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When last did you read the Book of Titus? I have to confess it's a part of the Bible I need to study more. Like the rest of the Good Book, it has practical instructions that, if applied, serve to make life more straightforward and enable me to serve the LORD as He requires.

Consider Titus 2:7-8 - In everything, show yourself to be an example by doing good works. In your teaching show integrity, dignity, 8 and wholesome speech that is above reproach, so that anyone who opposes us will be ashamed, having nothing bad to say about us.

The bolded section jumped out at me recently as it highlighted a responsibility that is easily ignored by most of us Christians. We are expected to carry ourselves a certain way so that others will have nothing bad to say about us as well as the larger body of Christ.

You're likely thinking that even if you behaved like a saint, someone would find something bad to say about you. You're right. The reality is that people who do not believe in Jesus, and who do not submit to God, cannot have anything good to say about those who follow the Lord. We need only look at the experience of Jesus who was without sin and yet the people of His day chose to save a murderer from death instead of the Son of God.

Yet, a responsibility remains. We Christians must not behave in a way that gives others ammunition to accuse us and thereby, insult the Lord. In Romans 2:24, Paul lamented saying, As it is written: “God’s name is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” He was talking to believers who failed to observe God's instructions. We cannot claim to be Christians and not even try to behave in a Christ-like manner. Remember that the first Christians earned that title because of how they carried themselves. They didn't call themselves Christians, it was non-Christians who had heard the story of Christ that looked at His believers and could identify them as such.

Can someone randomly look at you and tell from your behavior that you believe in Christ Jesus? When you do the things you do ordinarily, are they Christ-like? When you speak to or about people, do you speak from a place of love or otherwise? When you leave comments online, are your words salted with grace as we are commanded in Colossians 4:6? Or, are they peppered with gossip, insults, ungodly ideology and vile language?

There is a standard God wants His people to keep. The question is do we? Or are we content to live no differently from unbelievers? Are we happy to ignore God's word and then give ammunition to those who then dismiss the Lord when they look at our behavior?

We each need to look at ourselves and be honest, do the things we do give Jesus, God and our faith a bad name? Don't worry about what others are doing or not doing as this is not the time to point fingers at others. This is about you and I and how we carry ourselves.

May the Lord help each of us to be honest and introspective. In childlike humility, may we see our flaws and allow God to help us overcome them, so we lead holy, blameless lives that give Him glory and cause others to praise Him, IJMN Amen.

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Have you ever read the Bible and thought it must have been awesome to be the sort of person that God would take the time to make promises to?

Look at Abraham for instance. He was nothing but a mere man and yet, God looked at him and made him great promises. Despite being aged, he became the father of Isaac and progenitor to Jesus. Then there was David. God promised him that his heirs will forever sit in royalty and this promise continues to pan out today because Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace who sits by the right hand of God and was a descendant of David. Or, what about Prophet Jeremiah? The Lord told him that nobody would be able to kill him and despite how many people tried, none managed. In fact, King Nebuchadnezzar honored him when his army conquered Jerusalem.

In this day and age, God continues to identify people to whom He makes promises. There are countless testimonies of people receiving specific and unique words from the Lord and they witness their fulfilment. There are also those who take advantage of the generalized promises contained in the Bible to their benefit and experience God's faithfulness as a result.

God wants everyone to become a recipient of His promises. Not just the ones listed in the Bible. No, God wants to call you by your name and make you a promise that will blow your mind when it comes to pass. His promises are priceless. Money can never buy them. Once the Lord makes a promise, He is sure to keep it. That's why the Bible refers to Him as the Covenant-keeper (Ezekiel 16:60). He takes covenants seriously. Even when we fail to keep our promises to Him, He is sure to not break His word (2 Timothy 2:13).

If you are interested in receiving a specific promise from the Lord, please look at Hebrews 11:33 - Their faith helped them conquer kingdoms, and because they did right, God made promises to them. They closed the jaws of lions (CEV).

Your faith is the key. It is the starting point from where you receive His unique promises for your life. Promises that are fine-tuned to your needs and when fulfilled, exceed what you could have imagined or asked for. It is that faith that will enable you to 'do right' as Hebrews 11:33 mentions. To live a life that God appreciates and thereby rewards with blessings that play out now and in the future.

Don't be deceived into thinking you must walk with the faith of a juggernaut. God knows that you are mere flesh (Psalm 103:14). This is why Jesus Himself, the Son of God, said we merely need faith the size of a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20-21). Have you seen what one of those looks like? They are small. Yet, that is all you need to be the person who does right in God's eyes and receives His specialized promises for your life.

