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Nowadays, many don't believe the devil exists. Some claim it is a figment of the imagination. A bogeyman. And this message keeps millions unaware of the destructive role satan plays in human lives. Not only are people blinded to the fact that satan exists but they then ignore the fact that through God, they have the power to keep it from wreaking havoc in their lives.

Thankfully, the Bible makes it clear that the devil is real and it came to steal, kill and destroy in John 10:10. God also immediately makes it clear that satan isn't in charge. He states, I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. Indeed God sent Jesus as the way to overcome satan's elaborate plans to ensnare people.

If, then, you believe satan exists and you believe the Bible's description of this enemy, please ask yourself - How do you stop satan from making you fail at this thing called a godly life? This is a life lived by a godly person who fears God and strives to live righteously in accordance with His word.

If you believe in God and have submitted to His authority, then there is a universal answer - don't take your eyes off the Lord. We previously discussed some helpful Kingdom Keys - turning to God in times of trouble, turning problems into prayer points, speaking the word of God over ourselves, and praising the Lord. These keys are also a few ways to keep your eyes on Him. Fasting (not to diet, but for spiritual strength) also helps to build your defenses against the traps the devil sets for people each and every day. This is because when you fast scripturally, you silence the desires of the flesh (which satan typically uses to tempt) and become closer to the Holy Spirit. Studying the Bible, listening to sermons, reading Christ-centered books and consuming Holy Spirit-led shows can also help to keep you aware of how to live your life day-to-day.

As you are implementing these Kingdom Keys, you also need to be aware that Satan knows all your weaknesses and pushes every pressure point to make sure you bow to them. And this leads to another question - what pressure point is satan pushing in your life?

To answer this question, you have to be deliberate and willing to be vulnerable before the Lord. Humble yourself and ask Him to peel back the layers and show how the devil is taking advantage of you. That same God who has said He is responsible for you will hold your hand and walk you out of every trap satan has set for you. He will ensure you are walking inside of His will and bless you for doing so. He will set a feast for you before satan itself so you enjoy His blessings and all the enemy can do is watch according to the promise of Psalm 23.

I pray you will make the time to ask yourself the questions above and have the Lord guide you, IJMN, Amen.

See you at Noon EST for P&P! God bless you!

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Everyone's going through a hard time right now. Right here in this group, some participants are grieving family and friends. Others are trying to help family members with their problems. There are those who are sick. Some are just trying to make ends meet. Then when we factor in all the bad things we hear about on the news, it is clear that there's more than enough to worry about on any given day. And yet, God's word for each of us has been the same since before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5). He who knew us before we were placed in our mother's womb had a plan for us from the beginning. That plan hasn't changed and I want to stress to all of us that in these dark times, we need to keep our gaze on the pinprick of light in the distance. We need to keep our eyes on God. When we're stressed or sad, we need to tell God, "We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (2 Chronicles 20:12). We need to cry out to God when we're confused and frustrated (1 Peter 5:7). No need to be dignified. He knows everything about you. We need to take the problems we see and make them prayer points, interceding for people in accordance with 1 Timothy 2:1 - I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people. We need to also find God's promises to us in the Bible and proclaim them over ourselves. It can be as simple as Psalm 23:1 - The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. And most importantly, we need to bring the Lord praise (Psalm 50:14). If you're heart is too heavy to speak, play some worship music and just settle into that. Praising God gets rid of the despair and fear (Isaiah 61:3). I pray that these Kingdom Keys will help you as you navigate the trials of life. Please remember, God has made a covenant with those He calls His people in Isaiah 43:2 - When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. What a blessed promise from the King of king. The God who cannot lie and will do as He said (Titus 1:2)! The world might be on fire, but you have the ultimate God on your side. Don't ignore this great privilege. Please drag Him into your issues and the issues others face. Call on Me and I will answer you (Psalm 50:15). May the Lord bless you and grant you peace beyond understanding and the happiness He grants to those who please Him, IJMN, Amen. See you at Noon EST for fellowship!

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