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King Asa was once leader of the Southern Kingdom of Judah. He started off with much promise because, amongst other things, he acknowledged God and relied on Him solely in the face of trouble (2 Chronicles 14:11). He also destroyed most places of idol worship. The Lord rewarded his faith and obedience by blessing the nation with prosperity during his reign. But then, one day, the Northern Kingdom of Israel took steps against their brother nation, Judah (2 Chronicles 16). Instead of turning to God as he had in the past, Asa resorted to the political games leaders play. Feeling threatened, Asa bribed the king of Aram to break his treaty with Israel. The result was that the Aramites broke their covenant and attacked Israel.

However, there was an additional and more serious consequence. The Lord sent Prophet Hanani to chastise King Asa for relying on man. 2 Chronicles 16:9 - ... You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.” Asa threw the prophet in prison, and refused to repent for his mistake all his days. He died of a foot disease that God could have cured had he turned back to acknowledge his Maker.

Remember our discussion on the need to acknowledge God from the last message? Also do you remember one of the scriptures referenced? Jeremiah 17:5 - This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD. King Asa made a choice to not acknowledge God by relying on what many of us would consider a smart political tactic. Nevertheless, God's word is that those who have witnessed His power in their lives will suffer if they turn away from Him. When this happens, the goodness of God they enjoyed starts to dry up. However, even when such a mistake has been made, there is a way out. King David turned from God when he committed adultery and murder (2 Samuel 11). God sent Prophet Nathan to pronounce His judgment and David responded with great remorse. The Lord's reaction was immediate - David was forgiven. He still suffered the consequence of his sin just as God had said - the baby that was a product of David's sin died. Yet, God's mercy endured. David and Bathsheba ultimately received joy for their sorrow over the loss of their baby. God gave them another child. One whom many are familiar with - King Solomon. God is so gracious and when we repent for sin, He has promised to forgive us and show us His mercy (1 John 1:9). We simply need to genuinely repent. Let us not turn from the Lord and His kind favor. He knows that many of us will return to our default settings when things get tough. Those default settings are simply the ways we behaved before coming to know and experience His character and goodness. This happens when we allow 'muscle memory' to kick in. If we have failed to acknowledge Him in any way and instead resorted to muscle memory, He will forgive our repentance. This is why He sent Jesus to die and carry upon Himself each and every of our sins.

We therefore need to turn back to the Lord and acknowledge Him. We must confess our sin, repent and decide to have Him and Him only as our anchor in the storm. Not money. Not deception. Not that person we mistakenly see as the solution to our problems. Not shrewd hijinks and manipulation, which were the options King Asa chose. Take a good and honest look at yourself. Now is not the time to talk/think about how others need to change. This message is about you. Are you the type who relies on man and not God, even if that 'man' is yourself? You think you can rest on your savviness and smarts? Are you the one who has seen the goodness of God, but when trouble came again, your default settings kicked in? Don't turn away from the Lord. Run to Him right now and do the needful.

Please join us at Noon EST for fellowship. God bless you.

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Hosea 4:1 - Hear the word of the LORD, you Israelites, because the LORD has a charge to bring against you who live in the land: “There is no faithfulness, no love, no acknowledgment of God in the land.

These words were a cry from God in His disappointment as He looked at the way His people were living. One of His major concerns was that His people failed to acknowledge Him.

They did this in a variety of ways, including:

  1. the nation relied on their intelligence leaving no room for God's guidance;

  2. there was no justice in the land, contrary to Gods word;

  3. murder and bloodshed were prevalent, despite God's commands;

  4. their leaders relied on alliances with other nations and their military prowess for protection. Not the promises of God to defend them; and

  5. the 'priests'/diviners/seers resorted to occult practices (other gods and idols, i.e. satan) for answers.

Many of these people faithfully went to Temple - the house of God - yet were not living for God. Their ears itched to hear what pleased them, not God's truth (2 Timothy 4:3). They were like those who even attempted to kill those who brought God's word as it annoyed them so much. Sadly, we can admit that many of these issues are rife in our society today, even among Believers. However, lets look within. Any of this sound or feel familiar? Are you making the same mistakes these people did?

The problem of their failure to acknowledge God had been ongoing for hundreds of years. In all that time, the Lord had been calling on His people to return to Him. He'd been begging them repeatedly to submit to His instructions for their own good.

The Bible tells us what happens when people do not acknowledge the Lord - when they rely upon themselves instead of Him. Jeremiah 17:5 - This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD.

We are God's people if we believe in Jesus. Let us therefore commit to acknowledging the Lord even more in our daily lives. We've repeatedly discussed making the studying of the Bible a daily practice. Same with praising and praying. Be sure to publicly share testimony of what He's done as well. These are crucial ways to acknowledge the Lord especially if you allow these Kingdom Keys to transform you day by day.

An additional way is to slow down before you take major and even minor decisions and put them before God. Ask Him to take control and rely on Him to do so. This takes time to become a regular practice but if you commit, the Lord will help.

Most importantly, ask the Lord to give you His Holy Spirit as He is the gift given to everyone who believes in Jesus. The Holy Spirit will help you to properly acknowledge and rely upon God. And when you learn to submit to the voice of God, you will experience the Holy Spirit working out the Lords will in and through you. You will not make the mistakes made by those God spoke to via Prophet Hosea. That way the punishment of Jeremiah 17:5, a punishment that befell the children of Jacob when they were captured by enemies, will not be your portion, IJMN Amen.

Please join us at Noon EST for fellowship. God bless you.

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Not too long before Jesus voluntarily went to die for us on the cross, He said a prayer for all who believed and would believe in Him. It is such a loving testament to the Lord and also reflects such great love for us who believe in Him.

Take John 17:26 for instance, I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them.

Let's take a moment to break down this verse and appreciate all it entails. Jesus did in fact make God known to people. Not just through His words but through His deeds. He performed miraculous healings, fed thousands of people, and raised the dead in order that people would know God's power in a practical way and believe in Him.

He did these things because He loved God and He loved people. And, He declared that He would continue to do so - forever, by the way - so that people will continue to know God's love and be filled with Christ. What a great promise of loving devotion to the Lord and unending compassion for the rest of us.

Many of us are already familiar with Jesus being the loving Son of God. An example for us to live up to. It cannot be any surprise, therefore, that He taught us to know and live in accordance with the Royal Law - love others as you love yourself. With all this familiarity, when last did we thank Jesus for all He's done, is doing and will do on our behalf? How many of us take the time to remember where we were and what we were doing when our cries of desperation were heard (Psalm 120:1)?How many of us remember the miry clay we were pulled from so we could stand on Him, the solid rock (Psalm 40:2)?

How often do we take the time to appreciate that Jesus, and no one else, carries our prayers to the ears of the Father (Hebrews 8)? Through Him and His sacrifice on the cross, we receive blessings, grace and immeasurable mercy. None of these things would be possible without Jesus Christ.

Let us take the time today to truly express our appreciation for Jesus and all He's done, is doing and will do for us. Thank Him not only because He works tirelessly for you but He also does it for the people you care about. Give Him an extra thanks when we gather to worship today and remember He's promised to make known the love of God to you as well as ensure you are filled with Him. That means enjoying the fullness of life - both physical and spiritual.

Glory be to God. Glory be to His Son, Jesus Christ. And, glory be to the gift of the Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7-12). The Lord is One (Deuteronomy 6:4). God bless you, IJN, Amen.

Be sure to join us for an hour of fellowship during Praise & Pray (for others). Come ready to glorify God, giving Jesus some love too, and pray for other people with zeal. See you then!

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