Have you ever seen the videos of couples where the wife reveals that her husband took too long to marry her? Have you ever noticed the bitter undertone in her voice?
Some Christians, male and female, have that same bitterness toward the Lord. King Asa's story is a cautionary tale. That and Job 22:21 - Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you (ESV).
There are many reasons why this attitude may arise. One is because you've walked with God for years and have long waited for something you feel you prayed for or were promised by Him. You might be a faithful church goer who even fellowships with the brethren outside of Sunday services. From all appearances, you may seem to be a serious Christian. However, at your core, you're bitter toward God and feel let down. You've decided to 'stay' but you've become spiteful toward Him. The things of the Lord no longer bring you joy and have become routine. The other blessings He provides don't quite matter because He is yet to do what you value the most.
This message is not for everyone but if you suspect you are bitter or becoming bitter, the solution is to desire a change of heart and attitude toward God (Psalm 51:10). Why is the onus on you to make a change and not on Him? Simple. He is God and thus perfect in all His ways (Psalm 18:30). He loves all those He created but that doesn't change the reality that everything about Him is higher than you (Isaiah 55:8-9). Ergo, the one who needs changing is you.
Put bluntly, please humble yourself before Him (Micah 6:8). While the Bible tells God's children to approach His throne boldly, it doesn't tell anyone to come to Him in pride (Hebrews 4:16). Indeed, pride is a precursor to shame and is not appreciated by the Almighty (Proverbs 11:2).
The devil whispers lies that plant bitter seeds in people's hearts so don't give in. Where you have, it is best to repent for succumbing to such attitudes and fast and pray for grace to change. Ask Him to remove from you what does not resemble Him (Psalm 139:23). Pray for a new heart and spirit. Plead that things be the way they were when you first fell in love with Him (Psalm 51:12). Identify then fight every thought and attitude that fosters bitterness and heed the warning in Isaiah 45:9 - “Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker..." Remember, He uses waiting to deepen the relationship with His children and strengthen their faith.
Although He is patient, nothing good can come from fighting the Lord. May we always know our place and seek to be in right standing with Him. May every root of bitterness be uprooted that we may know peace, IJMN Amen. Please, brother and sister, do not be bitter toward the Lord. Let our God finish what He is doing in and for you, that you may become a well-fashioned tool for His glory.
Fellowship starts at Noon EST and I pray you will join us today. God bless you.
To learn more, please click the hyperlinks included in the message and read:
Praise be to the God who made this hour of worship and intercession possible. Hallelujah to His Holy Name! Thank You God for the victory our fellowship represents. To You be all the praise.
Thank You Lord for teaching us not to be bitter. I pray all will heed the caution exemplified by the experience of King Asa and others who did not shift their perspective toward You.
As we have prayed for Your help, I want to thank You in advance that You have heard and answered us. Thank You for Your grace and mercy. We know Your Holy Spirit will remind us of today's lesson when we risk going astray. Help us God, to guard our hearts and minds from the lies that seek to cause us to be bitter and turn away from You. Grace to keep our eyes on You and keep praises on our lips at all times.
Be glorified in our lives now and always, IJMN, Amen.
While today's message might not apply to everyone, it still carries a valuable lesson for all believers regardless of where they are in their walk with the Lord.
Don't allow bitterness toward God to gain purchase in your heart.
The only person who gains from your bitterness is satan. It relies on it to drag you away from the Lord where your safety is. The devil is focused on pulling as many human beings to hell and it is our job to make choices that will not give satan what it wants.
So, if you have even a little bit of bitterness in your heart, please join me in prayer. If you have not experienced bitterness toward the Lord, then, please pray against it and pray for those who are struggling with this issue.
Heavenly Father. You are higher than the highest. Bigger than the biggest. You are King of kings and Lord of lord. God above every other god.
I come before You today, acknowledging that I have harbored anger and bitterness to You. I confess that it is unjustified because You are my good God who loves me and deserves my best. I repent for having ill-feelings toward You and call on You to kindly forgive me.
