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I've had to discipline my children more times than I can count. Often, it was because they did something they shouldn't have. In those moments, I've had to be tough, ensuring they come out of the experience in a way where they'd never forget it. Why? Because I wanted them to remember the consequences of their decision and never repeat it. There were times, however, where I kicked into disciplinarian mode before they did something wrong. Given my knowledge of them, I knew I had to teach them lessons and thereby preempt them from making certain choices. My aim was and remains always to prepare them for life and the challenges that will come their way.

Similarly, God disciplines us - His children. He does it for our own good and it helps us become better members of the Holy Household. Whether that discipline is post- or preemptive, there is one common factor - love. Hebrews 12:6 - because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” As weird as it seems, we should take it as a compliment to be disciplined, because God does not waste time disciplining those who aren't loved by Him. In fact, His discipline is a sign that we are His legitimate children and a means to make us holy (Hebrews 12:10). Additionally, Psalm 94:12 tells us that those who are disciplined are blessed.

And yet, for the one being disciplined, there's nothing lovey-dovey about it. Actually, it is when we're being disciplined that we think our parents or God hates us. Alas, that is not the case. Proverbs 13:24 states that a parent who loves their offspring will discipline them but a parent who hates their children will not. God is no different in His love for us.

When human parents discipline, we know there's an end in sight. They may ground us from going to two or three parties but eventually, things will get back to relative normal. With God, on the other hand, we may not know how long the disciplinary period will be. And that is the hardest part. There you are dealing with a challenge that's too much for you to bear and it's hard! It's been going on for months or years, and there may be no end in sight. Still, Paul admonishes us in Hebrews 12:7 - Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father?

It is in these tough seasons that we must remind ourselves that God loves us (Isaiah 43:4). We must seek out His word in the Bible that says exactly that. We must fight the doubts and fears creeping into our minds and declare that we will wait on God to get us through. We must remember that no matter the reason for the discipline, we are being refined for His purpose (Isaiah 48:10). After all, He has promised that His plans for us are for good and not for evil (Jeremiah 29:11). This is not to say you won't cry, or feel frustration and fear. It is by doing the suggested tips above that you will overcome those negative emotions and get back on track as you wait on God to bring you to the ultimate place and plan He has for you.

May the Lord help us to remember that He disciplines us not just because we erred, but because in His love, He wants to train us to be mighty in His kingdom. Able to stand in the gap for others and wield the Lord's staff here on earth to His glory. May He remind us ever so frequently of His loving kindness and may His wonderful deeds be seen in our lives and the lives of those around us, IJMN, Amen.

Here are some helpful older P&P posts:

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We all know that God can and will do whatever He says He will. In fact, we are told in Isaiah 14:24 - The LORD Almighty has sworn, “Surely, as I have planned, so it will be, and as I have purposed, so it will happen. He goes further stating in Isaiah 14:27 - For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back?

God's word will never be spoken then return to Him void (Isaiah 55:11). After all, He knows the beginning and the end as He is the Alpha and Omega (Revelation 21:6). Yet, I can't ignore that there are places in the Bible where the fullness of His word didn't manifest in certain people's lives. I've learned that I'm not going to understand everything God has done, is doing or will do (Psalm 139:6). I've come to accept that His ways are not my ways and His thoughts are not my thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). Nevertheless, I've been curious and that's caused me to pay attention to why and how God's word can somehow not come to pass for some people.

One such character is King Saul, Israel's first king. Everything started off well for him. In fact, Prophet Samuel said to him in 1 Samuel 10:7 - ... do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you. What an incredible promise! To have so much blessing and favor that God would rubber stamp whatever he did!

And yet, things didn't go so well for Saul. We are told in 1 Samuel 16:14 - Now the Spirit of the LORD had departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the LORD tormented him.

Exactly how did Saul go from having God's favor, to losing it and being abandoned by the Lord to be tormented by an evil spirit?

His story is a cautionary tale to not think that God's blessing is carte blanche to behave however one wants. No matter how much God's word will never fail, if an individual makes the wrong choices, God will respect those choices. The consequences, as they were for Saul and his children, can be dire.