The Lord has made accommodation for your small, mustard seed size faith. This is where Jesus and the Holy Spirit come in. If you let them take 'the wheel' they will help you whereby your tiny faith will multiply and seem like that of a giant. Never forget that a young David picked up a pebble and a slingshot to take down Goliath, a giant. Do you think he believed he was so skilled that his tools would defeat a well armored soldier who had what was considered advanced weaponry for his day? Not at all! David trusted in the Lord to take his little effort and faith and transform it into something great.

Also be aware that "doing right", as Hebrews 11:33 mentions, could mean simply standing still (Psalm 37:7). The key is to obey and apply the faith you have in order to do what is right in God's eyes. To someone who lacks faith, this process could seem senseless and unproductive. Nevertheless, it is God's opinion that matters.

Do you want God to single you out and make you some special promises? Think about it and come back for Praise & Pray (for others) where in faith, we shall worship our God. In faith, we shall set our prayer needs aside to focus on those of others. And in faith, we shall call on God to help us and increase our faith just as others did in Luke 17:5. God bless you.

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In His infinite wisdom, God determined that human beings would be able to execute His judgments here on earth (Psalm 149:6-9). His word states that the very power that raised Jesus from the dead is accessible to those who believe in Him (Ephesians 1:19-20). Even Jesus said that human beings would be able to do greater than what He did while He was on earth (John 14:12).

Yet, there is a common misconception that human beings are incapable of doing the very things the Lord has stated that He wants them to do. Many are asking God to do things that He has empowered them to do. For instance, Jesus said those who believe in Him will drive out demons, pick up deadly snakes, survive poisonings, and lay hands on people to make them well (Mark 16:17-18). The earliest Christians understood the significance of believing in Jesus. Together they prayed for Apostle Peter's release and God sent an angel to release him from prison while the soldiers watching him slept like babies (Acts 12:1-18). We don't even have to go that far back to see examples of how the body of Christ used their spiritual weapons to have a heavy impact on the world around them.

Despite the foundation laid for us, so many self-professing Christians feel powerless in this day and age. Why do so many think that God's power only moves for certain people and not all believers? Or, that the God of the Old and New Testament is now on holiday?

Part of the issue is simply obedience. We each have to learn to fully submit to the Lord so we see even more of His might. Consider what Apostle Paul said in 2 Corinthians 10:6 - And after you have become fully obedient, we will punish everyone who remains disobedient (NLT). Imagine that! When more of us in the body of Christ is fully obedient, then the disobedient will be punished!

God wants you and I to act as His hands on earth. He wants those who believe in Him to put the wicked and disobedient in check through His power. He has said He is building us up to be vessels for His purpose. He has stated we shall be the instruments He uses to remove obstacles (Isaiah 41:15-16). He has told us not to be afraid of anything that He is with us (Romans 8:31). In fact, before we were ever born, He had a plan to use each of us mightily (Romans 8:29). Unfortunately, our disobedience limits our capacity to take what God has planted in us and do more than we have done so far.

Unfortunately, we are holding onto behaviors and thought patterns that need to go. For one person, it could be unforgiveness. For someone else, it's jealousy. Another person might be struggling with fornication, while a different person has to let go of lying. God wants us to obey Him in the little and big things. If we let Him, He will show us how we've been disobedient and how this has prevented us from doing the greater works Jesus promised. And if we agree to obey, He'll take what seems like a small step to us and magnify it. He will help us to get stronger in our obedience to Him. There will be good days and less than stellar days but He will never let go of our hands as we journey toward full obedience. And as the months go by, we will grow spiritually and do the very things Jesus said His believers would do.

Are you ready to obey? Are you ready to become God's hand here on earth? To step into your calling as His royal priesthood? Today is the day to make this choice because tomorrow could be too late. If you are ready, let's pray the following:

Heavenly Father, thank You for creating me with a great plan for my life. I want to step into Your plan for me. I understand that my disobedience and sin have stood in the way of this and so I repent. I am sorry that I haven't walked truthfully with You and today I submit to Your will, Your word, and Your purpose for me. Take my hand and help me Lord. Grace to obey and be built for Your plans that my life brings You glory here on earth, IJMN Amen.

Glory to God! Come on back for fellowship when we'll worship together and take steps toward becoming God's instruments by praying for people and the world. See you at Noon EST!

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