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There once was a man named Ahithophel who'd been an adviser to King David. His advice was considered as the very word of God (2 Samuel 16:23). That's how wise people thought he was. When David's son - Absalom - usurped the throne, even he sought the word of the legendary counselor.

However, the story of Ahithophel and Absalom is a crucial lesson to never take someone's advice at face value. No matter how wise and knowledgeable that person might be. Each of us as children of God, have a right to hear Him (John 10:27). Indeed, that is our inheritance and we must not abandon that birthright. Therefore, we must always take the suggestions of others and seek God's direction. If not, we could get into terrible trouble.

Absalom, seeking to cement his position, called on Ahithophel who advised him to sleep with his father's concubines. This was a group of ten women left to care for the palace when King David, his officials and their families fled in fear that Absalom would slaughter them. These women were likely left because they were a threat to nobody. And yet, Ahithophel suggested sleeping with them so the people would know he was his own man and didn't care about the previous king (2 Samuel 16:21). In response, Absalom set up a tent on the palace rooftop, raping these women in relative view and hearing of all nearby!

Absalom could have sought a second opinion. He could have called for a prophet to seek the face of the Lord on this sinful suggestion before putting it into action. He could have taken some time to fast and pray, thereby seeking the Lord on his own. Or, he could have simply consulted the Bible (the Torah had God's wisdom and his people's history then as it does now) to understand why Ahithophel's recommendation, among many other wrong decisions, would spell his ultimate downfall.

The new king forgot that God takes this thing of honoring parents very seriously. More than once, the Bible warns people not to dishonor their father by having sex with his wife (Leviticus 18:8; Deuteronomy 22:30). Reuben equally slept with his father's concubine and the result was he was cursed by Jacob. He also lost his inheritance as the firstborn son and his position as the head of his father's family. Those privileges went to his nephews - Ephraim and Manasseh. This wisdom was immediately accessible to Absalom but sadly, he valued the word of a man above the wisdom of God.

And so, instead of allowing God to guide him, Absalom did what he thought was right. His hate for his father fueled more sin. He eventually lost his life when his beautiful, long hair got caught in a tree and David's soldiers killed him in battle. Things would have likely been different if he'd let the word of God direct His steps from the beginning. There'd been an heir apparent but this older brother would never have become king because he raped Absalom's little sister. So, if Absalom hadn't allowed hatred to cloud his mind (and if he hadn't murdered his sister's rapist and conducted a coup), God may have given him the throne in the end. What a sad irony. Unfortunately, like most of us, he was inpatient and he allowed satan to use him to his detriment. Hosea 4:6 - my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge...

While Absalom can't go back to make different decisions, you and I can make better choices moving forward. As we learn to listen to the voice of God, consult His word in the scripture, and obey, we must know that God and His word are always accessible. God's word is always going to be more important than the suggestion of even the most intelligent persons we know. We must therefore allow Him to have the ultimate say in what we do every day and not just when we feel like it. Sure, becoming this sort of person doesn't always happen overnight, but His grace is sufficient to transform us into the people who treasure His voice and His word above all else. IJN, Amen. Whatever it takes, find God's voice and His word on every situation. Your life hinges on it.

If you're wondering what became of Ahithophel, he came to a very sad end. 2 Samuel 17:23 tells us he eventually hanged himself, compounding his sins. The word of God will guide us so we navigate life as well as the varying voices and opinions in a godly fashion by the grace of God, Amen.

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When the Lord speaks to you, it is imperative that you obey Him fully.

That statement makes sense to you, right? There's nothing complicated about it, correct? Yet, we each neglect to actually apply the statement in our everyday life. Or am I the only one?

This week, I was in a tough situation. I felt unwell, needed to sleep and all around me was chaos. As is my normal, I took a second and spoke to the Lord asking Him whether or not I should do something. In His kindness, He told me to do what I asked about. But, what did I do? I second-guessed what I'd heard. I chose, instead, to rely on my own understanding rather than the word of the Lord. In fact, I did what others would consider normal, ignoring that my God works in supernatural ways.

What was the result? More chaos. And, at the end of the day, I was frustrated and tired.

Nevertheless, the Lord helped me understand a few basic things. First, when the Lord talks to you, listen (James 1:19). Take the time you need to hear His voice and if you need clarity, don't hesitate to ask more questions. Second, when the Lord talks to you, obey. God is very efficient with His word so no word He speaks will ever be wasted (Isaiah 55:11). Therefore, if He says something, do that something. Third, when the Lord talks to you, trust. Trust is a crucial element in obedience. It requires one to move in faith even when what the Lord has said makes no sense and others think God's way is ridiculous.

Now, if you are wondering whether or not God speaks to people, please believe me - He does. God's voice is audible and can be heard by individuals today the way Abraham heard that voice. The way Paul heard. God talks to people all day long and wants to speak to each of us more than we realize. God also speaks to people through the Bible and in so many other ways. If you are yet to hear the Lord speak to you, please pray to hear Him. It is that voice that guided David, giving him war strategies to overcome his enemies. God's voice edified the apostles in the New Testament. Jesus Himself listened to and complied with the voice of the Lord. If it was good for Him, then you know that same voice is great for you.

Please don't make my mistake of not listening to the Lord by doing what He said. If, however, you neglect to obey and trust the Lord's word to you, please repent for your disobedience. I did and received understanding of many things. While I wish I hadn't made such a 'rookie mistake', I thank the Lord for the privilege of being able to pray for forgiveness and receive it from Him. That same mercy is available for all of us, praise God!!

See you at Noon EST! May the Lord bless you.

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I recently read the following scripture and was overjoyed in my spirit.

John 6:37 - All those the Father gives me will come to me, and whoever comes to me I will never drive away.

John 10: 28 - I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand.

The verses reminded me that it is God who works to save people. He opens His hand to individuals and when they take it, He leads them to Jesus Christ. Jesus has promised to never reject anyone that the Lord hands over to Him. He has promised that not one of these people can be stolen from Him.

Those who have taken God's hand and submitted to the Lord must remember that He is working things out so as to get them to heaven. Will there be missteps on their part? Certainly! However, the Lord is very kind and patient, He works with everyone to overcome all personal challenges, regardless of what they are. You can be struggling with masturbation, profanity or any other sin, God will help you so that sin is not your master (Romans 6:14). When you fall to sin, repent, and work harder to overcome what aims to hold you back.

The only question is will you cooperate with Jesus to get to the ultimate destination? While He's molding you, will you try to live in accordance with His word? Will you show the love He shows you to others? Will you be willing to let go of the sin that limits your spiritual growth and hampers your relationship with Him?

In addition, keep this scripture in mind when praying for others. Use it to call on the Lord to bring people into communion with Him. For God wants all souls to be saved so align in prayer with this objective by pronouncing the word of God over others who need to know the Lord in an intimate way.

I pray you will join us at Noon EST to fellowship. We shall honor the Lord with our worship, intercession, and prayers to remain in His hand as He leads us through life on earth to eternity with Him in heaven.. May the Lord bless you!

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