Have you ever met someone with what I call a 'sweet mouth'? This is the type of person who knows how to flatter. They turn on their charming persona and flash a mega-watt smile to get others to do what they want.
Often, we are unaware of these types and the power they wield because we fall under the proverbial spell of their sweet words.
People who flatter are very common in business and work environments. They use their ability to get ahead even when their skill and performance might not measure up. Some might even encourage others to use flattery to gain influence and make friends.
Do you know the Bible does not speak favorably of flatterers? Proverbs 29:5 tells us that those who flatter others are spreading nets for their feet. They therefore use flattery as a snare to trap people.
Apostle Paul taught in Romans 16:18 - For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people. Just as was noted in Proverbs, the apostle also highlights the deceptive nature of the flatterer.
As a Christian entrepreneur, it is crucial to stay away from those who flatter. We are told this in Proverbs 20:19 - He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets; Therefore do not associate with one who flatters with his lips. Avoid hiring them and avoid doing business with them. These kinds of people are deceptive and their goal is to curry favor when your attention is on them. This means that when you aren't watching, they are nothing like the impression they are trying to make/force on you.
And if you are the one who applies flattery to gain success, consider the following. You cannot claim to be a Christian and a believer in Christ if you make a habit of doing what displeases God. If it is favor you seek, do not use deception and lies to get it because we are warned in Proverbs 28:23 - Whoever rebukes a person will in the end gain favor rather than one who has a flattering tongue.
Also King David prayed in Psalm 12:3 that the Lord should silence everyone who flatters. Remember that David was a man after God's own heart and know that the petitions he made are still being answered till this day. Therefore, don't be the subject of such a prayer.
Lastly, remember the warning from Daniel 11:32. It warns that the devil will corrupt certain types of people and the tactic it will use is none other than flattery. Please do not be like the devil using flattery to manipulate for gain. And do not be like those who will be corrupted by the enemy because of their susceptibility to flattery.
God is more than able to bless His people so become and remain His child. Do as He has instructed, please Him and reap the rewards. There is no need to apply the sinful ways of the enemy to achieve the success God has already granted to His own.