For many, the word 'shrewd' has a negative connotation and the average person would not want to be known by that adjective. 'Shrewd' people are not always respected as there is a tainted quality to them and the techniques that brought them attention. For instance, one might imagine a cheat, grifter, or thief when that word comes up. However, shrewdness can also be defined as being discerning or perceptive enough to identify an opportunity and leverage it for your benefit.
Nevertheless, Jesus addressed the issue in the Parable of the Shrewd Manager in Luke 16. In that story, he said that the people of the world use shrewd tactics to gain friends and influence for themselves. He advocated that His believers be a bit more shrewd. In Matthew 10:16, He told His followers to "be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." Surely, the Savior would not have given such an instruction without reason. He wanted them to be shrewd in a godly and not world way.
But what does that mean for the Christian entrepreneur exactly?
We see shrewdness at work in the story of Joseph when he was Prime Minister of Egypt. The Lord granted him the interpretation of a key dream that Pharaoh had. Based on that, Joseph advised the king to store grain in anticipation of a seven-year famine. When that famine came, people eventually ran out of food. They sought a solution from their king who sent them to His deputy, Joseph, who controlled the nation's food storage.
It turns out that Joseph was a shrewd businessman. Genesis 47:14 - Joseph collected all the money that was to be found in Egypt and Canaan in payment for the grain they were buying, and he brought it to Pharaoh’s palace. In doing so, he made Egypt's king the richest man in the kingdom. He started by collecting money for food. Once the people's money ran out, they paid with their livestock. The following year, they paid with their land and their very lives, becoming Pharaoh's slaves. They also agreed to pay a fifth of their grain crop to Pharaoh.
Joseph systematically enriched his boss, ensuring he became wealthy in a period of famine and lack. That was a result of shrewd strategy received from the Lord to guarantee that he did well in his role as the de facto leader of Egypt. This success also blessed his family members who prospered in the land of Goshen where they acquired property while others lost theirs (Genesis 47:27).
Believers can also receive a shrewd strategy from God to secure business wins when others experience failure. To achieve this, they must seek understanding from the Lord rather than elsewhere. If not, an individual will apply worldly strategy which according to James 3:14-16 is wisdom that is bitter, envious, demonic, selfish, and evil. The believer must therefore root themselves in Christ and meditate on the Lord's word. They must live a righteous life, obeying God's instructions and making Him Lord over everything that concerns them, including their business.
God's wisdom will assure that a believing entrepreneur does not become a slave to Mammon and the insatiable quest for more money. This knowledge will also ensure that a business owner continues serving the Lord despite the temptation advancement brings. He will provide winning ideas and strategies that others cannot replicate. He will set the guardrails as to when a softer approach is needed. And when one submits to His approach, the blessings of the Lord will increase, descending from above without added toil. Proverbs 10:22 - The blessing of the LORD brings wealth, without painful toil for it.
That's how it was for Joseph who allowed the Lord to show him what he needed to know. That same God will help us serve Him through godly shrewdness and wisdom. All by His grace and to His glory, IJMN Amen.