As Christians, we must establish a relationship with the Holy Spirit because it is knowing Him and His voice that makes all the difference.
To understand this, consider the earliest church established in Jerusalem by the apostles shortly after the death of Christ. At some point, people were needed to distribute food to church members. The apostles announced that candidates must have two qualifications - they must be filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3).
In this day and age, most wouldn't imagine that the chief qualification for passing out food to people would be having the Holy Spirit. However, one look at the result of this approach highlights its success. Acts 6:7 - So the word of God spread. The number of disciples in Jerusalem increased rapidly, and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith.
Acknowledging the need for the Holy Spirit in even the insignificant tasks contributed to the church's expansion.
If we want the same sort of success, we should seek to work with others who acknowledge and listen to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we must seek out people filled with the Spirit of God to sit in positions within our businesses and organizations. And to achieve this, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit ourselves. That way we can be led by Him to the right individuals.
We can't afford to not apply this great gift from Jesus in our business life. It will ensure that our work is blessed to the fullest. Besides, the Holy Spirit imparts wisdom and understanding as stated in Isaiah 11:2. Both of which are desperately needed in all we do. The Lord will help us all.
Do you have a relationship with the Spirit of the Lord? Keep in mind, Jesus promised that all who believed in Him would receive the Holy Spirit to act as a Comforter, Teacher, Advocate and much more. If you believe in Christ and are yet to receive His promised Holy Spirit, take the following steps: genuinely repent for your sins, tell Christ you submit to Him and His instructions, and ask to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
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