Recently, a potential business partner - one I'd been excited to work with - pulled out of our discussions without much explanation. It was a shock, especially as I'd sought the Lord's direction and had been prayerfully led to this company. I'd taken the time to research them and our preliminary communications had been fine. They seemed like a great fit. I continued to pray and seek God's guidance on next steps, and once received, I followed through. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, until...they weren't.
The morning after I got the bad news, my mind went to the issue and I felt defeated. Thoughts ran amok in my head. If this company wouldn't work with me, how would I find another? As a litany of tasks lay ahead of me, I didn't have the time to dwell on these issues. The other things on my agenda beckoned and I moved on to the rest of my life. Yet, I eventually had to come back to the problem - I needed to find another potential partner. I needed to start the search all over again. At least a month had been lost in the process with this last company. Then, the Lord pointed me to Isaiah 49:4 and something about it made me pause. There was something in there that I needed to pay attention to. Isaiah 49:4 - But I said, “I have labored in vain; I have spent my strength for nothing at all. Yet what is due me is in the LORD’s hand, and my reward is with my God.” Though written thousands of years ago, Prophet Isaiah seemed to have taken the words out of my mouth. He clearly understood the annoyance and frustration I felt. It seemed like I'd wasted time - labored in vain and spent my strength for nothing. Thank God the prophet's sentiment didn't stop there as He continued, "Yet what is due me is in the LORD’s hand, and my reward is with my God.” It is not abnormal to feel letdown and upset when things don't go the way we expected. It is not unscriptural to be sad in such situations. However, we must not forget that God is with us when we hit the proverbial bumps in the road. If we keep our gaze on Him, He will ensure we get what we are due. And what we are due is something very good! In fact, Isaiah 49:23 ends with the following assertion - "...those who hope in me will not be disappointed.” This means, no matter the hiccups we experience in life, as long as we continue to hold onto God and let Him guide us, we shall surely reap a great reward in Him. This is a promise He has made - a covenant He cannot renege on. I trust that there is a very good reason why things didn't work out with that company. I trust that the Lord has another company for me to work with. I know that, in His time, He will guide me to whatever that business is. Are you wondering why He would lead me to the first company if He knew things would end the way they did? In my walk with God, I've learned that He gives me tough situations to deal with for my good. If I didn't experience the challenges, I wouldn't learn how to deal with the ones that will show up in the future, now would I? Plus, I wouldn't have this personal experience to share here and possibly help someone else. Whichever way He tells me to go is how I will proceed because I have learned that He will always lead me aright, even if things aren't always as smooth as I'd like. Isaiah 40:31 - But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint (NLT). The key is to continue relying on the Lord when we experience those heartbreaks in business that will undoubtedly come. They come because we are dealing with our fellow humans who are just as imperfect as we are. It is crucial, nevertheless, to remember that He has a plan and His plan will work out for our good if we believe His word in Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. And with that in mind, I will shake off the disappointment of the past. I'm going to put it into a little box and seal it tight, never to return to it. When it tries to break out in order to make me doubt something in the future or make me feel insecure about whether or not God will indeed come through for my business, I'll swat those thoughts out of the way with God's word and stuff them right back into the box they belong in. I will remember, and declare, God's promise - what is due to me is in the Lord's hand. My reward is with Him and as long as I continue to walk with Him, I shall have all the good and the success that I am due. Because my God said so!