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Recently, I faced a problem that involved another party. Prior to the issue occurring, I suspected it would arise and took every possible step to forestall it. The other party ignored my warnings. Of course, what I assumed would result came to be. And who do you think the other party wants to leave dealing with the negative consequences? Well, you guessed it - me.

My first reaction was to pray. However, the prayer was quite short because my irritation sparked and I kicked into my training to resolve the situation. Then something happened. I believe it was God's grace. I stopped what I was doing and called on the Lord sincerely. I spoke His word and somehow, I felt ... peace. It was in that environment that I was able to still myself and as I proclaimed scripture over the matter, He told me what to do next. His instruction was very different from what I would have chosen. In fact, it didn't change the injustice of it all.

And then, I remembered a verse and smiled. Psalm 103:6 - The LORD gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly (NLT).

The verse reminded me that God will give me something nice for my trouble - His righteousness. It was a reminder that I wasn't going through the trial for nothing. God's hand had not left me and no matter what the result, things would work out for me because that is His promise in Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

And as I write, another verse has come to mind. Nahum 1:9 - What do you conspire against the LORD? He will make an utter end of it. Affliction will not rise up a second time.

Although we don't want to be treated unfairly, the truth is that it will happen sometimes. Nevertheless, it is all for God's greater good for us. We forget that we cannot claim the promise of that verse - affliction will not arise again - without having experienced affliction.

As such, the way we react says a lot about the growth that's still needed in our walk with the Lord. We believers have to change our "default setting" to affliction, oppression or unfair treatment. It may take a while, but we must surely learn to switch from complaining, grumbling, or applying a scorched earth approach in retaliation. Instead, we must remember God will bless us for our momentary troubles (2 Corinthians 4:17). Righteousness and freedom from repetitive troubles are but a few of the rewards He has in store. And we need to claim these things for ourselves in prayer, using His very word. Praise the Lord there is an overabundance of scripture to proclaim.

May we each grow stronger in the Lord, in our knowledge of His power, His voice, and His word. May His grace enable us to avoid the snares the devil has set for us. To His glory and by His grace, IJMN, Amen.

See you at Noon EST for today's fellowship hour. Thanks to all of you who held it down on Tuesday when I was unavoidably absent. May the Lord bless you greatly, IJN, Amen.

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I've always marveled at the casting process for shows and plays. Sometimes, thousands of actors show up and give their very best to land a role. A role that in many cases, is devoid of their input and opinion. They take the script, interpret the words written into physical movement, vocal tone, and emotions. All to convince casting directors to let them pretend to be someone else. We also have an opportunity to play a role in our walk with the Lord. However, unlike the traditional Hollywood process, with God we get to choose the character we play. Now, the character options are pretty limited - we can play the godly character or the ungodly character. Ultimately, the choice is completely ours. Sometimes, we think there are more character options. Sure, but they all exist within the dichotomy expressed above - godly versus ungodly. Let's use some Biblical examples to fully paint the picture before us. Remember Moses? He played the godly character in the history of how the Israelites left enslavement. Pharaoh was the ungodly character. While Moses was humble and obedient before God, Pharaoh was proud and cocky, thinking he could negotiate, renege and do whatever he wanted. What was the end result? Moses, and the entire tribe of Israel, walked out of Egypt on the Red Sea's seabed while Pharaoh was flushed away by the same waters that stood still for God's people. We need to ask ourselves who we want to be in the proverbial story that God has written. It is a story that was completed at the beginning of creation and yet, God in His loving kindness has opted to allow each of us to choose what we will look like on that script of ink on a sheet of paper. Do you want to be meek Moses or proud Pharaoh? Do you want to be victorious Queen Esther or the dethroned Queen Vashti? Do you want to be Paul, who was humbled by the Lord into greatness or Judas who was humbled by satan into destruction? None of these people became who they were overnight. The final line of their story was written after a series of experiences and a stretch of time where they either opted to be committed to God, no matter what, or to fall cheaply for the snares of the devil. That pattern hasn't changed in the thousands of years that have passed since the people mentioned above walked the earth. And the decisions that lay before them lie before each of us this very day. The choice to trust God even in the face of mounting opposition. The choice to look to Him and not other sources of help when the walls are crashing in. The choice to abandon pride and rebellion for humility and submission to God, His word, and those He sends to speak to you. Let us remember that unlike the average actor, we can be who we want to be. We don't have to play the role of an imaginary character. We have a living script with real people whose experiences we can use to make better and godly choices today. Not tomorrow but today for why should we wait? I pray that each of us will choose to be the godly in the land. That we will reject that which wants us to think that such is impossible. And in so doing, God will be glorified and exalted, IJMN, Amen. PS: Given a last minute engagement, I likely will not be available during P&P at Noon EST today. I pray the Lord will lead you all in honoring Him with reverent praise and intercessory prayers for others. The Lord bless you!

