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We're still looking at how we react and the fact that fearfulness keeps us from obeying God's instruction to "be still" and let Him handle the unfair treatment we often face.

It must be said that not all fear is evil. Indeed, we have been called to fear the Lord and spent a series of weeks considering the importance of the fear of the Lord for believers. We also know that 'fear' as an instinct keeps us from doing certain things such as sticking our hands into a campfire or walking across a six-lane highway during rush hour.

However, there is fear that is ungodly. This is the type of trepidation that stops people from trusting God's power and capacity to solve their problems. This is the sort of fear that flings a person, practically unthinking, into reacting instead of listening for God's instruction.

That fear, that emotion, which causes you to react to it instead of reacting to God, is rebellion. Why? Because God's word has called us to not be afraid.

Remember the verses shared by others on Friday? Most of them contained the terms "do not be afraid" or "have no fear". Those aren't just recommendations, they are instructions, though given in a loving and reassuring manner. God did that because He is kind. Nevertheless, in one way or another the Lord has called us to not be controlled by fear. We therefore must obey.

Praise God that He knows this is something we will struggle with and in His mercy He does not disqualify us on this issue. Consider Peter, the disciple of Jesus. Despite having had a front row seat to Jesus's power, Peter denied the Savior three times in a night. The reason for this was fear. And yet, the Lord redeemed Him, calling him to take his place in ministry despite his previous failures (John 21).

That grace is available to all who have succumbed to fear or may even yet. We receive and exist in that grace through Jesus Christ, which is why it is crucial to believe in Him and submit to His authority. For then we become of Christ who is of the Lord and receive His Holy Spirit, who teaches us how to overcome fear.

In that knowledge, we shall proclaim that we will no longer be subject to the spirit of fear. We shall fight that spirit with the word of God and our submission to His will, IJMN, Amen.

See you at Noon EST for fellowship!

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Last week, we discussed how we react to unfair treatment and the need to let the Lord take control in such situations. While not easy, because we've been conditioned to be Voltrons - transform in a minute's notice in order to fight - the Lord wants us to be still and allow Him to be the Defender of our Universe. On Tuesday, we focused on fear being the reason why we feel so compelled to defend ourselves instead of allowing our Helper to do the heavy lifting.

Today, we continue to look at that evil culprit - fear. We want to examine how to get rid of the fear that tries to hold us captive. The Bible makes it clear that fear is a spirit, therefore, as we are made in the image of the Lord and as carriers of a deposit of His Spirit, we too can overcome, IJMN, Amen.

To destroy fear, we must allow God to build our faith. And yes, He will do this through the very tough moments we prefer to avoid with our plans and contingencies. The challenges we seek to solve without His input. You might be wondering why we should be willing to experience these difficulties. Apostle Paul explained it best in 2 Corinthians 1:9 - ...But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead.

It may seem counterintuitive, but God has always dealt with His own this way - taking them through troubles to show them He is dependable in all circumstances. Think of Gideon who lost tens of thousands of fighters because God wanted him to have a squadron of only 300 (Judges 7). Or Daniel who had to spend the night in the lion's den (Daniel 6). Their faith had to overwhelm all fear and once they did this, the Lord did the incredible! We are capable of the same. We too have a bold spirit and believe God is more than able. We have seen Him perform miracles and heard of His great works in the lives of others. Remember, He told us to believe in His works in John 14:11? We too can therefore be still and let the God who was the fourth man in the fire walk with us until we come out having not been set ablaze.

Since faith comes from hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17), we combat fear by proclaiming scripture. One such verse is Isaiah 40:29 - He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. This way we acknowledge that though we are weak, our God empowers us against fear and anything else that is not of Him. If we believe in Jesus and profess He is our Savior, then we must rebuke fear and renounce any hold on us with 2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. We must keep repeating the word until it settles into our marrow and becomes a part of who we are.

Submitting to God's way and applying His word are our weapons to resist satan and fight fear's stronghold so we can be still and let the Lord bring us to the fullness of life He has in store for us. May we each slow down to break all ties with the spirit of fear and let God be our avenger, IJMN, Amen.

What verses do you use to rebuke fear? How do you remind yourself that God will fight for you? Today, let's share the scripture and learn from one another. God will be our guide. See you at Noon EST for fellowship!

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On Friday, we discussed how we react to unfair treatment. Today, we continue to look at this subject via God's word in Exodus 14:13-14 - Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

When things go wrong, especially when we feel we're being treated badly (and not it as a result of our doing), it is very easy to start fixing things so we don't come out the loser in the situation.

However, the Lord wants us to fall back and let Him handle things. Unfortunately, it can be very hard for us to "be still" because we live in a world where that isn't normal. Each day is fast-paced and if we miss anything, our to-do list grows. Where, then, is the time to be still? How exactly can we do what prophet Habakkuk said in Habakkuk 3:16 - ... I will wait quietly for the coming day when disaster will strike the people who invade us.

The answer is that we each have to address our fearfulness. For it is fear that keeps us from trusting the Lord to do exactly what He said He will do. And in case you've forgotten, He has promised to fight for you.

Sadly, fear is all around us. We turn on the TV and its being fed to you via the news. It's waiting for you at work where everyone's wondering whether the higher-ups plan to let folks go. It's at home when you double-check your doors at night to make sure an intruder doesn't find your property an easy target.

Yet despite this, God wants us to have peace in knowing that the disaster that comes upon the ungodly will not visit His children (Proverbs 3:25). Sure, unpleasant things will happen, but that weapon formed by the enemy to attack our peace, our finances, our health, will not endure against you (Isaiah 54:17). If we would only "be still", then God - the Head of Heaven’s Armies - will do battle on our behalf (Isaiah 49:25). And we'll come out smelling fresh as a rose.

We must each say no to fear so the proverbial 'Egyptians' in our lives - those things seeking to keep us from God's freedom and promises - have no foothold to latch on to. And then, we can "be still" and watch the Lord fight for us.

Come fellowship at Noon EST!

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