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Often times, we Christians only pull Jesus out on special occasions. Christmas, of course! The season even has His name in it so we've got to give Him some attention then, right? We learned in Sunday School that Jesus fed thousands, healed the sick and taught a lot. And yet, Easter Sunday became all about bunnies and eggs that many of us forgot that it actually signifies the day Jesus rose from the dead.

Outside of 'holidays' and a good Bible story, who is Jesus to you? What does He signify in your life?

I can tell you who Jesus is to me. He is the Son of God who left the splendor of heaven to live as a mere mortal. He did it knowing that people were doomed to hell because the devil had everyone sinning. People couldn't even fight it and were subject to the devil's full control. There was no other way for them to live righteously even with all they tried. It says so in 2 Corinthians 5:21 - God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

Then Jesus came doing good, was attacked by naysayers and crucified on a cross like a criminal although He never even sinned. He died on that cross, was buried and then resurrected from the dead three days later. He went through traumatic treatment and a horrible death to set me and sinners like me free. Sinners who had no clue someone would ever think so much of them to give up His life for them. Because of His sacrifice, I now can have victory over satan. It doesn't get to keep me from heaven because Jesus created the pathway for me to get there. 1 Peter 3:18 - For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit. Through Jesus, I received the Holy Spirit who helps me to grow in faith, in understanding the word of the Lord, and in living a life that strives to give God glory. The Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit have become a real and tangible part of my existence.

Am I perfect? Not in the least. Each day, I learn a little something about how I need to improve and what I need to let go. Each day, I try to acknowledge the sacrifice Jesus made and thank Him for going through what He did to set me free. I can't imagine knowing the terror He'd go through and still signing up for it. Yet, He did it just for me.

And He did it just for you too because He loves you and wants you to receive the fruit of righteousness available according to Philippians 1:11. This is a righteousness that pleases God and opens you up to so many benefits and blessings. Righteousness and redemption that frees you from satan's clutches and cleanses you of all your sins. It doesn't matter how checkered or filthy your past is. Jesus specializes in just that. He takes those who've fallen very far and lifts them out of the pit. Nobody is too far gone for Him to save. He ensures that whatever you did before is no longer remembered by God. Jesus gives all who accept His gift a clean slate, so their earthly life gets them to God's kingdom for an eternal life.

Because eternity is truly what is at issue. Many people believe that there's no eternity, that death is the end. Others swear that they are reincarnated. These are fallacies pushed by the devil to make people think there's no reason to strive for godly righteousness. However, God says that there is life after death and there are only two options as to where one's final resting place will be. Heaven, with it's peace, or hell with its unending fire. You and I need righteousness to spend eternity in heaven and not hell.

So won't you consider the main source to God's righteousness - Jesus Christ - today?

Here's what we've learned about Righteousness thus far:

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Righteousness. The word is all over the Bible. In the New International Version (NIV), it is featured 213 times. You'll find the term in the King James Version (KJV) 291 times across the Old and New Testaments. And in the Amplified Bible (AMP), you'll find 318 mentions of 'righteousness'. While it doesn't come close to some of the more frequently used words in the Bible, 'righteousness' is a crucial concept we need to understand so we live in a manner that pleases God and reflects His values.

Last week, we took a stab at understanding righteousness as well as considered some of the benefits the righteous enjoy. We also learned about a warning God made to the unrighteous. Today, we once again look at more benefits from righteous living and we learn a good reason why not to turn away from it.

Life is full of trials but the righteous are promised in Proverbs 13:21 - Trouble pursues the sinner, but the righteous are rewarded with good things. 'Good things' can mean anything from receiving favor at your job like Nehemiah, who prayerfully interceded for his entire nation, and went from the king's cupbearer to the governor of Jerusalem. God recognized the righteousness of Hannah, who was childless but committed her first child to the Lord. He gave her Samuel - one of Israel's greatest spiritual leaders - whose word was always honored by God (1 Samuel 3:19).

He even gives the righteous a blank check to receive a reward from Him. Imagine someone very rich being so pleased with you that they give you a check for their bank account with the amount section left empty. Now imagine that person telling you to write the amount you want. That's exactly what God did for King David who wrote in Psalm 18:20 - The LORD has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me. David needed help and God swept in, rewarding him on the basis of his righteousness. Whatever situation you are in, you get to call in that reward all because you've made godly choices that put His word first. King Hezekiah did this. After being told by Prophet Isaiah that he was about to die, the king prayed, reminding the Lord of his righteous life then, he wept. God immediately instructed the prophet to inform Hezekiah that He'd added 15 more years to his life (2 Kings 20).