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As believers, many of us move through the world speaking God's word over ourselves. We proclaim His promises, claiming them and praising for them even if we are yet to see our expectations materialize. (If you are not doing this, please start).

Sometimes, however, we get so myopic that we only focus on the parts of the Bible that make us happy, without confronting the sections that act as a call to change and improve. I am just as guilty of this as anyone else and a recent reading of the Book of Revelations acted as a stark reminder.

Specifically, I was looking at Revelation 9:20 - The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood—idols that cannot see or hear or walk.

The part of the scripture that caught my attention was the term "work of their hands." It is one I tend to use when praying for God to bless people. I do this because of Psalm 90:17 - May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us; establish the work of our hands for us— yes, establish the work of our hands. Sounds like a great proclamation, right?

Well, it is. Yet, as I studied Revelation 9:20, I was nudged to stop and examine what the "works of my hands" are producing. Are the things I do - the things I invest my time in - producing anything I need to repent for? Or are they producing things that please the Lord and bring favor?

As I am far from perfect, I've had to confront aspects of me that don't produce the righteousness that God desires. I've had to face up to the things I do that need to go NOW. It's been hard to examine myself so closely - after all, who wants to see themselves as failing in anything? Nevertheless, the exercise has been a caution that if the works of our hands produce that which is contrary to God's word, they will not be blessed and ruin is sure to come. The exercise is also a trumpet call highlighting that God is gracious and kind to point His finger at the things that must be eradicated from our lives. And because He is a good God, He does so from a place of compassion and love.

Will you let the Lord point His finger at the things that you need to stop doing right now? Even the things you don't do on purpose but somehow happen? If you are willing, today is the starting point of Him providing the necessary wisdom to no longer fall into the pits and traps that the devil has set to ensnare. Pits and snares intended to slow down your journey to the promised land that is your sure inheritance. Remember God is building you for His purpose that you will be the dwelling place He resides in. God wants to lovingly guide you in the construction phase so you end up a beautiful reflection of His glory here on earth and step into heaven with a glorious welcome.

If you are ready to do this with the Lord, please pray with me - Heavenly Father, You are the beginning and the end. You are He who spoke the end from the beginning. Who else can boast of such a thing? The I am that I am alone! Lord, I confess that I need You to place a finger on the works of my hands that I must repent for. Even before You tell me what these things are, I submit my ways to You and freely repent of every known and unknown sin that works against me and deprives You of Your glory in my life. I freely receive Your merciful forgiveness and know that from today, You will show me how I can change so You are honored. I understand that these changes may happen over the course of time, and I trust You to get me through. IJMN, Amen.

Glory to God in the Highest!!! Let us come to fellowship at Noon EST ready to praise God for His grace and the changes to come in our lives. Also be prepared to intercede for others as is our custom. May the Lord bless you richly and may His righteous right hand bless the godly works of your hands that they give Him glory, IJMN, Amen.

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