Fasting is not a popular part of the Christian 'diet' and yet, in Matthew 6:16 and 17, Jesus said "when you fast..." That presupposes that fasting is something those who believe in Him should be doing. And regularly.
A recent discussion at Praise & Pray (for others) opened my eyes to the fact that I'd erroneously taken it for granted that believers fast on the issues affecting their lives, including their businesses.
Our businesses and careers are a significant part of our existence. In fact, the average adult person spends more time at work and on work-related matters than most things. Therefore, we must make time to fast about this area of life. And regularly.
One might think that prayer alone would suffice. However, as powerful as prayer is, the Lord Jesus noted in Matthew 17:21 - However, this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting. (NKJV). There, He was discussing a troublesome evil spirit that His disciples couldn't cast out of a suffering individual.
Similarly, there are evil spirits with the sole aim of creating chaos and struggles in our businesses. Mere prayer may not be all we need to destroy these elements and their plans. There will be time for and great need for fasting to achieve that goal.
I have learned over the years to not wait until problems arise before fasting on issues. I take a look at my life and the various aspects that are of importance, then fast on them. And Regularly. Even then, I still face issues but because I've prayed and fasted on them, I know the Lord will provide resolution. So, I can settle in for the journey to His desired destination for all areas of my life.
It is my prayer that this message will encourage you to stop and think about your business. No matter what stage it is in, it deserves your full attention right now. Humble yourself before the Lord and ask Him to move in miraculous ways. A key way to do this is to fast and pray for the Lord's presence in every part of your enterprise. And regularly.
God bless you.