The Bible is full of instructions on how we Christians are to live. Consider, for instance, 1 Peter 2:17 - Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor. The verse is simple and uncomplicated, however, how many of us actually put it into practice?
The scripture begins with "how proper respect to everyone." Far too often, we look down on others who don't share our ideas and neglect to apply the Royal Law toward them. We might disregard the poor, believing they are lazy and need to work harder. Or, it could be foreigners who don't sound or look like us that we don't respect. We may be dismissive of those who are younger or less experienced. Yet, the word tells us to respect everyone and that leaves no person out. We therefore cannot create distinctions as to who we will or will not respect. Not even those who sin differently than us.
We are also told to "love the family of believers." Do we? Have we written off Christian groups because they don't have the spiritual awareness that we have in our group? Remember the Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector? Jesus taught that lesson to correct those who were confident of their righteousness and looked down on everyone else (Luke 18:9). Do we ever do that? Do we ever look at other believers in Christ, thinking we are better than them? Or do we instead pray for the enlightenment of all God's people so that the Body of Christ will grow in the knowledge of Him? Do we gently and lovingly share the word with our fellow believers so they learn through scripture and not insults?
Do we "fear God"? The Lord told us to not be afraid of people, situations, and things but instructed us to fear and revere Him alone. Isaiah 8:13 - The LORD Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread. To fear God is not just about saying we do but living like we do. Thus, we won't do and say certain things so as not to disappoint Him. The fear of the Lord prevented David from retaliating against King Saul who tried to kill him multiple times (1 Samuel 24). Do we allow our reverence for God to stop us from going to certain places or watching certain things? From retaliating in action or words when hurt or offended? Do we fear God more than we fear others?
Then there's the directive to "honor the emperor." How many of us despise our leaders and have decided they won't get our respect? Many ignore Exodus 22:28 - Do not blaspheme God or curse the ruler of your people. Hence, we have insulted and spoken poorly about our national, state, and local leaders. Maybe it's because we think they are hypocrites or not as smart as they should be. According to God's word, none of that matters. There are no exceptions to the rule. When you disagree with a leader, it is imperative to take that issue up with God on your knees. That way, you won't run afoul of His commands. His servant taught in 1 Peter 2:13-14 - Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. Notice this requirement to submit extends to your boss, the police, your teachers, and your parents.
We all make mistakes and that means that at some point, each of us has failed to abide by 1 Peter 2:17. But, glory be to God, He is a forgiving Father who seeks to redeem us from all sin and set us on the right path. The Bible says so in Psalm 23:3 - He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake (NKJV). Let us allow the Lord to restore our souls unto Him so that we may be in right standing. This can happen when we choose to change our ways and allow Him to guide us on the path of righteousness. If there's any group or individual you don't believe deserves your respect, today is the day to do better. If you do not love other Christians and do not fear God, today is the day to change. And if you do not believe you must submit to those in authority over you or that you should not insult and speak badly about them, it is time to reconsider.
And if you feel that this message doesn't apply to you because you are already doing well in this regard, then congratulations. Now, take a moment to think about how you can do even better. I know that if you take the time to consider this and call on the Lord to help you improve, He will surely do it for you. For He who called you unto Himself is faithful. He will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24).
Praise be unto You Almighty Father, for all You have done in bringing us together today. All glory belongs to You.
Thank You for the opportunity to give You praise and pray for other people. Please be honored, oh Lord.
Cover those who faithfully participated in honoring You this way. Please remember them for doing so. extend Your hand of grace, kindness and mercy to them.
Meet them at their points of need, remembering that they put their desires to the side to stand in the gap for others.
May they be richly blessed by You, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Who are we that we remain on your mind.
We don't know but we are grateful Abba.
What have we done to deserve your only son
We don't know but we are grateful Abba.
We thank you for not leaving us where you found us God.
We know we are always loved by you!
You are worthy, Jesus,
You are worthy.
You are worthy, to be glorified.
Hosannah in the highest!
From M22 - Thank you Father for today's word and fellowship. I pray Abba that we focus on you and not our circumstances. Help us to respect authority and everyone else around us. May your will be done in our lives IJMN amen
The instructions shared in 1 Peter 2:17 are straightforward but many of us can admit that applying them isn't the easiest. I want to encourage us all by saying it is indeed very possible to faithfully live by this verse. As I noted in a response above, I used to be rude to leaders. God helped me to turn my attention from them to Him. He taught me to spend more time praising Him and less time complaining about human beings. I couldn't have done it on my own because I'm not strong enough. He had to help me and I had to submit to His will.
God is no respecter of persons in that He doesn't play favorites with His children. Each of His children has an inheritance and can hold onto it if they let Him guide them to His goodness. Therefore, all you need to do is ask Him for that guidance and let Him do the work. He is more than able to carry you through.
So, let us pray -
Father, please help me respect everyone, love believers, walk in the fear of You, and honor those You have put in positions of authority. Help me to do these things by Your standard and not that of the world. Strengthen me, oh Lord, that I may obey You and reap the resulting rewards. All by Your grace and to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray that you help us to genuinely seek you for who you are and not what we can get! Help to decenter worldly desires and pleasures and focus solely on our relationship with you. Help us to work proactively in running this heavenly race. May we never grow tired. You said in Isaiah 40:31 that we walk and not be weary, we will run and not faint. Abba we hold on to your promises. Let your will be done in our lives IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people experiencing holiday/year end induced sadness. I pray that they experience your peace as they navigate the end of the year. I pray that you give them reason to celebrate before the year ends. I pray that you supply all of their needs and desires IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I lift up every region ravaged by conflict and war. I pray that you restore your peace in Phillipians 4:7 and order to those affected regions. I pray that you restore all that has been lost thousandfold. Abba you restored Job beyond his expectations and I pray that you restore this regions and their citizens ijmn Amen!
