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We recently learned that we each need to seek and receive God's word about the situations we face. God's word will provide the assurance and confidence we need to overcome every challenge.

As we continue to quiet ourselves to pray for and hear the Lord's word, it is important to be aware that satan can attempt to hijack this process. The devil is interested in creating chaos and confusion. One way it achieves this is by whispering lies to people. When this happens, an individual can believe the deceptive word satan introduced, bringing disappointment and disillusion. This further leads to people feeling duped and thinking God lied to them.

Alas, in such cases, the problem is that they listened to what their "itching ears" desired to hear (2 Timothy 4:3). And satan knows what humans want to hear. Remember, it convinced Eve to sin so herself and Adam could have knowledge outside of God. It appealed to her curiosity and pride. The devil continues to steer people astray till this day as we learned in the How satan Speaks Series. It is therefore no surprise that when it discovers that a believer seeks revelation from the Lord, it will try to corrupt the person's ability to hear. After all, 2 Corinthians 11:14 teaches us that the devil likes to disguise itself as an angel of light. It does this to make people think they are hearing from the Lord when in fact, it is their enemy trying to destroy them.

However, as children of God, we need not fear whatever the enemy is up to. We must remain confident that the Lord will use every means available to ensure we hear from Him alone. He will move heaven and earth to reassure us that we heard His voice. He will use scriptures to quickly disprove any lie the devil tries to plant as a seed. Or, if need be, He will send someone to speak His word. There is no limit to what or who He can use to reach His children. The more we steep ourselves in His word, the more familiar we become with His voice so we can quickly reject the serpent's lies. And as we allow His Holy Spirit to transform us, we will notice the enemy's tricks work less and less.

Jesus Himself taught that His sheep hear His voice and do not recognize a stranger's voice (John 10:1-5). His sheep are those who believe He is the Son of God, cooperate with His Spirit and obey God's instructions. If any of this is missing in your life, today is the day to erase that deficit by repenting for sins and asking God for what you are missing - more of Him. If you are concerned that the Lord expects perfection and you can't achieve it, please worry less. God knows humans are imperfect and that has never stopped Him from achieving His purpose in a person's life when they submit to Him. His objective is to take His imperfect children on a lifelong journey, perfecting them over time so they can enter a perfect place when they die - Heaven.

When you understand His goal then praying, praising, studying the word, fasting, walking in faith, putting others first, and loving people become indispensable Kingdom Keys to help you partner with a perfect Father who is perfecting you for His glory. And as those and other spiritual tools work together, the devil's attempts to stop you from getting the revelation you need will fail.

By the grace of God, we are the sheep of the Shepherd of our souls and we hear His voice. We shall receive revelation from God and God alone, our ears closed to the enemy's words, IJMN Amen.

Please come back at Noon EST when we shall praise the Lord, pray for other people and again seek God's word on another issue we need His help on. It will be a wonderful time in His presence, so come and be blessed!

To learn more about the concept of God's Word, please read the following messages

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Whatever you are going through, I want to encourage you to take the time to ask God for His word on your situation.

What does this mean?

God has a word to get you through every challenge that comes your way. I recently testified that the Lord kept telling me not to fear because He has protected me. At the time, I had no idea why the Lord repeatedly told me this through various scriptures. However, the day came when my kids and I were involved in an active shooter situation at a mall. Knowing God's word kept me strengthened and in faith.

In 2023, the Lord instructed me to inform this group that everyone needed to sit by the well of living water. In that message, I noted that being at the well means we are well-positioned to draw and drink the living water that is Jesus Christ. This requires that we are already in right relationship with Jesus so that when life's challenges appear, we are already well-positioned to lean on Him for the solutions. That message further stated, "If, however, our walk with the Lord is lax, then when the problems arrive, we start scrambling to get right with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We start listening to the devil's lie that 'it's been so long since you took the Lord seriously so He won't take you seriously.'"

Positioning ourselves at the well will also enable us to receive a revelation, holy rhema, or an on-time word from God. He may give us a Bible verse that we can hold on to. It could be a lyric from a worship song. It could be a solitary word that guides us as we face down every challenge. It could even be an image or series of images conveyed through a dream.

You want God's word on whatever you are going through. You want God's word NOW. And to get it, you must give Him what He wants. Pray, praise Him, and study the Bible knowing that it contains mysteries that only the Lord can unlock. Doing these things positions you at the well of living water.

I don't know what you're going through or how long it has been going on. But, don't you think it is time to discover what God says about the issue? Don't you think it is worth investing the time to seek God's face and receive His word? If you sincerely ask and wait to hear, God will surely reveal what you need to know. He has promised in Joel 2:32 that everyone who calls on Him will be saved. Across the scriptures, He covenanted to answer those who cry out to Him as long as they are not wicked. Today is the day to take Him up on His offer and prayerfully ask Him to give you the understanding you need about whatever challenge you are experiencing.

And once you get what you prayed for, you need to hold onto it as a shield against everything the devil flings your way. It builds your faith and can be used to "extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one" (Ephesians 6:16). That word becomes the sword you use to destroy every seed of fear the devil attempts to plant in your heart (Ephesians 6:17). Cling onto this gift and wield it always to resist the devil and stand as God's blessed child. Brother and sister in Christ, it is time to get yourself a revelation from God.

Join us at Noon EST when we'll take steps to position ourselves at the well to receive the blessings of the Lord. Then we will pray for His revelation on the issues we're facing.

To learn more about the concept of God's Word, please read the following messages​

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