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What are you going to praise God for today? You likely have a long list, right?

However, today, we're going to do things differently.

Last Friday, we took the time to join each other in faith by praying on the things our fellow Peppers were waiting on God for.

This day, we're thanking God for what He's done for other Peppers. This will honor the word as stated in Romans 12:15 - Rejoice with those who rejoice...

Guy's, I suspect God wants to do some big things for all of us. Let's take this seriously as we give Him praise for other people today.

God bless you!

PS: I'm chuckling right now because Holy Spirit is up to something. When I sat down to write, I had no idea this is what fellowship would be about. But, phew, this will show how many of us have been paying attention to what others have said in prior posts. Lol! May I recommend you take some time and look at old posts? Or, you can check out the Testimony thread to thank God for what He did for folks.

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