Do you remember the story of Mary and Joseph? They were engaged to be married but somehow, Mary ended up pregnant and it wasn't Joseph's baby. Joseph assumed Mary had cheated on him but being a kind gentleman, he decided he wouldn't subject her to public disgrace. Instead, he made up his mind to quietly let her go in a way that wouldn't bring her any shame.
Before he could do any of this however, an angel of the Lord visited him in a dream and informed him that Mary never cheated on him. That in fact, the baby in her womb was not from another man. Matthew 1:20 - "...Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit..."
Joseph obeyed the Lord's instruction and stayed with Mary, becoming the father of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.
As I settled down to prepare for today's message, I was surprised when the Lord led me to this scripture and helped me understand that in many cases, a Christian's business is like a baby placed in the womb of a virgin. When the business idea was from the Lord it becomes just what the angel described - what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. And just like Joseph, those who have received such a divine gift must not throw that gift away but cherish it and do what is necessary to protect it.
Joseph became not only Jesus father but also His protector. An angel of the Lord spoke to him in his dreams informing him to take both Jesus and Mary to Egypt in order to escape from Herod's death squads. Herod, feeling threatened that the "king of the Jews" had been born, ordered that all boys aged two or younger in the area of Bethlehem be killed. After Herod died, the angel of the Lord instructed Joseph to bring his family back to Israel but to stay in Nazareth so that Herod's son, who'd taken over the reigns of rulership, wouldn't somehow find Jesus and have Him murdered.
Although Mary was given the gift of carrying a child born via immaculate conception, Joseph was tasked with carrying out the instructions that kept the child safe and ensured He grew and became profitable to God's kingdom. Thousands of years later, the work Jesus did continues to pay dividends today. If you have received a business idea from the Lord, be prepared to receive instructions that will allow you to build and protect the business to make it profitable. You cannot at any point forget that it was God who gave the idea and follow up instructions on how to make it work. After all, we are told in Deuteronomy 8:18 - But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.
Both Joseph and Mary knew they were caretakers of God's beloved Son and we can't forget that we are caretakers of whatever business or calling the Lord has placed in our hands. If we remember that He is the CEO, our business can remain profitable not only to God's kingdom but also to people for years to come. May the Lord help us to keep Him always at the forefront as we work on the businesses and other opportunities He has provided us, IJMN, Amen.