What name comes to mind when you think of a Biblical person whose behavior you don't want to replicate? Is it the Pharaoh who refused to free the Israelites? Is it Haman, who sought to murder every Jew in the Persian Kingdom? How about the Sons of Sceva? They went around declaring the name of Jesus but didn't walk in the power of that responsibility. The result was a great embarrassment for them.
Think of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. They sold some land and pretended to give the entire proceeds to the church for the welfare of their fellow believers. At that time in church history, it was common practice for those who had more to sell their belongings and raise cash used to provide for others. In reality, however, the husband and wife had held some money back for themselves. That in itself was not a problem. The issue was that they acted pious in public, seeking to deceive Apostle Peter and their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Holy Spirit revealed their duplicity to Peter and Ananias died instantly for his attempt to deceive. When asked if the money presented was the exact amount received for the land sale, his wife lied, saying it was. She also dropped dead.
Through the experience of Ananias and Sapphira, the Lord taught the early Christians that nothing is hidden from the Holy Spirit. He also used the couple as an example of why all should obey His instruction to never deceive or lie (Leviticus 19:11). These lessons spread past the early believers according to Acts 5:11 - Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events. The fear in question here was the fear of the Lord and it spurred people to keep His commandments much more faithfully.
The list of individuals and groups we shouldn't imitate in the Bible is very long. We must remember that just as God used them to teach us what not to do, He can equally use any of us for the same purpose if we aren't careful. Studying and obeying the Word will help us avoid this predicament because it teaches us what to do and what not to do.
Even in this day and age, there are people whose experiences serve as cautionary tales of what not to do. God doesn't do this to be wicked or unkind. Remember, He has given everyone a choice to be either godly or ungodly in this story we call life.
What will you choose? To be an example of what to do or what not to do? My prayer is that nobody reading this message will make the sort of choices that open the door to becoming the sort of person whose behavior should not be emulated.
And if for any reason, you feel you could have become an example of what not to do, know that God is merciful. His mercies endure forever (Psalm 136:1, KJV). There is grace from the Lord to turn your life around so that you become an example of what it means to please Him. Simply repent for your sins and commit to obey the Lord. He will bless you, help you, and change your entire story. He will do these and more so that you won't be the poster child of what not to do. Instead, your life will be an example that is emulated to the glory of God.
Heavenly Father, thank You for another opportunity to gather in Your name and in Your presence. Hallowed be Your name. Thank You for bringing us together from different countries so we could worship You and stand in the gap for people.
Lord, as we go our separate ways, please remember us for our obedience in giving You due praise as well as praying for others. Meet each person who participated at their point of need. Wipe away their own tears and answer their personal petitions with speed and power whereby it is clear it could only have been You!
Thank You in advance for being the Prayer-Answering God. Thank You for being the Steadfast God. Thank You for being He who loves us all completely.
IJN, Amen.
From CMC - Hi family, late posting today. It’s been a hectic day at work, but very thankful that I made it here today! Just wanted to share a song, that I listened to last night. I haven’t heard in years.
Wishing everyone a very blessed weekend, and yay for the last month of the year! Thankful for all trials of this year.
From M22 - Abba father, as we gradually approach the holiday season. I pray for your protection, preservation and security over everyone of us and everyone seeking you for protection. I pray that you protect us as we go in and out every single day. Thank you Abba for shielding us IJMN amen.
From M22 - Abba I thank you for sis @FFJ . May she never grow weary of being your vessel. Strengthen her as she continues to work for you Abba. Bless her, her family, her business, job and interests. I pray that you will continue to expand her and this community IJMN amen.
From BI - I pray for charities and all who support the under served. May Abba grant them more resources to help others. Lord, meet the at their points of need. I pray that those that have been richly blessed will extend kindness to those without. May evil decrease and may charity and compassion increase all to Your glory, Lord IJMN Amen.
From AC - Abba, I thank You for what You have done for our M22 and we continue to plead Your supernatural, transcending peace upon her. We bind and cast out any thoughts of depression and anxiety, and pray for a sound mind focused on the eternal hope we have in Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:13) May You be her comfort and bless her with Your strength and Holy Spirit power. In Jesus' name, I pray, Amen.
From M22 _ Abba, I pray for couples waiting in you for the fruit of that womb, may they rejoice this new year as you bless them with beautiful and healthy babies. Help women carry to term successfully and help them deliver without complications. Help them nourish and nurture this babies IJMN amen.
From M22 - Heavenly Father, I pray for people in the waiting season. I pray that you remove every form of doubt, sadness, comparison trap and unnecessary fear from their hearts. Help them hold on to your promises in your word and especially in Isaiah 40:31. Help them know your plans for them are of good and not of evil and they will rejoice in the end IJMN amen.
From BC - This month I’m welcoming in an abundance of peace, health and joy!
Special prayers for a friend who lost his mom last week.
From M22 - Abba, as the holiday season approaches, I pray for your abundant provision in the lives of individuals and families lacking in any area of their lives. I pray that you send helpers their way. I pray Abba that you supply all of their needs through your glorious riches IJMN amen.