God has promised to protect the righteous in their time of trial. A righteous person might stumble seven times, but God has assured that they will not fall under the weight of life's challenges or the attacks of their enemies according to Proverbs 24:16. Also, we are told in 2 Peter 2:9 - ... the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment. God did this for King David when his own son, Absalom, usurped the throne. So many turned against David and he left Jerusalem mournfully. However, when it was all said and done, the two sides went to war - a war that David won - and he returned to the city with people rushing out to greet him.

For those who choose to ignore the call for righteousness, God warns they will reap His anger. Romans 2:8 - but to those who are self-serving and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, He will give wrath and indignation. King Saul experienced the wrath and indignation of God. After repeatedly disobeying the Lord, God stated He'd regretted making him king of the Israelites. In the end, God stopped communicating with him and he died in battle, losing his oldest sons on the same day as well.

Nobody is saying a righteous life is easy. Nevertheless, God wants us to try. If that hadn't been the case, He wouldn't have spent so much of the Bible instructing us to be godly and flee from sin. When we make mistakes, we simply need to repent and get right back on track to purposefully living in a way that aims to please Him. We won't know how He wants us to live if we don't study the Bible and work on having a good relationship with the Lord. May we each desire a godly lifestyle and take steps toward achieving it by His grace and to His glory, IJMN, Amen.

PS: As I noted last week, I likely will not be available during P&P at Noon EST today. I pray the Lord will lead you all in honoring Him with reverent praise and intercessory prayers for others. The Lord bless you!

Here's what we've learned about Righteousness thus far:

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We previously learned about righteousness and the fact that we must live godly lives to be considered righteous by the Lord. We also learned God has provided different ways to live righteously. Today, we consider some benefits of righteousness. By the grace of God, we shall be convicted to make the necessary changes so we remain on the path of righteousness the Lord places us on for His own name's sake, according to Psalm 23:3.

The upright (AKA the righteous) successfully intercede for their neighborhoods/cities/nations. Proverbs 11:11 - A city becomes great when the righteous give it their blessing; but a city is brought to ruin by the words of the wicked (GNT). This should be of great significance to us in P&P because of our commitment to interceding for people. By living a godly life pleasing to the Lord, we become successful intercessors who protect wherever they live. Not convinced? Take a look at Jeremiah 5:1 - “Go up and down the streets of Jerusalem, look around and consider, search through her squares. If you can find but one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth, I will forgive this city. Given all the violence and strife in the land, there is even more reason to strive for a righteous heart and lifestyle so as to be successful when praying for where we live.

Additionally, the righteous receive forgiveness and life from God. All of us are sinners. Nobody is exempt from this reality. Despite our fallen nature, God made a way for us to repent and receive righteousness through Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:11). He also promised to forgive the righteous when they call on Him according to Ezekiel 18:22 - All their past sins will be forgotten, and they will live because of the righteous things they have done (NLT). If you are wondering why only the righteous receive forgiveness, please remember that because we are sinners and because Jesus came to restore us to God, we are all expected to repent. Repenting 'clears the deck' and gives us a fresh start whereby God forgets all our sins. Without it, we remain sinners who don't have access to the Lord's ear as stated in John 9:31 - We know that God does not listen to sinners. He listens to the godly person who does his will.

We know that the fear of the Lord is a way to receive the blessing of long life, but God kindly provided another avenue - righteousness. Proverbs 16:31 - Long life is the reward of the righteous; gray hair is a glorious crown (GNT). Life expectancy in the US was 77 in 2020. People in the UK fared better with men living to 78 while a woman's average life expectancy was 83 years in 2020. Ask yourself, don't you want to live longer than the average person? And in the good health promised to those who love and honor the Lord? A righteous life is a crucial key to this.

As God has made promises to the righteous, so also has He made promises to the unrighteous. One such promise is contained in 1 Corinthians 6:9 - Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites. Sinful behavior is what keeps people from reaching heaven and we have to be cautious in what we do, think, and say. We have to allow the Lord to teach us how to be righteous in our behavior as well as accept the righteousness He kindly grants. The heaven-minded cannot afford to be flat-footed, but must strive for godly living in accordance with His word. And praise the Lord for sending us Jesus, who made it possible!

May the Lord continue to show us how to live righteously in this day and age. All by His grace and to His glory, IJMN, Amen.

Kindly join us at Noon EST today to fellowship. We shall start off with 25 minutes of praise and 25 minutes of interceding for others by God's grace. See you then!

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