We live in a fast-paced world where people are expected to make impulse decisions. Advertising encourages individuals to go with their gut and follow their feelings. This trend pervades all areas of society.
Christians, on the other hand, are not to do things the way the world does. In fact, Jude 1:10 tells us that it is unthinking animals who move instinctively. We have to stop and seek knowledge from the Lord. This is the very reason why God gave the Holy Spirit to those who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. It is no mistake that the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Knowledge. Neither is it a mistake that He is called the Spirit of Revelation, Understanding, Wisdom, and Counsel (Isaiah 11:2, Ephesians 1:17).
It is therefore folly to ignore the Holy Spirit and all that He has to offer. Besides, God is committed to telling His people what they need to know when they inquire of Him according to James 1:5. It is also folly to move without considering the warnings in the following verses:
Psalm 19:2 - Even zeal is no good without knowledge, and he who hurries his footsteps misses the mark. (BSB)
Psalm 21:5 - Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. (NLT)
Sometimes we get an idea from the Lord and move swiftly. That is not wrong. However, the scripture above makes it plain that our zeal is not a valid substitute for the knowledge and planning needed to do things properly. Keeping this in mind, we must therefore realize the importance of not running ahead of God. Instead, we must allow Him to guide our steps so He leads as the CEO of not only our businesses but our very lives.
And if God demands we move faster than we are accustomed to, we can trust that He will quickly give us the wisdom necessary to take each step toward success.
How do you know which situation you are in? Whether to move diligently or to gird your loins like Elijah and outrace the chariot? Again listening to the deposit of the Holy Spirit you received when you gave your life to Christ is key.
May we always seek God's knowledge and understanding so we never move with a zeal that does not include His wisdom, IJMN, Amen.