It should be no surprise that the Lord expects His people to be honest. After all, He said in Leviticus 19:11 ...Do not lie. Do not deceive one another. This warning is repeated throughout the Bible, indicating He takes it very seriously. Plus, He does not lie (Numbers 23:19). As it is not in His nature, it should not be in the nature of His children.
Despite this, human beings lie and it is an unfortunate reality of existence. People find increasingly creative ways to tell untruths and deceive others. These lies are peddled by individuals and larger groups for many reasons but no matter the basis, it is wrong by God's standard.
Every Christian must live by God's word and not the expectations of the society in which they live. Just because lying is accepted as a way of life does not mean Christians are to subscribe to that perspective. Even when lies provide an advantage. And as Christian business owners we must be especially mindful to not allow our business to use lies and deception as tools for increasing profit or reputation.
Proverbs 11:1 - The LORD detests dishonest scales, but accurate weights find favor with him.
This instruction is particularly for believers who are selling something to customers. Is the basis for the price of that product honest? Has the price been inflated to reasonably account for market increases or to gouge the end user? Does the product price fluctuate for family versus strangers?
It is not wrong to make a profit in business but if lies and deception are the launching pad for such profit, that violates God's rules and must be stopped. Many businesses use dishonest scales in their pricing and experience incredible profit. Their customers are none the wiser and don't complain. But, the Lord sees all things and will punish the disobedient. Just because the consequences have not been felt or are not obvious does not mean they are not already in effect. God has a way of giving people time to repent. Sadly, the wicked see this as Him closing His eyes to their wrongdoing and think He will never punish them. And as time goes by, their hearts harden to their sin and they carry on as if their lying is not a problem and never will be.
But sin catches up with every man and every business. Such consequences may reveal themself in the people who die suddenly within the organization. Or the aggressive diseases that show up from nowhere and have no cure. Then there are the families that fall apart in divorce or dysfunction. No manner of therapists can help with those because the source of the problem is dishonesty. And of course, there are the seemingly impeccable and profitable companies that suddenly implode for one reason or another. The only solution is to turn away from the wickedness of lies and deception that fuel the business and thus the lives of those running the enterprise.
May the good Lord help us to live for Him and according to His word in our entrepreneurial and personal lives so we experience increasing blessings, IJMN Amen.