Lord, I pray now for grace to receive understanding on what led to the bitterness I felt. I call for insight so I see where I gave into my flesh and believed a lie or illusion. Help me to not fall for the schemes of satan again. Help me to live in accordance with Your word so that I walk into Your promises and blessings for me. Help me to guard my heart for out of it comes the issues of life. Help me to remember that the heart is deceitful and so I need Your word and Your Spirit so that I am not governed by false feelings and emotions. Help me Lord to live in joy. Pour Your oil of joy on my head and restore to me the joy of Your salvation. Give me a new heart and spirit and train me to use the mind of Christ that was given to me when I gave my life to You. Thank You God, for hearing this petition. Thank You for answering it. Help me to walk knowing that I am Yours and need never be bitter because You are leading me to Your expected end, IJN, Amen.
Good God, You are the Almighty. Nobody compares to You. Father, thank You for hearing my prayer for people that they come to a knowledge of You as You promised in Jeremiah 24:7. Thank You for giving people a desire for You. Thank You for whetting their appetites for more of You. Thank You for letting hearts clamor for You. Thank You for kindly pouring out Your Spirit on all mankind in accordance with Your word in Joel 2:28. Be glorified, Lord our Redeemer.
Now and forever more, IJMN, Amen.
fROM JIR - Lord I pray for those who have yet to experience You to have a supernatural experience in where they can’t deny You. I pray that You reveal Yourself to them in a major way and remove the scales from their eyes. I pray that You envelop them in Your love and glorious presence. I pray that they are so awestruck by You and Your presence that they turn to You and radically give their lives to You. Please stir their hearts Lord to seek You with every inch of their hearts. IJMN. Amen.
Lord, I lift up the situation in Eastern/Central Africa and the growing instability there. I also lift up the political uncertainty stirring and at work in the Western block of the continent.
Father, thank You for the word states, and I believe, that the earth is Yours, inclusive of the heavens, the seas, and everything within them (Psalm 24:1). Therefore, who else would I go to when it comes time to pray about this earth?
God, Jesus taught us in Matthew 24:6 - You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Thus, I am not afraid when I see what He already told us would come.
Still, You taught us to pray for all men, so I call on You to please still the turmoil of the nations per Psalm 65:7. I call on You to drag down and replace those who instigate and cause the spilling of innocent bloodshed for Your word is clear on what happens to these types. I pray that the evil forces before the atrocities and deaths will be exposed and that their influence will be destroyed. Please God, have mercy. Bring Your respite and peace to those who need it and are praying for rest from war and instability, IJMN, Amen.
Lord, it is with a heavy heart that I lift up the loved ones and all those affected by the recent aircraft disaster at Reagan National.
Father, I pray for the hurting and mourning. I pray for grace and strength to be given to them in this season.
I pray that their mourning will be replaced with the oil of joy (Isaiah 61:3). I pray they receive comfort as that was the promise Jesus made in Matthew 5:3. Please God help them.
I also want to pray for all the air traffic and travel workers across the country. Please help them as well for this is a difficult time for them. Strengthen them in this season and pour out Your compassion upon them and their families.
Thank You, Lord for the responders who have worked tirelessly to recover bodies so that loved ones will have a last moment with those they lost. Please keep them safe and protect the operations that will investigate what happened. Father, I pray, IJMN, Amen.
From JIR - I pray for the homeless and the poor. Please bless them with provision, shelter, and the strength, love, comfort and peace to get out of their current situation. Please bless them to seek You, call on You, pray to You, speak with You, and build a relationship with You, Lord. Please bless their faith, hope, belief, love and trust in You to strengthen. Please watch over them Lord and protect them from the elements and bless them with shelter. Please bless them to know that You care for them, You love them and that You are watching over them. IJMN. Amen
From JIR - Lord, I pray for the families and loved ones of those who died in the plane and helicopter collision yesterday are comforted and wrapped in Your love. I pray the garment of paise over their lives for the spirit of heaviness. I pray over them the oil of joy for mourning. I pray that You have mercy on the departed souls and take them in Your bosom, Lord. IJMN. Amen.
