Numbers 33 describes the stages of the Israelite people's journey from Egypt to their own land in Canaan. Each step marks a learning moment for the people, their descendants and those who have come to believe in God and His Bible. The Lord used each of those stages to teach something about Himself as well as the people.
For instance, Numbers 33:14 - They left Alush and camped at Rephidim, where there was no water for the people to drink.
This is no ordinary reference to a step in Israel's journey. Rephidim wasn't just a place with no water. It represented the place where the Israelites groaned against God because they had no water. They forgot that God had made a way for them in other places where good water had been unavailable. Rephidim also signified the place where the people witnessed God's mighty power as He brought water out of a rock. This moment taught the people that God could do anything - a lesson they should have learned already but it needed to be repeated, just as is often the case for many of us who believe today.
In business, just like other areas in our life, the Lord wants to take us through stages to bring us to the place He wants us to be in. He won't just drop us at our end point immediately. These stages can feature great successes but they can also involve failures. Whatever the case, God will use each stage to refine us and our business for His purpose if we let Him. When the successes come, we must glorify Him and when the failures arrive, we must glorify Him again remembering how He helped us in the past and trusting Him to teach us something from that low moment. Something that will help us on the journey to our next business success.
Bearing this in mind, we must be mindful of the warning to not despise the days of small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). It can be easy to see the success others enjoy and wish that for ourselves. This despite the fact God's version of success for our business could be very different. It can be tempting to take steps that we haven't sought the face of the Lord on and thereby make ungodly decisions for our business. However, if we remain mindful of walking with God and allowing Him to take us through His stages, we'll go from small to great at His pace and He will secure the promised land for us. Ensuring that our business grows and glorifies Him.
May we submit to the Lord's stages for our business and every area of our life. May we be open to learn from Him each step of the way and walk with Him into the promised land He has for us, IJMN, Amen.