to those who purposefully hurt you with their words and actions as if for sport?

Let us not repay evil with evil but allow our God to deal with those who mess with us. God can be more than petty when dealing with the wicked. Step out of His way - stand still - and let Him do what He wants to do. Psalm 91:8 - You will look and see how the wicked are punished (GNT). This means God doesn't require anything from us for Him to do what His word promises - that the wicked will get their just deserts. Instead, let us "repay evil with blessing" so that we "may inherit a blessing" from the Lord.

This is the promise of God and He will do it if we obey. God bless you!

To learn more, please read:

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The last few weeks have been very busy and have presented challenges that I wish I didn't have to deal with. They forced me to dig deep into what I knew of God and fight to not forget who He is and what He is capable of.

One day, while looking at an old journal of mine, I saw a simple and practical instruction I'd received years earlier while spending time with the Lord. It was - Our issues are actually praise points as they are an indication of the miracles coming our way. Although the sentence was written in my handwriting, I realized this lesson was one I'd never actually put into practice. Well, as I thought about the words, I knew it was time to change that.

I wrote down the main challenges I was facing in that moment and as I did, the Holy Spirit gave me scriptural references that spoke of God's promises on each issue. I jotted those down too. Then, I took a deep breath and started writing. I turned each problem into a praise point that incorporated scripture and reflected my faith and hope that God had already taken care of it for me. I then set to read that list once a day.

Praise God that in two days, my first praise point came to pass! seeing how God did it for me encouraged and reassured me that I will see what He does with the rest of my praise points shortly.

I want to encourage you to turn your prayer points into praise points. Those problems that have been weighing you down and seem like they will never be resolved are the very ones God wants you to give unto Him. Not just in prayer but also in praise. Acknowledge His might and power by thanking God in advance for the resolution He has already set into motion. Resolution that you will witness and rejoice for.

Do not forget that in taking this approach, I was armed with scripture. I strongly recommend that you do the same. If you don't know what scripture to use, please let this be a reminder that it is time for you to find it in the Bible. After all, faith without works is dead. So, please take the time to marry your faith with the works of seeking the scripture you need.

Take the issue you have and search for that term in the Bible. Also search with related words to pull up the verses that tie to your particular predicament. Don't just pull up random verses though, be sure to ask God for guidance and read the chapter containing the verse to see if it actually applies. If it doesn't, keep searching. It is best to patiently find what you need than to apply the wrong approach.

As a starting point, here are a few verses that are helpful to have in a believer's arsenal. They include

Psalm 23:1 - The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Philippians 4:19 - And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (NKJV).

There are many more. God has liberally given us scripture for every circumstance. Ask Him to lead you to the weapon in His word that will turn your praise point into a ballistic missile that will break through everything standing in the way of what you are waiting for. A godly missile that will reach God and become a sweet-smelling incense that pleases Him.

God bless you.

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