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Are you familiar with the concept of predestination? It is the idea that there is an ultimate and decided outcome. This concept is mentioned in the Bible in Romans 8:30 - And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified (NIV). In the Good News Translation, this same verse states, And so those whom God set apart, he called; and those he called, he put right with himself, and he shared his glory with them. As such, certain people have been selected to be saved and experience the glory of the Lord in their lives. These are the individuals whom the Lord knows will choose Him.

This issue of predestination also arises in 1 Peter 2:8, which speaks about how some react to Christ. It says, [a]nd, “He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they do not obey God’s word, and so they meet the fate that was planned for them." Written when Christianity was in its infancy, this message taught believers not to be like those who refused to obey God's word. These types would meet an unfortunate end that every believer - including you and me - must avoid.

The scripture continues in 1 Peter 2:9-10 -But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. Just as these words were given to believers then, these verses speak to those who have submitted their lives to Christ and His Father in this dispensation. We, believers who obey God's word, have become the people of God who are to praise Him and enjoy His grace and mercy.

So many of us Christians struggle to understand the privilege of being set apart for the Lord. We don't always appreciate what this means. To be set apart means that we are carriers of God's glory and His power. This is why we are told we are His royal priesthood called to serve Him. We are the ones He wants to use to put His will into effect. This means that when we embrace how precious we are to the Lord and how crucial we are for His purposes, many of the mental, spiritual, and physical obstacles we face will melt away. Recognizing God’s boundless might and His ability to exceed our expectations will transform us and the very atmosphere around us.

Thus, it should be no surprise to us that satan works tirelessly to keep God's children caged in darkness so they never lift their eyes to see the light of God's grace upon them or the crown of glory that He already placed on their heads. If they were to see themselves the way God sees them, then nothing could stop them from destroying every single one of the devil's plans.

Praise God the scriptures teach that we are not unaware of the devil's schemes (2 Corinthians 2:11). Therefore, believers in Christ can declare that they have overcome the evil one (1 John 2:13-14). We were predestined to have victory over the enemy. God knew that we would be the ones He could use to terrify hell and send satan running. We have won. We are winning. We will win. It was predestined so don't give up on God. Don't let life's difficulties compel you to turn from the Lord. Don't let satan's lies convince you into thinking you are less than a conqueror. Romans 8:37 - No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

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Isaiah 49:16 - See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me.

These beautiful words were uttered by God through His prophet hundreds of years ago. But if there is one thing we know about the Lord, it is that He does not change (Malachi 3:6). Yesterday, today, and forever - His word remains the same.

So, just as He committed to the ancient Israelites in the time of Prophet Isaiah, He's making the same promise to you. Just as He covenanted to pay attention to them then He's paying attention to you today. Your life is important to Him. What you think matters to Him. What you experience each day affects Him. When you cry, He is sad. He doesn't want you to experience pain and has given you the wisdom of the Bible to help you avoid such.

When you are elated, He wants to share in your joy and looks forward to you inviting Him into your happiness with your praise, thanksgiving, and worship. When you do that, He can't wait to make you smile again and again, knowing that He will be a part of your rejoicing.

When the storms of life rock your boat, He is a gentleman who waits on you to invite Him in so He can steady things. He also wants you to call on Him even when the sky is blue and the birds are singing. He desires to spend quiet and peaceful times with you too.

God wants you to call Him into every aspect of your life. He wants to walk through every moment with you. Call on Him to be your guide and watch how much He'll do. See how He'll prove to you that there is no aspect of your life He'll ever leave to chance. Let His plans for you go off without a hitch. He's the God who holds you in the palm of His hand for your good and His glory.

(PS: If you aren't convinced of the above, please consider reading the testimonies in the Testimony Thread. Many have accounted for how God stepped into the boat of life with them and turned everything around. God bless you.)

To learn more, please read the following messages as well as those hyperlinked into today's post:

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Many Christians forget how powerful prayer can be. This can happen when prayers have not been answered in years. As time passes, it gets easier to lose hope that those petitions will ever be fulfilled and we stop praying. However, Hannah prayed for a son and had to bear with insults while waiting. Still, she kept praying until Samuel came and she went from being called a barren woman to a mother of children, one of whom became the leader of her nation.

The wise remember that prayer requires patience. They understand that the answer to their pleas is set for an appointed time. So they continue to labor in prayer, believing that the seeds sown in petitions will be harvested at God's time as blessings.

In addition to forgetting the role of patience, many Christians also forget that God is not only able to answer prayer but do so exceedingly and abundantly as promised in Ephesians 3:20. The verse states, Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us (NKJV).

But we can't forget this. We can't ignore the fact that God will not just give us the desires of our hearts but that He can give us even more. He can go beyond what we've prayed for. When we recall this, then we will remember to keep praying and to do so persistently. The promise of James 5:16 will ring in our ears - the fervent prayers of the righteous are highly effective - and we will continue praying with zeal instead of bowing to satan's lie that our praying is fruitless. Our minds will rest on Christ's teaching that people should always pray and never give up (Luke 18:1). We would realize that the only one benefitting from our abandoned prayers is the enemy of our souls - the devil.

What prayers have you forgotten? Is it a petition for yourself or for someone else? Never forget you have a godly inheritance that you can't afford to squander or abandon. Your godly inheritance will impact the lives of your genetic heirs and your brothers and sisters in Christ, who will come after you are gone. You have a duty to them too. As long as your prayer is not detestable, don't stop praying with zeal.

The answer may seem slow to arrive, but as with Jairus, Jesus started walking with you to the answer the very moment you invited Him into the situation with prayer. And like Jairus, the period between the request being made and the answer coming to pass is simply Christ building your faith so you realize that He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than you've asked for or imagined. He did that for Jairus and He will do the same for you. According to the power at work in you. That power is the Lord so let Him into your life and do as He instructed in Luke 8:50 - "Don’t be afraid; just believe..."

So believe God for the exceedingly and abundantly. Dust off that prayer remembering 1 John 5:14 - This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. Your patience and persistence will be rewarded.

PS: Is there a prayer point you've abandoned because you haven't seen it fulfilled yet? Now, go read up on detestable prayers and take some time to prayerfully review whether your request is according to God's will and word. If it is, be ready to pray fervently on the issue during our last 10 minutes. Prepare to war with others today. God is waiting for you to voice that petition again in faith. We'll do it together, joining our faith with our works of saying that prayer publicly. Get ready. But first, we'll praise God and pray for others, okay?

To learn more, please read the following messages as well as those hyperlinked into today's post:

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