One of our entrepreneurial P&P sisters shared on Tuesday about her recent experience with a dissatisfied client.
The Lord instructed our P&P sister to refund the money she'd received and she obeyed, thereby losing out on time and money.
I can only imagine how painful it must have been. I've seen pictures of this sister's work and frankly, the creativity and skill is amazing. Honestly, I was frustrated for her even though the situation didn't happen to me.
Dealing with customers is far from easy. Over the years, I've had to deal with customers directly. In person, on the phone and via electronically. Even now, I have to deal with people daily and that requires God's grace and discernment so I treat them with the love of Christ even when they don't do the same for me.
However, when we obey the Lord, He has promised that we shall enjoy the goodness of the land. Therefore, even in our businesses, we must strive to obey God's instructions. Only then can we guarantee the success we desire.
Now, our sister's testimony is still cooking but I believe God will reward her for obeying Him even though it must have been tough to do. I'll be sure to share an update when she shares her praise report. In the meantime, have you ever had a similar experience in business or simply at your job? Have you had to humble yourself in obedience to the Lord even when you weren't in the wrong? I know I've had to, and publicly. I'll be sure to share in the comments. Before we get to chatting, let's welcome the Lord into our discussion - Sovereign Lord, You are in control of everything visible and invisible. We call on You to guide our conversation. May we only share what You want shared that our speech and thoughts glorify You and not the things, strategies, and thought processes of the world, IJMN, Amen.
UPDATE (01/04/23) - Our P&P sister gave up an update approximately one week later - "My Doctor and my favorite Nurse donated to the charity and we were able to make our yearly goal. Praise God from who all blessings flow! The amount was triple what I refunded." Glory, Hallelujah!!! God is always on the side of His obedient children and our sister's testimony is proof. I pray you are encouraged to obey the Lord's instructions, IJMN, Amen.
So, let me share my experience. I once worked on a project and one of the girls had a very different personality to her. Not mean but it soon became clear there were some issues.
It also became clear to our coworkers that she paid me a lot more attention than others. I only realized when she showed up to work wearing what could have been a copy of what I'd worn the day before.
Things came to a head one day when out of nowhere she screamed at me in a conference room with the rest of the team. I had to stay quiet and stop others from chewing her out because as a born again Christian I had to behave. It was embarrassing.
So I went home, prayed and having seen her one more day, the lady stopped showing up. Turned out she quit. Why? I don't know. What I do know is that by obeying God to not defend myself, He took care of the issue. To Him be the glory.