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Happiness is more than an emotion. It colors the way an individual sees everything around them. Unfortunately, it is hard for many to feel happy for long stretches of time. This is because they've been too hurt to dwell in a place of happiness for anything more than short bursts. Although there is an endless supply of entertainment to make people laugh nowadays, none of it will bring what's missing.

And what we really need is contained in the word of God because the Bible is filled with several pathways to happiness. For instance, God committed to give happiness. Specifically to those who are pleasing to Him (Ecclesiastes 2:26). There are many ways to qualify including praising Him, praying for others, and studying the Bible. Another option is to follow Jesus' example. He was anointed with the oil of joy because He loved righteousness and hated wickedness (Hebrews 1:9). Plus, Proverbs 3:18 (NLT) states that those who seek the Lord's wisdom will be rewarded with happiness. To do this, spend time reading the wisdom books in the Bible - Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job, or Song of Solomon.

Given that we've discussed God's tests and discipline in recent weeks, it is crucial to note that happiness can stem from God's correction. It says so in Job 5:17 (NKJV) and if you've ever been sharply rebuked by the Holy Spirit, you'd admit how happy you were to learn your mistake and how to rectify it. Happiness is also a consequence of obeying God's instructions (Proverbs 29:18 NKJV). Furthermore, those who are gracious to the poor are happy according to Proverbs 14:21.

So, how do we put this knowledge into effect in our daily lives? By remembering that happiness comes from the Lord, therefore, we should go to Him to receive. Take a look at scripture, a few are listed above, and meet their stated conditions to get a portion. It may seem like we have to jump through hoops just so God can give us the happiness we seek. However, consider all the hoops we willingly jump through for things that are less important than the goodness God has available for us.

For so many, the things we don't have are the source of our deepest unhappiness. Yet, a solution to this is in Matthew 6:33, which teaches to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, then "all these things" will be given to us. "All these things" doesn't just mean health or wealth. Happiness is included in the list of what God has to give. Isaiah 61:3 provides another practical way to chase away unhappiness for it tells us to replace despair with a garment of praise.

God wants His people to be filled with joy but we must realize true happiness is impossible outside of Him. If true happiness is what you seek, then don't reject the many ways He can help you get there by thinking that material things will do the trick. They can never replace God or what He has to offer. His hand is stretched out to empower us to face any storm knowing that when it ends, we will remain standing. Able to successfully weather the incidents that challenge our joy without losing our hope. Without losing the very happiness we received from Him.

Trust the Lord and take a step on His journey toward the happiness that is your inheritance as His child. See you at Noon EST.

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2022 is rapidly coming to a close. Next weekend, we'll be strutting into the month of October, meaning December is right around the corner and 2023 will quickly follow.

However, before we enter a new year, let's look back at this one and the prayer requests we had when it began. Some think it is too late for their unanswered prayers to come to pass. The word of God says that with God all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). Therefore, God can do anything in an instant and there's no need to this year is too far gone. There's plenty of time left in 2022 for Him to answer prayers.

So, what one solitary thing have you been waiting on God to do for you? That one prayer that's been stuck on your prayer list and carried over from one year to another? Now is the time to share it and have someone else pick it up as a prayer point in today's fellowship. Let us join our faith with that of our fellow intercessors during today's prayer segment.

God bless you!

To participate in today's fellowship on TMA, please go here -

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1 John 2:24-25 - As for you, see that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son and in the Father. And this is what he promised us—eternal life.

We wake up each day and are faced with a long list of tasks. Get to work. Finish those reports. Buy groceries. Pay bills. The list goes on and on. These everyday demands not only take up most of our focus during the daytime, we're also preoccupied with them when we're supposed to be sleeping. And when our lives get like this, our prayer points start to take on a certain tenor - God, I need... Lord, bless me with...Father, give me and mine...

There's nothing wrong with asking the King of kings to help with the issues we face each day. After all, He has called us to cast our burdens onto Him (Psalm 55:22). However, we need to strive for a relationship with God that doesn't just focus on problems. Even with the issues we have to overcome, we still have to train our gaze on the promise of eternal life with the Lord.

Our everyday challenges and tasks are far from irrelevant. For instance, we can't just sit in a corner and say, "I'm not going to work because it's not as important as the goal of eternal life." That attitude would contravene the teaching in 2 Thessalonians 3:10 - ...“The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.” God does not reward the lazy. Nevertheless, we must build time into our daily life that allows us to build a strong relationship with the one who granted us our eternal inheritance. It also means that as we go through the motions of each day, we must do so knowing that this world is not our final destination (Hebrews 13:14).

Therefore, let us live with heaven in mind and make choices that will increase the chance of getting there. Choices that honor God and display love to others, for instance. This could mean giving the elderly man our seat on a train in accordance with Leviticus 19:32 or assisting a blind person safely across the street (Deuteronomy 27:18). Another choice is to do our job well at our work place because Colossians 3:23 tells us, Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.

We live in bodies that will one day return to dust. Our souls, on the other hand, were created for an eternity. As we wake up each day, we have a choice as to where that eternity shall be spent - heaven or hell. May we never lose sight of the need to get to heaven. May we make choices that bring us closer to the place the Lord has prepared for us to enjoy eternal life. May the Lord help us get there because we have received salvation because of His grace, IJMN, Amen.

This post is also available in the forum where you'll find comments from other participants (participating on another platform). Kindly join us at

God bless!

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