What sort of person are you? Can you be trusted to keep your word? Are you the person who shows up early for appointments? Do you show up on time? Or do you habitually arrive late for engagements?
The answers to these questions are especially crucial when it comes to business. If you are a person whose guarantees are not worth their weight, then that's a big problem. Particularly if you claim to be a believer.
We are told in Matthew 5:37 - All you need to say is simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Jesus Himself warned believers to be very careful about the promises they make, and to be the sort who simply say what they will do and then do it.
Matthew 12:36 tells us that we'll have to give account for even the idle words we speak. That bring the case, what more the commitments we make to others? Surely, we will have to account for those words as well before the throne of God.
Is there a project or task you promised to complete for someone that seems to be dragging on and on? It's time to honor your promise and get that work done. No matter what. Remember, the Lord has called us to do our jobs as if unto the Lord. We've also been told that our covenants and agreements with others must be kept. There is no more time to delay. Keep in mind, your obedience and observance of God's instructions could be the key to your next breakthrough.
May the Lord help us to be men and women of our word, who are trustworthy even when doing so hurts, IJMN Amen.