All around us are talks of recession and economic downturn. Open a newspaper, and you'll see that thousands are being laid off and large stores are shuttering locations across the country. The effect of inflation isn't helping things. Praise the Lord that He has promised His children that no matter what is going on in the world, He will take care of them. This is why God told Isaac not to run for Egypt during a time of famine. He obeyed, and despite the famine, he miraculously reaped a hundred fold from his farm when all around him was hunger and poverty (Genesis 26). Several years later, the hand of God was also on Isaac's son, Joseph, when he interpreted Pharaoh's dream and warned of a coming famine. The Lord had given Pharaoh this dream to warn him of the lean times to come (Genesis 41). Similarly, we Christians must listen and watch for God's instructions on the times to come so we can prepare adequately. The Lord has told us He will warn His people of the times to come if only they would listen (Psalm 81:8). This means God's children can and should seek Him for understanding of the times they are in. There's a reason why the Bible says the men of Issachar "understood the times" (1 Chronicles 12:32). They sought God for His wisdom. Given the current economic climate, this is a time to be very good stewards of all that God has provided. We should be like Joseph, who, as the Prime Minister of Egypt, stored grain so that when famine came, Egypt not only had food for itself but also for neighbors who were able to purchase (Genesis 41). How can we as believers prepare for the lean times? By first seeking God's knowledge about the times and being righteous stewards of what we have. We must look at our business expenditure and eliminate waste. Find free resources such as free printing at local libraries. Take advantage of sales when buying equipment and supplies. Cut back on unnecessary trips and treats while using technology to become more cost efficient. And of course, save where ever else we can. Take profits and either reinvest in the business - rather than blow it on a good time - or place them in savings. May the Lord grant us wisdom and foreknowledge so that, like Joseph, we will be well-prepared for the lean times.
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