Ananias and Saphira teach us that we cannot keep a secret from the Lord and He will reveal it through the Holy Spirit. The consequences will typically not be enjoyable.
It is therefore important that our private lives and public images align so we aren't hypocrites. Thank God, that once we give our life to Christ, we are washed clean and become new creatures. However, if we don't endeavor to stay clean, then we can slowly become the sort of hypocrites that God uses to teach others what they shouldn't do.
Take a moment and think about your life. Is there something you are doing that you know could become an example of what not to imitate? If so, repent now. Remember repentance isn't just about feeling sorry. It is a conscious choice to stop doing something and do the opposite. Think of the small changes you can make so that you are actively choosing to not return to that sin. Yes, sometimes you will have to put in some effort to stay free from sin.
Let us ask the Lord to reveal to us what we need to change to be more pleasing to Him and to not become like Ananias and Sapphira.
Heavenly Father, we thank You for the grace and mercy You show us. Thank You for being kind to us and our loved ones. Thank You for today's lesson that there are no secrets with You. Help us, good Father, to live lives that please You. Open our minds to the things we are doing that put us at risk of being examples of how not to live or what not to do. As You show us, Lord, please also show us how to eradicate these behaviors from our lives, so that we are living examples of Your goodness, mercy, and presence. IJMN, Amen.
Oh God, You are He who created the Heavens, the earth, the sea, and everything in them (Acts 4:24). Glory be to You oh Lord.
Great and mighty King, John 14:27 states Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
Abba Father, the devil sows seeds of chaos all over the world, seeking to foster confusion in a world that needs Your peace.
However, You oh Lord are in control of everything. You are the Creator and Psalm 24:1 states The earth is the LORD's, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.
Dear God, we pray for Your peace to come down. A peace that can only come from You. In nations across the globe, we pray for Your peace. We pray oh Lord for kings and those in authority at all levels of society so that Your children may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness (1 Timothy 2:2). IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba I pray for people stuck in abusive situations. I pray that you send individuals, organizations, the government, churches, communities and leaders to rescue these individuals. I pray that you restore their sense if safety, confidence and trust. I pray Abba that you help them as they heal and process every form of trauma they have endured. IjMN amen.
Help us Father God that we may do as You will
Help us Lord to be obedient to You.
Help us God to answer Your call, IJMN, Amen.
Open the eyes of Your children, dear Lord, that they may see what You want them to see.
Open the ears of Your children, good God, that they may hear what You want them to hear.
Open the mouths of Your children Almighty Redeemer, that they may say what You want them to say.
Guard the sheep and keep them, marvelous God, from the wolves in sheep's clothing. Lead them to true shepherds that will lead them and keep them in You. Just as Jesus did for the disciples, keeping them safe, save for the one that was prophesied to fall.
IJMN, Amen.
From BI - Lord, I Lift sis @AC, sis @ketys, sis @B2, sis @MFC JO, MM, IS, DM, JB, DK, KL, JL, DL, HL and all in need of healing. Abba, You are the greatest Physician. I pray that You heal them in mind, body and spirit. I pray every bone, organ, blood stream and cell bow to the authority of Christ and by His stripes, they are completely healed. Lord, turn their tests into testimonies and put a new song in their mouths. Pour out Your mercy and grace upon them. May the mantle of good health and long life rest upon them IJMN Amen.
From M22 - Heavenly Father I lift up children, I pray that you continue to shield them from violence, harm and abuse. I pray that you continue to nourish, nurture and protect them Father. I pray that everything they will continue to do as they grow will contribute to the advancement of your kingdom on earth. Help them to not be overwhelmed by worldly distractions. Help them as they continue to run their heavenly race. IjMN amen.
Oh, Heavenly Father. Thank You for being Jehovah Rapha. You are the God who heals and I worship You for this greatness. Glory be to Your Holy Name!
Lord, Your word states in Jeremiah 30:17 - But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the LORD, ‘because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.’ Your word also states in Isaiah 38:16 - Your words and your deeds bring life to everyone, including me. Please make me healthy and strong again (CEV).
Good God, we know that the enemy wants Your children to fear but Your grace is sufficient to cast down such imaginations and thoughts. And when armed with Your word, we are armed with Your promise, a covenant You cannot break for You are He who cannot lie.
I speak Your word over those looking to You for healing. Lord, You have promised to restore Your people to health and to heal their wounds. As Your people call on You to make them healthy and strong again, I say thank You in advance for Your healing grace upon their lives. Good Lord, You alone shall get the glory for what You have done for them, IJMN, Amen.
From M22 - Abba, I thank you for everything you are doing concerning the conflicts in this world. Thank you Abba for your mighty hand moving over each conflicting parties. Thank you Abba for very step you are taking towards truce and settlements between every parties involved. Thank you Abba for the truces, settlements and agreements. IjMN amen.
From M22 - Thank you Abba for another fellowship day. Thank you for every single PEPPERS. Thank you Abba for ushering every single one of us into the last month of 2023. Thank you Abba for consistent prayers, praise, worship, intercession and fellowship. Thank you blessed Father for accepting our offerings and answering our prayers. IjMN amen.