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Matthew 6:33 is a key tenet of our P&P fellowship. The scripture tells us, But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Today, we ask ourselves what exactly is 'righteousness'?

We know what unrighteousness is because 1 John 5:17 tells us, All unrighteousness is sin... (KJV). If sinful behavior is unrighteousness, then righteousness is godly behavior. A righteous person fears the Lord and strives to obey His instructions by living a life that pleases Him.

The Bible outlines certain characteristics of the unrighteous and righteous. Ezekiel 18:5-9 - “Suppose there is a truly good man, righteous and honest. He doesn't worship the idols of the Israelites or eat the sacrifices offered at forbidden shrines. He doesn't seduce another man's wife or have intercourse with a woman during her period. He doesn't cheat or rob anyone. He returns what a borrower gives him as security; he feeds the hungry and gives clothing to the naked. He doesn't lend money for profit. He refuses to do evil and gives an honest decision in any dispute. Such a man obeys my commands and carefully keeps my laws. He is righteous, and he will live,” says the Sovereign LORD (Good News Translation).

Some of the unrighteous attributes might seem unlikely such as eating at shrines. Alas, this can happen in some Asian countries were shrines are tourist attractions and food items may be offered to guests. As for idol worship, this still happens all over the world and even right here in our 'Western' countries. Seducing the spouse of another is so common, so many of us no longer blink at adultery and the fact God deems it unrighteous. What about cheating and how many people regularly cheat others? They 'game the system' or take advantage of the poor and underprivileged. Regarding robbery, many don't flinch at taking what's not theirs.

And what about the righteous characteristics that were outlined? Are we the type of people who borrow with no intent to pay back? When last did we take time to care for the hungry and naked? Do we strive not to do evil to others? And most importantly, is obeying God's commands and laws important to us?

It is easier to remain blissfully ignorant of God's expectations, however, the heaven-minded can't afford to do that. This is why studying the Life Manual - the Bible - is so crucial. The more we study, the more it reveals how we need to live so as to be righteous in God's eyes.

Fortunately, God has given humans several ways to become and remain righteous. He even grants righteousness to those who believe in Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:11). We, therefore, don't need to feel intimidated and worry we can't achieve righteousness. Especially since Isaiah 54:17 gives us hope because the Lord spoke a promise to His children, "...their righteousness is from Me...” And what a blessing that is!

As long as we honor God, we'll get closer to the righteousness He desires from us. By His grace and to His glory we will achieve this.

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Ever had to wait for a turtle to cross the street in your car? It seems this only happens on the busiest days and of course, the shelled-creatures move slowly. The fact they fearlessly cross the street is amazing because they seem to have no concept of moving cars and the risk they pose. Instead, turtles simply mosey on across the asphalt - not looking left or right. And while some turtles make it to safety, that isn't the case for every one them. Many are crushed to death or left injured. At times, a kind person will stop traffic for the creature to make it to safety. Some people even give the turtle a lift, getting it away from vehicles.

Think of every single person as a turtle crossing the street of life. The only difference between individuals is that those who walk with the Lord get to the other side of the road. When the Believer is instructed by God to venture out, they need to step out onto the street. This despite the speeding cars and the slim probability of getting to safety. Being a caring Father, God will ensure safe arrival no matter the dangers that try to prevent that feat. He'll do whatever is necessary to ensure success as long as His child remains on the path He chose. This includes sending a helpful person to get you safely across if necessary. And in many cases, He'll help a child get back on track if they wander off.

In general, turtles move slowly! And this is because when God created them, they didn't receive the speed and agility of a cheetah. Now, imagine if a turtle was frustrated with its pace? What could it do in its own strength to change this? Nothing. This is why a road-crossing turtle settles into its trip and its speed. We must do the same as children of the Most High God and not think we can make things faster. Though our journey with Him might be slow, it is worth it. The pace creates time to grasp the large and small concepts He's teaching so they can be applied in a manner pleasing to Him.

Like the turtle, God's children can't worry about not seeing their surroundings or that the street is boiling hot and uncomfortable. They can't stress out about the giants whizzing by, ready to crush. They often can't even slow down to take stock of the others who've fallen off the same path. Instead, their focus has to be on getting to the destination.

As long as we trust and obey the Lord, He has promised to walk with us under all circumstances. We shall not only survive every challenge but we shall escape them unscathed (Isaiah 43:2)! Hallelujah and thank You, Father!

I pray you'll join us at 12 Noon EST today as we fellowship together in honor of the Lord Most High.

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There was a point in my life when I tended to roses. I'd bought them in a pot from my local hardware store and over a few years, I'd turned a small plant into a thriving bush that produced more roses than I knew what to do with. I'd spend time plucking pests off, washing it down with concoctions, feeding it things to ensure it grew healthily. At a certain point each year, I'd bring out my shears and snip off parts of the plant. To be honest, it hurt to do it especially while new buds sprouted. That was the approach experienced gardeners recommended but it made no sense! Why cut back a plant just as it's starting to grow and in some cases, thrive? Alas, I learned that was the only way to ensure that each successive rose season ended with even more robust flowers and a bush that could carry their weight successfully.

We hate to hear it, but God does the same thing with us. Just as you feel like you've got your feet stable in your walk with the Lord, He sets out to prune you. Suddenly, what seemed easy might be harder. What should be normal, requires more effort. And you cry out, "Why, Lord? Did I do something wrong?"

Consider John 15:1-2 - “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

It's possible you made a mistake somewhere that must be remedied. You might have slacked off on daily time spent with His word and in worship. Or, possibly committed a sin you are yet to repent for and continue to return to like a dog to its vomit (Proverbs 26:11). In that case, careful self analysis based on the Lord's scripture will help you determine whether you're being cut off or being pruned.

In the event the Lord is pruning you, then He's preparing you to carry more weight and be more robust in your service to Him during the upcoming season. Therefore, God's pruning may be because He expects you to come up higher, to no longer rely on the way you used to do things but to receive and accept the new ways He wants you to honor Him.

And why would any of this be necessary? 1 Peter 5:8 gives us a clue as it states, "...the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." The enemy has figured out the way you do things and has found a way or will find a way to interfere with how you serve and honor the Lord. When God prunes, He forces you to switch it up and not simply rest on your laurels. The pruning season teaches you different ways to pray, to praise, to tarry before the Lord. It teaches you a dogged resilience that you wouldn't get if you didn't feel that sharp pinch from God's gardening shears.

If you have been fruitful for the Lord, expect to be pruned. He does it so you continue to produce. As much as the pruning process is uncomfortable, realize that it is a good sign and part of the way the good Lord works to empower and strengthen His servants. Let God prune you. You'll be better off for it all in the end. Submit to His will and receive that snip. Job 22:21-22 - Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instruction from his mouth and lay up his words in your heart. May we obey, be pruned, and be blessed, IJMN, Amen.

Join us at 12 Noon EST of Tuesday for Praise & Pray (for others).

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