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A few months ago, I used the following scripture to pray for you guys and realized I needed to carry you along in this prayer request.

2 Corinthians 9:9 - As it is written: “They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor; their righteousness endures forever.”

I used this as the foundation to seek God's blessings over Peppers and prayed for righteousness that will last forever. I quickly realized that for this to come to pass, Peppers have to be like those who have "freely scattered their gifts to the poor." On this point, the Lord helped me understand how liberal this category can be. It isn't just about giving money. The mere act of petitioning for others qualified. Hence, for those who freely intercede for others, He shall forever make them righteous and they shall, therefore, enjoy the blessings that spring forth from that privilege.

Now, for those of us who've been in this fellowship for a while, freely praying for others is something we are used to. Yet, can we confess it isn't always easy? Nevertheless, through consistency, intercession can become easier and more instinctual. The Lord will help us all.

As a result, I want to encourage you to give freely in intercession. The rewards are immeasurable but even if righteousness alone was the trophy, then the consequences should be enough to compel us all to pray even more for people.

These benefits include physical health, spiritual strength, financial freedom, success and more. We've done a thorough review of righteousness and its rewards so I won't rehash the details. However, I will say, please, don't come to P&P and recommend that others pray on a subject. Instead, drop a prayer on the topic, no matter how brief.

Let me explain why. The reason why you're asking others to pray on an issue is most likely because the Lord placed a burden on your heart. Don't relinquish that opportunity to somebody else or you relinquish the blessing you would have received for obeying God's nudge to cover someone with prayer. When this happens, you aren't "freely" giving to others in a way that will make the promise of 2 Corinthians 9:9 a practical blessing in your life.

Also, if you are going through a problem and want others to pray for you, simply turn that problem into a prayer point for others and watch how Peppers will take the mantle from there. This way, you bless others by praying for them and you would have blessed Peppers by allowing them to pray on something they wouldn't have thought to address otherwise. Additionally, you would have received the prayers of others and all you needed to do was pray for someone else with that issue. Finally, by being concerned for the needs of another, you would have shown God's love and practiced the Royal Law - treat others as you want to be treated.

May the grace of the Lord guide us whereby we give freely of the gifts He has given to us. May we each use our prayers and other aspects of our being to honor God and help His people. That we may receive from Him a righteousness that will endure forever, IJMN Amen.

Here are some related posts on intercession:

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An anchor is an integral part of a ship's journey from one port to another. The large metallic arrowhead shoots straight down until it strikes the seabed. At that point, the anchor will hold and the ship will not move. The vessel will bob with the tide or even get tossed around in more violent waters but the ship will remain in position because the anchor keeps it firmly in place.

God wants His people to drop their anchors into Him. He is the firm foundation that they need so they don't float away with the storms of life or crash into other ships, remaining in place no matter how rough the seas get.

It is best to set the anchor early in life. Why? That way when the tempest comes (and it will come for everyone), you are ready and will ride it out with God Almighty keeping you steady.

The person who doesn't know God when the storm arrives is tossed about and unsettled in life. They run all over seeking solutions, not knowing that the Lord has the remedy they need.

Many of us came to God that way. Facing trouble and in need of help, He saved us. Can you imagine, however, if you'd known Him prior to that life-changing challenge? How much time wouldn't have been wasted? Or how much stress would have been avoided?

The truth is we can never tell. What we do know is that God opened His arms to us when we were a mess. We didn't need to clean up to get the help we needed from Him.

That said, if you are yet to face a storm that required God's miraculous help in your life, then this message is a clarion call to set your anchor in Him today. You might have figured out how to navigate the trials of life without Him but there's a storm coming and you'll need your anchor to strike true ground so that when the wind whirls and the sea gets rough, God will keep you firmly in place. Others will flail, crash to bits and capsize, but God will keep you upright. You might stumble but with Him, you won't fall (Psalm 37:23-24).

Set your anchor in God early, before life's bad weather sets upon you. Start by seeking God in His word. The blessings for this are endless (Psalm 119:2; Lamentations 3:25). Be sure to fellowship with others (Hebrews 10:25). Learn to fast according to the Bible and not the world (Isaiah 58). Pray regularly and not just for yourself but for others as well (1 Timothy 2:1). Make His kingdom a priority (Matthew 6:33) and apply the Royal Law a little bit each day (Mark 12:30-31). God Himself will help you grow and because you are taking the aforementioned steps, your instinct will be to look to Him and not the world when trouble comes knocking.

See you at Noon EST for fellowship! God bless you!

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By now, we each understand how crucial it is to be careful about the ways in which we communicate about God and our fellow human beings. It is imperative not to slander or blaspheme the Lord and regarding people, applying the Royal Law will place a guard on our lips and thoughts, so we don't speak about them in a way that is contrary to God's word.

Did you know you need to be cautious how you talk about yourself as well? It is very common for individuals to make disparaging comments about themselves. These are comments that belittle and undervalue one's self. Some make such self-deprecating comments out of a desire to appear modest. For many others, they speak this way because they genuinely do not understand that they're a big deal in God's eyes.

Whatever the reason, as God's child you need to have a healthy amount of Godfidence. Please note that this confidence doesn't stem from how good-looking, intelligent, or wealthy you are. It has nothing to do with ego and it is definitely not pride. Instead, your confidence must come from knowing you were created by God in His image and that He loves you.

And that makes you a big deal to the Lord. So much so, He sent His only son - Jesus Christ - to die for you. The devil knows this and it can't get over the fact that we receive constant forgiveness and grace from God. It, on the other hand, was kicked out of heaven for one sinful act. Plus, if you weren't a big deal, satan wouldn't work so hard to trick you and make you believe you're not as important to God as you really are. The devil does this because if it can make you see yourself as less then you aren't as much of a threat to its desires to harm you and everything around you.

The Lord taught me this lesson when I once, in prayer, said, "I am nothing." He immediately corrected me and said," You're not nothing." In an instant, scripture flooded through my mind, reminding me just how much God loves and values me. Specifically, Isaiah 43:4 - Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you, I will give people in exchange for you, nations in exchange for your life. And that is but the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how God truly feels about you and I!

Never again did I make that mistake in my speech or thinking. And neither should you. The devil understands how crucial each and every person is. It knows that our souls are worth so much to God and it fights tirelessly to make us feel less than we should.

But God has said, "You are mine." (Isaiah 43:1). He has said He knew you before you entered your mother's womb and came to live here on earth (Jeremiah 1:5). You therefore matter more than you could ever imagine. Each of us does. And we need to never forget it. We can't allow the enemy to use the media, our thoughts or the words of others to make us think we are less. We are the children of God. The ones He redeemed for Himself. Each time the devil's lie comes into your mind to steal, kill and destroy, fling your wordstones and make it flee (James 4:7). Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, instructs Psalm 107:2. Say out loud, I am the redeemed of the Lord! Through Christ, I am the righteousness of God. I am His beloved. To God, I am His favorite and I wouldn't have it any other way!

God bless you and IJMN, may He remind you of how much He loves and values you in a mighty way, IJN, Amen.

See you at Noon EST for fellowship!

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