Jesus ministered for 3 years, healing many, resurrecting the dead, and teaching people to return to God.
And yet, when he died, his followers were low in numbers. Think about the average pastor or bishop you know today. They likely have more church members and fans than Jesus had.
Although this was God's design, those low numbers also meant hardly anyone tried to keep him from crucifixion during his lifetime. So, from our human perspective, it could be said that Jesus didn't have the most successful ministry.
And yet, Christ rose again, performed miracles, and taught some more. He then ascended to heaven in front of witnesses and since then, his 'movement' has gone on to touch billions of lives and remains one of the most important ways of life in the world.
What can we as entrepreneurs learn from this?
Simple - if we submit our business to the Lord, the way Jesus submitted his ministry and life, we shall surely witness success.
The religious and political leaders of Jesus' day thought they'd gotten rid of Him via His death. Instead, His death propelled rapid growth in believers. What these wicked men thought was a weed they could crush, blossomed into a thriving tree.
In light of this, I want to encourage you to submit yourself and your business to the Lord if you want long-lasting success. The world may look at your business and write it off as nothing. People may think it can easily be squashed under their heel. However, if, like Jesus, you submit what you're building to the Lord, He will miraculously bless the works of your hands and it will be established for His glory. It will remain standing in some way or another long after you are gone.
Don't let anyone tell you you're a failure. Not as long as you have genuinely submitted yourself and your business to the Lord. Just let God guide you. He'll tell you to take certain steps that won't make sense and might even look like a bad idea. Yet, every instruction from the Lord is to be obeyed because they will work out for your good.
I pray that as self-professing Christians, we will remember to allow God to build our businesses, knowing that they are for His glory and not our praise. I pray that just as He did with a submitted Christ, He will miraculously grow what others call nothing into something mighty that shows Him as the one and only God, IJMN Amen.