Let us now pray for the needs of other people.
If you are new here, we spend the next 25 minutes praying for others. We do not pray for our needs during this time.
Think of someone you know who needs God's intervention. Lift them up to the Lord the way you would have prayed for your own issues. Call on Him to help them.
Then repeat.
Lord, I want to thank You for helping one of our sisters who was looking for employment. Thank You for ushering her into a new job. Thank You for the grace You have shown her. Glory be to You alone, God.
Good the Provider. God, our Salvation.
Thank You so much for answered prayers and mercy. To You be all the glory!
From JIR - Lord, what a privilege to be called Your own. I’m in awe of You. IJMN. Amen.
God, I want to take a moment to thank You for being the God who has promised to always rescue His own. Thank You for being Him who took me by His righteous right hand. Thank You for knowing from before I was in my mother's womb. Thank You for ransoming nations for me. Thank You for turning the world upside down for me and mine.
Thank You for making me a witness of Your might.
From JIR - “Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like thee, glorious in holiness, Fearful in praises, doing wonders?”
Exodus 15:11 KJV
I exalt You to the highest Almighty God. IJMN. Amen.
God, my Helper. Thank You for granting me joy. Thank You for showing me mercy. Thank You for Your love and kindness.
Father, words will never be enough to adequately honor You with praises and thanksgiving.
Thank You nevertheless for the chance to try.
Miracle Working God. Thank You!
From JIR - The I AM that I AM. I thank You Almighty God. You give me hope and a future. I thank You Almighty God. Hollowed be Thy name. I thank You Almighty God. You brought me out of the darkness and into light. I bow at Your feet and worship You, Your Majesty. You and You alone are the Almighty God. At the mention of Your name demons tremble at Your feet. Sovereign, Almighty God, Creator of all things how can I live without You. You are Everything. I need You Lord. You are the source of my strength. IJMN. Amen.
Mighty God, who is like Thee?
You are great and greatly to be praised.
My God who is indefatigable. My God is wonderful. My God who is the I AM.
Glory be to You, Father.
Thank You for this opportunity to step into Your presence with praises.
From JIR - Thank You Lord for not only being Sovereign, Supreme, Almighty and Powerful but for being Loving, Gentle, Patient and Kind. We are nothing but dust but yet You are so invested in us and love us so much that You sent Your only begotten Son as a sacrifice for our sins to be forgiven. You gave us authority over the enemy and dominion over every animal on earth. Who are we that You would be so Kind and Loving to mankind. I thank You Lord for creating me. It is an honor and privilege to call You God. I am so grateful and will worship and praise You all the days of my life. Withholding nothing. IJMN. Amen.
Welcome to another day of praise and worship!
Join me in giving God the praise.
There is so much to be grateful for, so let's not waste any time.
From JIR- Thank You Lord for breathing life into us this morning. Thank You for every breath in our lungs that You provide to us. We are utterly grateful for Your grace and mercy. Thank You for guiding us in here for fellowship and to receive another edifying message. Lord we need You. Thank You for never forsaking us as we wait patiently for your promises for us to come into fruition. We love You Lord. IJMN. Amen.
Thank you sis @FFJ for today’s message. It has taught me to always fear and revere the Lord and have patience no matter how long it takes. Just like father Abraham, Moses and king David waiting years for their promises to be fulfilled in abundance. I pray we never question God ever again and we realize He is perfect and His timing is perfect. He can’t fail and He is good. Thank You Lord. I praise You and worship You. IJMN. Amen.
ETA: I am traveling to my sister today and am at the airport as I type this, so I may not be as active today during fellowship. I will try though! I pray today’s fellowship is an impactful one. IJMN.
From xdeactivate - I’m extremely bitter. I just felt when I needed help the most, no one was there for me. But when I hear the little voice in my head to help someone, I do it and the favor is never returned. Nowadays, I just avoid people altogether.