We live in a world where shrinkflation has become acceptable. Corporations charge more for less and blame inflation though the economists tell us inflation is going down. It is hard to not assume that for certain organizations, inflation gets the blame for their choice to give people less so that they can make more money.
And because the average corporation isn't concerned with God's word they ignore the teaching of His servant John the Baptist who taught in Luke 3:12-13 - Even tax collectors came to be baptized. “Teacher,” they asked, “what should we do?” “Don’t collect any more than you are required to,” he told them.
John the Baptist told a tax collector to do his job of collecting taxes for the Roman Empire but placed a caveat - don't collect more than required. That would have made the tax collector a less productive one. And thus, put his position at risk. Yet that was the instruction from God's servant.
As people running businesses it is easy to bow to pressures to earn more profits and charge more than we should for our services and products. However, the question is, should we? Should we 'fleece' our customers the way we feel fleeced by the corporations that continue to raise prices on the products and services we need?
As a Christian, never forget the Royal Law. Luke 6:31 - Do to others as you would have them do to you. Also, remember what God said in Proverbs 20:23 - The LORD detests differing weights, and dishonest scales do not please him. We must be honest and measured in our pricing. After all, it is God who sends us customers, assuming we are praying for such, and we must treat them as we desire to be treated under similar circumstances.
Whether others behave differently and get away with it is not the issue. The question is what does God expect from you and are you willing to honor that expectation?
May the Lord help us to not just do what is good but to do the godly thing IJMN Amen.