From M22 - Abba I thank you for sis @FFJ. A week has never gone by without her fulfilling your assignment in this community. I pray that you will continue to strengthen her, increase her anointing, I pray that you bless her, her loved ones, her job, her business and interests. I pray that you will continue to expand her in every ramifications IJMN amen.
Father, You have pledged to be not just a father but a good one to all who would let You Father them.
You have been outspoken about Your love for Your sons and daughters and have regaled them with love letters in the Bible. You have called them the apple of Your eye, Your jewels, and so much more.
Thank You for such intense love.
I pray that the weapons used by satan to cause people to forget how precious they are to You, are crushed to dust, IJMN, Amen. I pray that every word spoken over Your children that caused them to forget that they were foreknown and predestined, is destroyed today, IJN, Amen. I pray that every traumatic incident, every act of disloyalty and pain that caused them to close their hearts and refuse to see the love You have for them, is healed by the stripes of Jesus Christ.
Thank You, Jehovah Ropheka. Thank You, Jehovah Rohi. Thank You, the God who saves and loves beyond measure.
Glory be to Your name, Amen!
From M22 - Abba I commit my siblings into your hands. Help them worry less and seek you more. Abba please continue to take care of every challenges that seeks to overwhelm them. Open their eyes so that they may see and their ears so they will hear. Abba I pray for divine repositioning in their lives IJMN amen.
Lord, I lift up the financial needs of those gathered today.
Heavenly Father, Your word is in Haggai 2:8 - The silver is mine and the gold is mine,’ declares the LORD Almighty.
Therefore, there is nobody else to turn to for access to what belongs to You.
God, please lift up Peppers herein from their current financial state. May they experience a robust and abundant provision from You. May Your miraculous hand touch them so that their needs will be met and even more will be available for them to do Your good works in accordance with 2 Corinthians 9:8.
All by Your grace and to Your glory, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba as this year is going to an end, I pray that we will not encounter negativity in our lives. I pray that you will protect us as we go in and out according to your word in Psalm 121. Father, you neither slumber nor sleep , so we can rest easy knowing we are all crossing over with our loved ones and friends into year 2024 by your infinite grace ! Amen
From M22 0 Abba I pray for people that have lost a loved one or loved ones and have had to grieve. I pray Abba that you hold their hands as they process grief. I pray that you will comfort and strengthen them moving forward! Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people that have had a difficult year. Help them know that you are with them no matter what. Help them know that you have intricately crated every single day in their lives and you won't let them suffer. I pray year 2024 is a bigger, better and stronger year for them. I pray for breakthrough, testimonies, upliftment and elevation in their lives IJMN amen.
From M22 - Baba I pray for people in the waiting season. I pray that you will help them not be overwhelmed by fear, anxiety, external judgement and internal pressure. Let them be reminded by your promise in Isaiah 40:31, Isaiah 43:2 and Jeremiah 29:11. Help them know they will never wait in vain. Helo them know that you are holding their hands no matter the outcome and that your plans are best for them IJMN. Amen.
Almighty God. You are Good. Now and Forever. You are Faithful and True. Now and Forever.
Your word states in Psalm 30:2 - LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.
God, the enemy wants people to think that they will never receive Your healing for their ailments but in the name of Jesus, I stand on Your word and declare that the sick among us shall proclaim Psalm 30:2 with joy. Every arrow sent against their health, be it in mind, body or spirit shall not prosper. Your purpose for their lives shall be achieved to Your glory and by Your grace. Your promised fullness of life shall be their portion, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I lift up Peppers into your hands. Thank you Lord for giving the strength and consistency to worship for the last 48 weeks and counting. Thank you Abba for your promises over our lives. Thank you Abba for giving us the strength to intercede on behalf of others. Thank you Abba for testimonies, answered prayers and prayers yet to be answered. Thank you Abba because you have been intentional in our lives so far. Amen!
It is now time to petition the Lord on behalf of others.
You've taken the time to praise and worship and have thus entered His presence as stated in Psalm 100:4. DON'T WASTE THE OPPORTUNITY YOU NOW HAVE.
Put your needs to the side and lift someone else's needs in prayer.
Not sure what to pray about? Have you watched the news recently? Pray about something you saw. Inflation is eating into people's pockets around the world. Violence (hidden and overt) is destroying communities and families.
Pray for godly leadership. Call on God to help those in need. Think of something someone mentioned as a need here in P&P and ask God to do what only He can do.
Sometimes, it might seem like God is answering your prayers for others and not satisfying the desires of your heart as quickly. That just means what you're waiting on will be bigger than you asked for. That's what happened to Jairus (Luke 8).
In essence, you are in good company, especially if you serve as an intercessor. Keep praying for others. Your rewards will surely come and they will surprise you.
It is well.
From M22 - Abba I pray that you help to seek you above everything else according to your word in Matthew 6:33. Help us set aside every challenges and issues and focus on you because you Father have never stopped fighting our battles. I bless you Abba, I exalt you for never giving up on us. Thank you my Father! Amen!