What name comes to mind when you think of a Biblical person whose behavior you don't want to replicate? Is it the Pharaoh who refused to free the Israelites? Is it Haman, who sought to murder every Jew in the Persian Kingdom? How about the Sons of Sceva? They went around declaring the name of Jesus but didn't walk in the power of that responsibility. The result was a great embarrassment for them.
Think of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5. They sold some land and pretended to give the entire proceeds to the church for the welfare of their fellow believers. At that time in church history, it was common practice for those who had more to sell their belongings and raise cash used to provide for others. In reality, however, the husband and wife had held some money back for themselves. That in itself was not a problem. The issue was that they acted pious in public, seeking to deceive Apostle Peter and their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
The Holy Spirit revealed their duplicity to Peter and Ananias died instantly for his attempt to deceive. When asked if the money presented was the exact amount received for the land sale, his wife lied, saying it was. She also dropped dead.
Through the experience of Ananias and Sapphira, the Lord taught the early Christians that nothing is hidden from the Holy Spirit. He also used the couple as an example of why all should obey His instruction to never deceive or lie (Leviticus 19:11). These lessons spread past the early believers according to Acts 5:11 - Great fear seized the whole church and all who heard about these events. The fear in question here was the fear of the Lord and it spurred people to keep His commandments much more faithfully.
The list of individuals and groups we shouldn't imitate in the Bible is very long. We must remember that just as God used them to teach us what not to do, He can equally use any of us for the same purpose if we aren't careful. Studying and obeying the Word will help us avoid this predicament because it teaches us what to do and what not to do.
Even in this day and age, there are people whose experiences serve as cautionary tales of what not to do. God doesn't do this to be wicked or unkind. Remember, He has given everyone a choice to be either godly or ungodly in this story we call life.
What will you choose? To be an example of what to do or what not to do? My prayer is that nobody reading this message will make the sort of choices that open the door to becoming the sort of person whose behavior should not be emulated.
And if for any reason, you feel you could have become an example of what not to do, know that God is merciful. His mercies endure forever (Psalm 136:1, KJV). There is grace from the Lord to turn your life around so that you become an example of what it means to please Him. Simply repent for your sins and commit to obey the Lord. He will bless you, help you, and change your entire story. He will do these and more so that you won't be the poster child of what not to do. Instead, your life will be an example that is emulated to the glory of God.
Heavenly Father, thank You for another opportunity to gather in Your name and in Your presence. Hallowed be Your name. Thank You for bringing us together from different countries so we could worship You and stand in the gap for people.
Lord, as we go our separate ways, please remember us for our obedience in giving You due praise as well as praying for others. Meet each person who participated at their point of need. Wipe away their own tears and answer their personal petitions with speed and power whereby it is clear it could only have been You!
Thank You in advance for being the Prayer-Answering God. Thank You for being the Steadfast God. Thank You for being He who loves us all completely.
IJN, Amen.