Tithing is the act of giving ten percent of everything a person receives back to the Lord. And in this day and age, the issue has become a hot topic of debate. Many believe it is not a requirement while others tithe faithfully and testify to reaping benefits as a result. There are questions about where a person's tithe should go. Send it to the church? To a pastor? To individuals in need and the organizations that help them?
Personally, I believe in paying a tithe on all that comes in. There have been years where I've paid my tithe based on what comes into my hands monthly. There have also been times when I've paid a tithe at the end of the year, having kept track of every last cent that came my way so that I could give that money in honor of my God. I have given to the ministries that my family and I have learned from, certain spiritual leaders, the different funds at my church (there are funds for widows and other special designations), organizations founded on Biblical principles that spread the gospel, as well as groups that feed the needy. This approach has been laid on my heart by the Lord and I thank Him for guiding me to not only tithe in funds but to also understand that my time is equally a precious commodity that deserves to be given to Him primarily.
Now, let's get potentially more controversial and pose the following question - should businesses pay a tithe to the Lord? Let's take a look at scripture to understand more about this topic.
When Abraham rescued his nephew Lot after he'd been captured by a group of kings, he plundered and left with the spoils of war. He wasn't alone, having gone into the rescue mission with a group of 310 fighting men, all of whom claimed spoils of war for themselves. On their way back from rescuing Lot, they met Melchizedek, a priest of God, who prayed for Abraham. And we are told in Genesis 14: 20 that Abram gave him a tenth of everything. Abraham, then still known by his old name - Abram, gave a tithe to God's servant as a way to honor the Lord for what He'd done for him, his men, his nephew and the others who'd been rescued. It was a tithe upon all that he and his men had taken for themselves. He went beyond paying only a tenth on the spoils that were his but paid a corporate tithe.
Similarly, David paid a tithe on all the plunder he and his company of men gained after the battle with the Amalekites. 1 Samuel 30:26 - When David reached Ziklag, he sent some of the plunder to the elders of Judah, who were his friends, saying, “Here is a gift for you from the plunder of the LORD’s enemies.” Why would he give to the elders of Judah? To understand that, we must comprehend the historic role of elders for David's people. They were the ones Moses went to when God sent him to start the process of bringing the Israelites out of Egypt. They stood as the representatives of the people and worshipped the Lord when they knew that God planned to free them (Exodus 4:29-31). Also, when God came down at Mt. Sinai, the elders got an exclusive invitation to spend time with Him (Exodus 24:1). God had honored the elders of David's people and he chose to honor God by giving them a tithe on what he and his men gained in victorious conquest.
As business owners, we should learn from Abraham and David about the importance of giving a corporate tax - one that covers the profits our business makes. Through prayer and the guidance of the Lord, a business will know where that tithe should go for the glory of God and His kingdom. And as to the reason to give this tax? We must remember that the business we have came from the Lord and every amount that comes into it as profit belongs to Him. Besides, God's promise for those who tithe applies to groups and not just individuals as He made clear in Malachi 3:10 - Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the LORD Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. How about you test God in this and see if He won't open the gates of heaven to bless your business till there's not even enough room for all He gives?