Have you ever faced a task that seemed insurmountable? Maybe there's an urgent need for your business but the funds are no where near what is needed to achieve the objective?
If your answer is yes, then you're in good company because the disciples of Jesus were in a similar situation.
In the feeding of the 5000 story, Jesus told his disciples to feed the people who'd gathered to hear Him teach. His men balked at the instruction. Not because they wanted the people to starve, but because "...[t]hat would take more than half a year’s wages! Are we to go and spend that much on bread and give it to them to eat?” (Mark 6:37).
The disciples couldn't imagine feeding the thousands gathered without spending what would have been a fortune for them. They couldnt see past their human understanding. However, Jesus had a very different plan for achieving this objective. His approach was supernatural. He took what the disciples had available - five loaves of bread and two fish, gave thanks for them, and put God's multiplication power into effect. Five thousand men ate, not including women and children. Plus, there were seven basketfuls of food left over.
And most of us do the same in business and life in general. The Lord will give you an instruction to do something but all you'll see are the limitations standing in the way. However, God knew those limitations would be there and clearly, He had a supernatural plan to ensure that the obstacles wouldn't stand in the way of you being successful.
We have to look past the physical, even in business, and trust the Lord to work a miracle for our companies. If we can believe God to heal, to solve legal issues and to show us favor in unfavorable circumstances, we can surely trust Him to do something unexpected in our businesses.
I pray that your faith in God will rise and you'll let Him work a miracle in your business today.