One specific choice made by Saul involved a pre-battle situation. Saul was to wait on Prophet Samuel, who was also the High Priest, to come and make offerings to the Lord. However, the soldiers got jittery while waiting for Samuel and threatened to leave. Although the Law of Moses stated that only a priest may offer sacrifices to the Lord, Saul, fearing soldiers leaving, conducted the offering himself.

Now one would think this shouldn't have been a problem given he'd been told that whatever he did would be fine because God was with Him. Nevertheless, God's favor was not a permission slip for the king to do whatever he pleased. His authority was still confined to the four walls of God's rules and obedience was required. When Samuel arrived and saw what Saul had done, he said in 1 Samuel 13:14 - But now your kingdom will not endure; the LORD has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the LORD’s command.” And just like that, God's favor - and his kingship - was over in the sight of the Most High.

We must remember that our relationship with God is a two-way street. It's the nature of covenant - both sides must keep their end of the bargain. He speaks good promises that won't fail over us and expects us to obey Him (Jeremiah 7:23). In our obedience, we shall be called to make choices, choices that align with His plans and purposes. Therefore, just because God has made a promise, and just because God is more than capable of fulfilling it, let us not forget whatever role we have to play as well. That role may be to sit back and wait as was the case for Saul, but it can also be to take a step as was the case of the Danites.

Thank God that He is forgiving and will have mercy upon those who repent for their mistakes. With repentance and a changed attitude, God's grace can cause a great turnaround where the wrong choice resulted in delay or derailment. Hallelujah! May we not fail to make the choice that pleases the Lord. May His Spirit guide us so our choices reflect what God is doing and we support His will here on earth as in heaven. And where we chose incorrectly, may His grace steer us back onto His path of righteousness so we step into the fullness of His word over us, IJMN, Amen.

See you back here at Noon EST for fellowship.

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Remember The Mephibosheth Blessing we recently discussed? Well, I'd used it as a prayer point and in less than 24 hours, the Lord answered. Great, right? Unfortunately, it took a few days for me to realize. Now, thank God for perspective because I'd said the prayer and was content to move on to other prayer points trusting that God would answer. If I'd lacked the right attitude, however, I would have thought He ignored me. In fact, I only found out because I checked my email three days later on an unrelated subject. Three whole days that I didn't praise the Lord for the great thing He'd done.

We may not readily see what the Lord has done for us but that doesn't mean He didn't move heaven and earth to answer us. Oftentimes, we have to check to see whether the request was fulfilled. Think of Noah. He sent a raven and a series of doves to figure out whether there was dry land after the flood (Genesis 8). He didn't just say, well I'll just sit on this here ark and wait till everything around me dries up. Similarly, Elijah had his servant check the sky seven times to determine whether his prayer for rain had been answered (1 Kings 18).

Many times, we say a prayer and just forget it but, there are times we may have to look around to see how God has answered our petitions. After all, if you applied for and prayed for a job, would you not check your email or follow up with the employer? If you prayed for healing, would you not have a test done to verify whether the healing was received?

Check to see if God has answered your plea. It's possible He did but you didn't realize. Now, this is not a recommendation to 'help' God or step outside His will by taking matters into their own hands. No, just take a peek to see if your prayer worked and be open to the answer looking very different than what you assumed it would. Checking may increase the risk of being disappointed especially if you are in a waiting period. As we know, God does things at His appointed time and not necessarily on our schedule. Thus, the pain of not seeing what you're looking for can cut deep. Nevertheless, one day, you will see what the Lord has done and rejoice. You need to continue anticipating that day so you don't miss it. After all, the Bible says in Proverbs 23:18 - Surely there is a future [and a reward], And your hope and expectation will not be cut off. (AMP)

Although you might not have seen what you are seeking yet, I pray that the answer to your fervent prayer shall surely rise and settle into view. I pray you will reach out, grab it, and do with it what God wills, IJMN Amen.

God bless you and see you at Noon EST when we shall honor the Lord with worship then intercede on behalf of others. I believe we shall see our prayers come to pass and hope you will join us.

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