When I settled down to write this, I asked the Lord what He wanted to teach. I was very surprised when I heard the common slogan - The Customer Is Always Right. I wondered what the scripture would say and was even more surprised by the verses the Lord led me to.
When dealing with customers, it is crucial to apply the Royal Law - treat others the way you want to be treated. Therefore, speaking with courtesy and tact - even when the customer fails to do the same - is essential. Maintain your calm at all costs and keep in mind, Proverbs 15:1 - A gentle answer quiets anger, but a harsh one stirs it up (GNT).
Sadly, you will encounter customers whose aim is to unjustly take advantage of your business. We all know these kinds and if we are to be honest, we might have done the same at some point (Lord, forgive us). In these cases, take the approach of Luke 6:29-30 - If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. If they do manage to take advantage, that is not the time to be vindictive. Call God into the matter and let Him defend you.
Sure, you are aware the customer is taking advantage of you but how you react will determine whether you are allowing God to have His way through you or reacting as would be expected in the world. The Lord has promised to deal with these types of people. Proverbs 20:17 - Food gained by fraud tastes sweet, but one ends up with a mouth full of gravel. Their 'advantage' will not last as long as you are walking with God and proclaiming His word over your business and yourself. You need to focus on doing what is godly and righteous. God will deal with the rest.
In fact, a sister from the Praise & Pray (for others) fellowship had a similar experience. While she never claimed the customer unfairly took advantage of her, she did note that the Lord told her to refund a customer despite that meaning she would lose out on the cost, time and profit made from that transaction. She obeyed and God quickly rewarded her with more profit than she could have imagined.
If you're thinking, how exactly am I ever to make a profit if I let people cheat me? How will my business thrive if I regularly apply the 'customer is always right' mentality? Personally, I've learned that people will always try to cheat and deceive me, mostly because of my faith. They assume I'm foolish and unwise to the ways of the world. Unfortunately for them, the Lord has repeatedly proven that He will protect me from such people, and when they think they've gotten away with their desire to cheat me - they'll quickly realize they failed.
Finally, when dealing with customers, avoid solving problems through the court. Of course, the court of law is understood as a means of achieving justice and remedying unjust treatment. However, consider the words of Apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:7 - The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? While this scripture speaks to individuals who are both believers, we can learn from it when dealing with non-believers. It is best to avoid the legal system where possible.
Keep in mind that many of the biggest businesses you currently receive services from have forced you to sign contracts that require mediation instead of a court case for the resolution of disputes. If you have willingly agreed to mediate with them, is it not possible to do the same in your business?
None of this means God is asking you to operate your business foolishly. He is the God who has promised to give wisdom to all who ask (James 1:5). He expects you to use wisdom in your business, so ask Him for it in order to deal with customers and others in a manner that pleases Him. We are told in Matthew 10:16 to be shrewd as snakes, yet innocent as a dove. However, many Believers place far more emphasis on being shrewd than they do on being innocent and therefore, blameless.
God's word and His Spirit will help us to be blameless so that when we are shrewd, it will not only work out for us but it will be pleasing to the Lord. IJMN, Amen. By His grace, when we struggle to apply the adage - 'the customer is always right - we will remember that God is always right and apply His word in dealing with them.