The Lord is omnipotent, meaning His power is limitless. And so it shouldn't be a surprise to learn that He has multiplication power at His fingertips.
In the Old Testament, Prophet Elisha wielded that power for the benefit of Obadiah's wife (2 Kings 4). She was a woman saddled with her late husband's debts. She desperately needed to pay them off or her sons risked becoming slaves.
Elisha asked her what she had in her house and all she had was olive oil. He instructed her to gather jars from her neighbors and pour the oil she had into them. By a miracle, the small amount of oil she had filled up all the jars she had borrowed. Then, the prophet told her to sell the oil to make the money she needed. She obeyed once more and God freed her family from debt.
In the New Testament, Jesus exhibited God's multiplication power more than once. A primary example was when He fed 5000 men (Mark 6). He had asked His disciples what they had to feed the thousands who had gathered to hear Him speak. They replied they only had 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
Jesus took what they had, gave thanks to the Lord and a miracle occurred. The meager servings multiplied to feed 5000 men, plus the women and children who were present. And, there were twelve basketfuls of food left over.
That power is available for God's children today. All you have to do is lift up whatever you have to the Lord and give Him thanks in advance. Think of your skills - are you a good communicator or writer? Wherever your gifts lie, remember that every good and perfect gift comes from God (James 1:17). Therefore, acknowledge Him by submitting every one of the gifts He has instilled in you. Thank Him for them and ask Him to bring His multiplication power into effect as was the case for Obadiah's wife and the gathering that experienced the bread and fish miracle.
Ask for that power to not only transform your business but every aspect of your life. Then, being mindful of what you prayed for, walk as a person expecting that multiplication. Keep your eyes open. And as you see it fulfilled, glorify the Lord and testify to His goodness. Then, you will continue to experience His success.